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"You are due for a checkup" Agnes said. Misha was sitting with Agnes in the living room while Rebekkah was busy searching an attic that Davina was supposed to be in. Agnes was trying to persuade Misha to go for a checkup.
"Well what am I supposed to do, drop in the quarter? A pregnant warewolf nothing here to see!" Misha retorted.
"No honey, I know a small clinic in the bayou, the doctor is also aware of supernaturals so she is a much better option than a regular hospital." Agnes reasoned.
"Many will kill to have the children you are carrying, seems like you are not taking enough care of yours." Rebekkah said to Misha. Rebekkah was slightly jealous, it was and still is her wish to have a family of her own. Misha knew this therefore she didn't mind the comment.
"Okay fine! Bayou baby doctor it is!" Misha finally complied. Agnes left shortly telling her she would pick her up at 6.
"I'm not going alone! Katherine you are going to follow me without being seen. I don't trust these damned witches." Misha announced and Katherine nodded. Misha was contemplating the idea of breaking the link between her and Sophie, so they can't use it against her. She was as usual sitting in the library reading different grimories of Esther when Klaus came in with a milkshake. Misha looked at him with so much love that she didn't even knew existed. Klaus gave her a smile and kissed her forehead. He sat beside Misha and told her that Kol is almost successful in locating Davina.
"Why do you want Davina so much?" Misha questioned him.
"Well she is the most powerful witch here, I would like to have her by my side." Klaus answered without a second thought.
"Hmm... If she is 'the most powerful witch here' then what am I?" Misha growled.
"I didn't mean to offend you my little hybrid, you are an absolute queen sweetheart. You are my Queen. Davina is the key to handle Marcel. Marcel will be easy to handle if we manage to get to Davina." Klaus answered.
"I don't think so" Misha said.
"Why?" Klaus asked her.
"Well Marcel saved Davina, so for Davina he is the person fighting for her life. If you try to control Marcel while using her, she would hate you and all of us. And to be honest, I think Marcel by now would have already told her the horrors of the Mikaelson house, so I think we should keep Davina out of it all. And from what I have read, Davina has so much magic because the harvest is incomplete,and trust me, these witches will not leave Davina alone until she sacrifices herself."
"So you are saying we stop chasing after Davina?" Klaus asked.
"No I'm saying we don't USE her. She was used by her own ancestors, she is still used by Marcel, even if it is in the guise of help. I'm saying she is just a teenager afraid of death, we should not use her for anything. Her impending death is ticking like a time bomb, we must leave her in peace." Misha answered to Klaus.
"If you put it that way..." Klaus trailed off.
"I have an appointment today in some stupid bayou clinic, Katherine will  follow me, I don't trust the witches." Misha informed Klaus.
"Okay love, keep your phone with you and if you feel anything wrong just give anyone of us a call." Klaus said and pressed her lips on the side of her head.
"This is a clinic?" Misha said when she reached the clinic. It was a shabby house deep in the bayou. Misha found the place really sketchy and gripped her mobile phone more tightly. She had all the Mikaelsons on speed dial.
"Yes, lets go" Agnes said. As they reached inside Agnes told her to go and meet the doctor while she would wait out.
The doctor did a sonogram and other regular tests.
"Your twins are healthy" Doctor said with a smile.
"Yeah, they are tough like their family." Misha replied with a slight smile.
"Your blood pressure is a little higher, so I'll give you something for that" Doctor said and turned around. Misha from the door saw some cars coming and Agnes talking to some men while pointing at her. Misha cursed under her breath and got up.
"Umm... You know, I'm not very good with pills, I'll... I'll just leave now." Misha said trying to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Yeah well even I'm not good with pills that's why I'm going to give you an injection." Doctor replied and Misha's eyes went wide. Just when she was about to put the syringe in Misha's arm Misha overpowered her and jacked the syringe in her neck and banged her head on the nearby table. She immediately locked the door and then jumped out of the window. She looked at her phone and texted Rebekkah. She was running when the men found her, some of them were attacked by Katherine and some ran behind Misha. Misha maybe pregnant but she was trained in the hand to hand combat by the originals themselves, she was far from helpless. She broke a nearby tree brach and shoved it in one of the man's stomach. She jumped up and gave a kick to another one when Rebekkah came and fought a few.
"There are more of them go! Katherine and I will handle, just go!" Rebekkah yelled to Misha. Misha was about to run when few arrows hit Rebekkah directly in the heart and she passed out. Misha was running in whatever direction her legs were taking her suddenly a wolf came out of nowhere and bowed in front of her. Misha was surprised but she didn't get time to react as an arrow hit her on the shoulder and she passed out.
Not very far from her, Katherine gained conciousness and she pulled the arrows out of Rebekkah's heart and immediately called Klaus.
"Where is she? Where is Misha?" Klaus asked as soon as soon as he got out of the car.
"I don't know, I had multiple arrows in my heart" Rebekkah answered equally frustrated.
"They snapped my neck magically." Katherine answered. Just when Klaus was about to say something, they heard a wolf howl.
"Is that a wolf howling? Maybe they know where Misha is, afterall she is also a warewolf" Rebekkah said. They went towards the sound when halfway they saw a battered Misha walking towards them. She looked tried and her clothes were soaked in blood.
"Misha! Are you okay love? Tell me what happened?" Klaus asked with concern as soon as he saw her.
"I don't remember clearly, but there was a wolf, it bowed before me... And.... And then I passed out I guess" Misha said wrapping her arms around Klaus's torso. Klaus hugged her back and kept a firm grip on her waist seeing her very tired state.
"Just wait till I get my hands on Sophie..." Klaus seetehed in anger.
"It was Agnes! And before I forget, tomorrow I'm breaking the link with Sophie" Misha said.
"You don't have a single scratch on you!" Katherine said inspecting Misha's body for injuries.
"Its the babies... The blood of your children healed you" Rebekkah said in complete awe.
"Great, can we go home now, I'm not sure I can stand anymore." Misha said. Klaus gave the keys to Rebekkah and sat in the backseat with a sleeping Misha. He kept stroking her head. Klaus was no stranger to fear, but this fear that he felt today for the safety of her children and soulmate was very different. As they reached the house Elijah and Kol went beserk seeing her battered state, but they all agreed they would deal with the attacker next day. Klaus took Misha to her room and laid her down on the bed. He went to the bathroom and brought out a wet towel and a bowl of warm water. He cleaned Misha's body of dirt and dry blood and changed her clothes. He gave a little kiss on her bump and went to sleep as well.

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