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*lots of fluff warning* 💘💘

After Misha woke up from her long nap she came down to an empty house. She went to kitchen to drink some water and saw a note on the fridge form Rebekkah
Gone to the grill... Wanted to wait for you but considering your day I'll let you pass this time. Will be back soon.
She smiled looking at the note and started to prepare for dinner. Misha was craving something Indian but decided against it as she invited Rebekkah to her home it would not be appropriate to force her to eat something she never ate before so she settled on pasta.
Just as her pasta was ready Rebekkah came in
“Finally you are awake. I was worried for a second there” she said to Misha. Misha just laughed. “I made pasta for dinner... I hope that's okay?” Misha told timidly. Rebekkah looked at her and happily nodded her head to Misha's relief. After dinner Rebekkah opened a bottle of wine which she bought... well compelled as Misha's house lacked alcohol. Rebekkah offered her some but she politely declined telling her truthfully that she does not drink. Rebekkah was surprised but did not force her. After finishing her drink Rebekkah went out to get a real drink. Misha laughed and asked her politely as to not kill anyone. Misha then went to her room to correct certain test papers of the students.
Misha was so lost in her work that she did not even hear Rebekkah enter the house. She went to check on her and found her in her room sleeping. She smiled and returned to her room. She checked her phone and saw the time it was just around midnight. Misha grabbed her headphones and she was just about to start music when she received a call from an unknown number. She hesitated but picked up the call.
“Hello” she said
“Hello love” said the beautiful voice on the other side that makes her heart flutter everytime. Misha smiled widely
“Nik, how are you?” she asked him making his undead heart skip a beat as she used her nickname.
“I'm perfectly fine love, how about you?”
“Tell me honestly, how did you get Rebekkah to give up my number?” Misha questioned him making both of them laugh
“You underestimate me my Little Witch, I can be very persuasive when I want to be” Nik said, she laughed again. Her laugh made Nik smile widely
“I heard you offered Rebekkah to stay with you” said Nik again
“Well yes I wasn't going to let live Rebekkah alone with save Elena cult while they called a hunter that is hunting your entire family... But its good that I invited her to stay with me... Because after the stunt they tried to pull today on me they would have definitely tried to harm Bekah!” Misha ranted angrily
“What do you mean pulled a stunt on you... What did they do?... I'm going to kill them all if they even touched a hair on your head” Nik said seething in anger
“Relax Nik... But its good to see you care... Even when you are threatening someone I cannot deny that you are a big softie” Misha joked making Nik scoff
“Not the time for jokes love, what did they do to you?” Nik asked in all seriousness. Misha then went on and explained the day's events to Nik.
“You are beautifully evil my little witch” Nik said after hearing about the punishment she gave the scooby gang. Misha giggled at his statement.
“I'm going to take that as a compliment Nik” Misha said still laughing.
“It was meant to be a compliment Ms.Kapoor” Nik said.
“I don't have to worry about them for at least a week now” said Misha exhaling dramatically. Nik laughed at her dramatics. She started talking again
“Well where are you? And how is your hybrid army? Still going strong with you as their leader?” Misha joked
“Ouch love, are you underestimating my dominating skills?” Nik replied still laughing
“Oh no definitely not... How can I underestimate your skills of dominance” Misha replied in a sarcastic tone but continued “not that I have seen those skills myself but still absolutely not doubting that”
“I'm very willing to show you love” Nik flirted. Misha's eyes went wide and her face turned red and her breath hitched.
“what happened little witch? Cat got your tongue?” Nik joked again smirking as he knew the effect he had on her.
“umm... No sorry I... I was drinking water... Yes! I was drinking water” Misha lied not so smoothly making Nik burst out laughing
“Sure” said Nik
“You never said where you are” Misha asked him changing the topic
“I'm still on the road making hybrids as I find warewolves” Nik answered
“cool... So when are you planning on returning?” Misha enquired
“Aah good to know someone misses me” Nik replied with a cocky smirk on his face. Misha scoffed again and replied “Yes... Rebekkah misses you” Nik laughed at her reply
“And here I thought my little witch missed me” Nik said again with a smile
“well... She does” Misha replied in a very low voice. Nik's eyes went wide he wasn't expecting her to admit it so boldly.
“Well sweetheart, You don't have to wait much... I will be in Mystic Falls soon my Little Witch” Misha smiled and squealed in excitement Nik laughed at her excitement but was surprised “I must say my love, you are the only person I have seen in my long life who is this excited to see me” Misha's heart again skipped a beat as Nik addressed her with my love. “I don't know why” Misha admitted again her voice just a whisper. “I don't know why Nik but you make me feel something again. The moment I looked into your eyes I knew that I could trust you” she continued “you are like coming up for fresh air Nik... It doesn't matter to me what you have done in your past. I had lost all hope for feeling like this but you somehow managed to take my mind off the haunting thoughts of my traumatic past. Misha was in tears now. Nik sensed her vulnerability and how he wished to leave everything and run to take her in his arms and comfort her. In this moment Nik realized that his feelings were no more of friendship it was something more. This feeling was new to Nik all he wanted was to be near Misha comfort her make her laugh and be there to keep her safe from everything and everyone. He wanted to keep her in his arms save from the world. He wanted to roam his hands her beautiful wavy brown hairs and drown in her vanilla scent
“Misha” was all he could say.
“Nik”replied Misha there was a comfortable silence between them until Misha yawned. Nik chuckled and broke the silence
“you should sleep my little witch... You have had an eventful day. I will talk to you later”
“Yes my big bad hybrid. I will sleep now... Hope you accomplish your mission. Goodnight Mr. Mikaelson” Misha said.. And Nik cut the call after a few moments of silence. Misha the  drifted into sleep.

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