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Misha and Klaus were engrossed in passionately kissing each other when they both heard someone yell
They both looked at the person yelling and Misha's eyes went wide and before she could react to anything Klaus had the man pinned on the wall by his throat, "Who are you and how are you inside the house?" Klaus growled
"Nik stop!!" Misha said, her voice however very low. She yelled again "Niklaus Mikaelson, leave him please!" Klaus looked at her and she nodded. Klaus sighed and dropped the man.
"What the hell man! First you dare to kiss my sister and then you almost choke me to death!" The man said.
"Now this is an interesting turn of events" Klaus said with a smirk, amusement clear in his voice. Misha shook her head and then proceeded towards her brother. "What are you doing here Reyan? And how in the hell did you get inside?"
"Well you are not a genius at hiding things, I found the key underneath the doormat" Reyan mocked her.
"Well how can I be! I learned from you after all" Misha snarked. Klaus chuckled from behind and moved to wrap an arm around Misha's waist but Misha swatted his arm away and cleared her throat creating distance between Klaus and herself. She intentionally stood between her brother and Klaus both of them glaring at each other.
Reyan was a typical big brother, protective of his sister. However being Indian made it a lot worse, it was very uncommon in India to stay with a man before marriage or engagement.

[A.N. The book is set in tvd time period which means a decade ago. So that time live in relationship or any kind of romantic relationship were considered a scandal in most families in Indian culture. However now times have changed. So please don't frown while reading. I'm trying to show some aspects of old Indian culture in Misha and her life]
"Now what is this going on here? Is this why you came to Virginia? To make out with men!!" Reyan questioned Misha furiously.
"Watch your tone mate, or I'll have to rip out that tongue of yours" Klaus warned Reyan. He didn't like the tone Reyan was using to talk to Misha.
"Nik please, don't. Let me handle him please" Misha said to Klaus in hopes of calming him.
"First of all you get of this house" Reyan said to Klaus. Misha was now angry.
"No! He isn't going anywhere. Nik sit down!" Misha ordered Klaus. Klaus looked at both of them but sighed and sat down on the couch. He didn't want to anger Misha.
"पहली बात रे! यह मेरा घर है!
(First of all Rey! This is my home)
Misha spoke to Reyan in hindi language which Klaus had no idea about. He looked at Misha as if she herself was an alien. Misha then again started to talk in hindi
"और दूसरी बात! तुम यहाँ किस लिए आए हो?
(And secondly! Why are you here?)
" मैं तो यहाँ तुम्हारे साथ रक्षाबंधन मनाने आया था! तुमहे सरप्राइज करना था! मुझे क्या पता था तुम मुझे झटका दोगी!
(I came here to celebrate Rakshabandhan- (an Indian festival that celebrates the bond between the brother and sister) with you! I wanted to surprise you! Didn't knew you would give me a shock!) Rey answered equally irritated.
Suddenly Misha and Rey both heard coughing. They turned around to see Rebekkah and Kol near the couch staring at them.
"What the bloody hell are you both talking about?" Questioned Kol.
"Kol, Bekkah! When did you come here?" Misha asked them startled by their arrival.
"When you were talking to whoever that man is, in God knows what language!" Rebekkah answered.
"Oh yeah, guys this is my brother, Reyan... Rey these people are my family here... Rebekkah, Kol and you have already met Klaus" Misha introduced them to each other. Suddenly a knock came from the door. Elijah was standing on the door unable to get in as he was never invited in before. "Elijah! Please come in" Misha said realizing quickly that he needs to be invited in. "Rey this is Elijah. Klaus's big brother"
Reyan looked at them and smiled a tight lipped smile. He looked at Klaus again and made a face. All the siblings noticed this and looked at Klaus "Already on the bad side of girlfriend's brother Niklaus?" Elijah joked, Klaus scowled at him and answered, "its not my bloody fault that he saw us making out."
Kol and Rebekkah groaned Irritatedly "could have been better without the details Nik!" Kol remarked. Elijah cleared his throat again and looked towards Rey, "Nice to meet you Mr. Kapoor. Forgive my brother's manners please."
"Nice to meet you three" Rey said specifying three to make it clear that he was talking about Rebekkah, kol and Elijah. Klaus chuckled not trying to hide his laughter.
"Rey, why don't you settle down in the guest bedroom. You had a long journey not to forget the image you saw that will haunt you forever." Misha said trying to get Rey out of the room. He nodded and Misha showed him towards his room. She came back and sat beside Klaus. "Sorry you had to see all that" She said making all of them laugh.
"It was very much better than Mikaelson sibling reunion" Elijah chucked. Misha laughed and nodded her head. She sighed and laid her head on Klaus's shoulder and Klaus wrapped an arm around her.
"I'm sorry Nik. We Indians aren't used to seeing our siblings making out. And my family isn't particularly fond of the idea of me having a boyfriend." Misha said in a low whisper but she knew all of them heard. Klaus said nothing but placed a few kisses on her forehead and the crown of her head.
"Okay, why are all of you here?" She questioned them.
"You said there was an emergency" Elijah answered.
"Oh yeah, it is an emergency, but can we discuss it in the morning please. I have a brother to deal with right now and a little festival to celebrate tomorrow morning. I will see you all by 10? But Kol and Elijah,.. I suggest you stay here because the scooby gang can try to attack at any moment. Bekkah if you like you can sleep with me. And Nik... You can take the couch!"
"Hey I should be sleeping with you" Klaus said with a pout. Misha just rolled her eyes choosing to ignore the comment.
"Kol, Elijah I'm sorry, but unless you want to be attacked by the white oak stake; you have to share the room just for tonight." She said to Kol and Elijah, both of them clearly not intrigued by the idea. "And Kol refrain from using my brother as a blood bag or I will give you a headache that will last at least a century" Misha warned Kol and went to her room without looking back.
Everyone went to their respective places to sleep.
Klaus groaned in annoyance as he had to sleep on the couch. But in reality Klaus was missing Misha's warmth, he was missing their late night talks. He missed how she traced the outlines of his tattoos so delicately. He missed how she brushed his hair when he layed his head on her chest. He missed playing with her hairs and inhaling her beautiful scent. He missed her lips. This was the first time that Klaus wasn't so keen on just having sex with a woman. He was allowing Misha to take her time. He did not want to haste her. He was completely satisfied by just being able to hold her closely. His mind was lost in thoughts of Misha when Misha suddenly came around and laid on him. He smiled wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her. He kissed the crown of her head and inhaled the beautiful strawberry scent coming from her hairs.
Misha placed a gentle kiss on Kalus's neck and then on his jaw and then on his collarbone. She kept kissing him until she heard a light grunt from his mouth. She looked at him and smirked.
"Don't tempt me love, you know I lack patience" Klaus said with a cocky smirk. Misha laughed but said nothing instead placed a loving kiss on his lips. Klaus kissed her back. This kiss was slow and full of love. They pulled apart smiling. He then kissed her cheek and pulled her into his chest.
"Mmmm... It's nice like this" Misha's voice was barely even a whisper. "Yes it is love" Klaus replied in equally low voice. They both stayed in that position for at least half an hour. Misha reluctantly stood up "I have to go to my room. Rey will go nuts if he sees us like this once again... And I'm sure I don't want him to break his own hand while punching you" Misha said. Klaus chuckled a little but stood up and hugged her. "It's alright I'll be here when you wake up" Klaus mumbled into the crook of her neck. They unwillingly broke from the hug and went to sleep.
Next morning Misha woke up early. She knew today was their festival she decided to wear something traditional for atleast the ritual in the morning. She opened her closet and unpacked a traditional outfit which was still packed in her bag. She went to take a shower and got ready. She lightly curled her hairs. And put on some light makeup.

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