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After last nights mental exhaustion. Misha woke up not in a good mood, but when she saw herself snuggled in Klaus's arms her mood instantly perked up. She looked at him and smiled. Misha knew she was falling in love with Klaus but she had no idea that Klaus felt the same or not. She gently traced Klaus's cheekbones and jawline with her finger. Her fingers were outlining his lips when Klaus opened his eyes and smiled at her. She smiled brightly at him and pressed a feather light kiss on the corner of his lips. Klaus's lips twitched upwards in a smile making his dimples peak out. Misha kissed on his dimples. She then snuggled and buried her face in his strong chest.
"Are you ready to tell me, what happened last night love?" Klaus asked her.
"I'm not ready, just yet... And besides, let me enjoy the moment. I like being here... With you, in the moment, right now I'm happy". Misha answered him smiling.
" Hmm... Then we must always stay like this." Klaus said with a smirk.
"If only we could", Misha sighed sadly.
" So now tell me, what's on the agenda today? Is Matt taken care of?" Misha asked looking up at Klaus.
"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. We didn't have to take Matt, after you left Stefan called me to babysit Alaric...and I found another stake lying on their table. Then I snapped Alaric's neck and Stefan beat him to bring out the psycho Alaric. Rebekkah then took him to Lockwood caves where he hid the stake. And that's how all the white oak stakes are destroyed." Klaus explained her last night's events.
"I missed a lot of action" Misha joked.
"We are leaving town tomorrow... Tonight we have to attend the decade dance which Rebekkah practically forced me to!" Klaus said and Misha froze. She looked at him wide eyed, she wasn't expecting him to leave town without her. Yes her house was in Mystic Falls, but as she always believed home for her is where people she loves are. She instantly stood up and went into the bathroom. Klaus frowned at her reaction. He had no idea that she totally misinterpreted his words, When he meant 'we' he meant all of them including her.
Suddenly her phone rang and she came out of the bathroom and saw it was Rebekkah.
"Yes Bekkah, I know about the decade dance I teach in that school and please pick out an outfit for me. I'll see you at decade dance." Misha said in a single breath and cut the call. She looked at Klaus and smiled, however it was totally fake, "Klaus, you heard Rebekkah. You should go and pack. I'll see you later." Misha said to him and went to take a long hot shower without waiting for his answer. Klaus sat their shocked, he was now totally confused but eventually got up and went to the mansion.
Misha came out of the shower and saw Klaus gone, she looked at her bed to find a beautiful flapper dress. She smiled at the thought of Rebekkah and went to the kitchen. Misha ate some cereal and went to high school. She saw school totally decorated. She checked on her students and some formalities. After her day ended she went back her home. She took a short nap and woke up fresh and started to get ready. Misha was mentally disturbed by Klaus's descision of leaving. She was overthinking of all the reasons why he didn't ask her to come with them. She thought may be she was just an attraction to him. All these thoughts were running wild in her mind all day. She finally got ready and looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.

Misha's outfit and acaccessoriesMisha reached the school to see Klaus and Croline dancing

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Misha's outfit and acaccessories
Misha reached the school to see Klaus and Croline dancing. She was already overthinking and this just added fuel to the fire. Klaus wasn't aware of her presence and was busy trying to mock Tyler by dancing with Caroline. He had absolutely no interest in her. He was in love with Misha.
Misha's eyes pooled with tears. She said nothing and went past Klaus. As soon as Klaus saw her walking he left Caroline and followed Misha, "Misha! Love, why are you ignoring me?" Klaus stopped her. He saw tears in her eyes and forrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't know... Maybe the fact that you don't miss a chance to flirt with Caroline... Or the fact that you so easily declared that you all are leaving... Or the fact that I didn't mean anything to you" Misha said accusing him.
Klaus moved a little towards her and held her face in his palms looking into her eyes he spoke, "love I wasn't flirting with Caroline, I was just trying to get to Tyler, and about leaving, I clearly remember saying 'we' are leaving that includes you as well sweetheart. Did you really think after everything I would leave you behind?"
Misha was now embarrassed at her own self. She was feeling guilty of accusing Klaus. She looked down suddenly finding her shoes interesting.
Klaus sighed and spoke again, "my little witch, you mean so much to me. You mean so much to my family. I will never leave you behind Misha Kapoor."
Misha looked up into his eyes and spoke, "I'm sorry... It's just that I don't want to loose you all. I had no one to hold me when I cry, I had no home... And when I found that one person who felt home in my house, she left me. And I was alone, again, with no one to care about me. Now when I found you, I'm scared... I'm scared you will leave as well. This time I won't be able to handle it. It will ruin me!"
"I'm not leaving you! I promise you 'always and forever' sweetheart. I promise you I'll not leave you and neither will any of my siblings." Klaus promised her and kissed her. The kiss was short lived but held certain meaning to both of them.
"Now, would you care for a dance my love?" Klaus offered his hand to her. Misha smiled and took his hands. They went out and danced laughing and giggling at Klaus's attempts to joke.
"Where is Bekkah? She organized the dance, yet I haven't seen her here!" Misha asked. They both went to exit and saw a line of salt which acted as a barrier to stop all the supernatural creatures inside the school.
"Your Mother is back" Stefan said from behind. Klaus glared at him and went into a classroom. Misha worked with Bonnie to locate Esther and remove the barrier. As soon as the barrier lifted.. Klaus sped Misha and himself home. Klaus brought back Esther's body and removed the dagger from Rebekkah. Misha gave him some space and sat in the living room. Elijah has already left to someplace saying he needed some personal time and Kol left as well using the same excuse. She was upset that they left but understood their situation. Misha felt sleepy so she went into Klaus's room and changed into one of his shirts and grabbed a pajama from Rebekkah's closet. She lied down on Klaus's bed and soon fell asleep.
Klaus entered his room to find Misha peacefully sleeping in one of his shirts. He admired how beautiful she looked in his clothes. He changed as well and laid beside her. He shifted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Klaus could not think of anything better than being by her side after he defeated his mother's another attempt to take his life. They both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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