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Misha was standing in the middle of her house in India with her step mother.
"You dare show your face here! Is your new 'family' as you call them, tired of you already?" Her mother gritted through her teeth.
"I just came to see you. You may not be my birth mother but you raised me as your own daughter. I call you 'Maa' and I do love you." Misha answered as her voice cracked.
"You are a coward! You left me with your schizophrenic brother and look where that lead me to. I'm dead! He killed me! He killed me because of you! YOU LEFT ME ALONE! YOU ARE A COWARD!" Her mother kept screaming as Misha stared at her mother with wide eyes. She didn't know what to do.
"You are not dead! You can't be dead! If... If you are dead... How can I see you?" Misha asked herself.
"I'M DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Her mother screamed once again. Misha looked down to realize her baby bump was gone. She stared at her stomach horrified.
"My babies! Where are my children?" Misha asked.
"You really think I would have allowed that bastard kids of yours to live? He killed them! Just like he killed me. You brought shame to the family, I would never have allowed those bastards in the family." Her mother answered.
"NO! NO! You are not my mother! My maa would never do this! Where are my children?" Misha asked once again trying to keep herself standing.
"Then who do you think I'm dear Misha Griffith?" Misha's mother asked tilting her head.
"I don't care who you are! You killed my babies! And I'm gonna kill you" Misha seethed and charged forward to kill the woman looking like her mother.
"You can't kill me dear Misha! I'm already dead." The woman mocked her. Misha muttered a spell giving the woman making her blood boil like lava, which had just little effect on her.
"Oh dear, I created that spell." The woman laughed at Misha's attempts to hurt her. Misha looked at her and gasped in, surprise, "Esther!" Misha said.
"Hmm, you are smart... A little slow, but it's okay. Now that introductions are over. I have to kill you. I cannot allow you to live. You see I like you dear, but if you live you and Niklaus will be able to continue this unnatural bloodline. It's against the balance of the nature. I cannot allow you to do that." Esther said calmly circling around Misha.
"You can't do that! You are dead. This... This is an illusion, or a nightmare. You are not real!" Misha mumbled.
"Believe what you may my child, but you are not getting out of here alive" Esther said with a smirk.
"Then bring it on Esther! I'm not going down without a fight!" Misha said and jumped in the air and kicked Esther hard in the stomach making her fall back. Esther started to mutter a lethal spell but Misha was quick, she stood up and kicked Esther again breaking her concentration. Esther gave her a painful aneurysm which knocked her out of her breath. Misha muttered a counter spell and collected herself and stood up. She ripped of the leg of the coffee table nearby and hit Esther in the head as hard as she could. To her relief Esther fell down unconscious.

Misha heard the cries of the babies far away, but she could not locate the exact direction from which the sound was coming. The cries grew louder and louder as Misha reached the room of her brother. She saw her brother Rishi holding a knife above her little girl's crib and she screamed.
"Rishi No! No please don't!" Misha yelled at her brother and pushing him away from the crib.
"They must die! We cannot allow their bloodline to survive!" Rishi said almost chanting the same dialogue again and again. Misha could not see the face of her children. It was like her vision was blurred. But she could see everything else clearly just not her children. Misha slammed her brother's head in the wall nearby knocking him out.
Misha was hyperventilating, she had no idea how she was back in India, how Esther was alive, how she was unable to see the faces of her children and the biggest question was when did she give birth? Misha's head, was swarming with all these questions when she spotted her journal from her teenage years. She calmed herself and opened it flipping its pages. But she couldn't read anything. She was unable to read anything. The words seemed to fall down the journal. Misha looked around and screamed as loud as she could... But no voice came out of her.
"This is not real! I have to get out of here!" Misha said firmly and stood up taking her children in her arms. She still couldn't see their faces, but she would never leave them behind.
Misha saw Esther stirring so she hid behind.
"Misha! Snap out of it love!" She heard Klaus's voice. She looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. She was scared not for herself, but for her children. She cradled both her kids, holding them as close as possible.
"Open your eyes my little witch" Klaus's voice instructed her once again. She did not understand as to what he meant by that. Her eyes were open. Then she realized she was in a nightmare! She had to find a way out of here. She ran out of her house with her children but Esther yanked her back by grabbing her hair and bashing her head in the nearby wooden cabinet. Misha muttered a spell that threw Esther away.
"I'm not dying here Esther, neither are my kids! I'm going to get out of this nightmare you have pulled me into!" Misha said with determination. She ran to her room and jumped out of the window running away from her house.
"Please my love, come back to me." Misha heard Klaus's pleading. She ran towards the voice as fast as she could. She was in the middle of a clearing which was very wierd considering there is no clearing near her house in India.
Misha tried to scream once again but couldn't. She kept trying again and again.
"NIK!" This time her voice came out loud.

"NIK" Misha's loud scream woke him up. Misha sat up frantically looking around.
"Misha, love whats wrong?" Klaus asked.
"Where are the children?" Misha asked unaware of being snapped out of her nightmare.
"Shh love, it's over, it was a nightmare. Calm down love, see you are still pregnant." Klaus told her bringing her close to his body.
"She tried to kill us! Esther, she tried to kill me and our children." Misha cried.
"It was a nightmare! It's over. No one is here. You are safe, our children are safe. Esther is dead sweetheart. Just a nightmare." Klaus repeated again and again.
"My mom! She is dead! My mom is dead!" Misha cried once again. She got out of Klaus's grip and picked her phone and called her mother. She didn't care that they were currently not on talking terms. She just wanted to know that her mother was okay.
"Maa?" Misha whispered in relief as soon as her mother picked her call.
"मीशा? कया हुआ बेटा?" (Misha? What happened kid?) Misha's mother asked sensing her daughter's such scared voice.
"माँ तुम ठीक हो?" (Mom are you okay?) Misha asked her mother.
"हाँ मैं बीलकुल ठीक हूँ॥ तू ठीक है? कोई बुरा सपना देखा तूने?" (Yes I'm very okay. Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?) Misha's mother asked.
"हाँ माँ॥ बहुत बुरा सपना था॥" (Yes Maa. It was a horrible nightmare.) Misha answered.
"कोई बात नहीं मेरा बच्चा॥ मैं ठीक हूँ, सब ठीक है॥" (No problem my child. I'm fine, everything is fine.) Misha's mother assured her.
"ठीक है माँ॥ मैं बाद में बात करती हूँ॥" (Okay Maa. I'll talk to you later.) Misha said and cut the call. She shuffled closer to Klaus and wrapped her arms around his torso and clung to him like a child.

Klaus was scared due to her girlfriend's such scared state. She had a nightmare of Esther while Klaus had a nightmare of Mikael!

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