Bum steer: part two.

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"Do you think Billy will clean house if he becomes Captain?" Paul asked me, as we were testing the machines out by the fire truck.

"I honestly don't know, but if he does, he'll fire me too. Billy isn't very fond of me". I answered.

"How come?" T.k asked and I shrugged.

"It could be the fact that you called him a pedophile for having friends younger that him to his face. Or that time you shoved him off the couch for sitting in your seat". Judd answered, causing the team to chuckle.

"You really did that?" Paul laughed.

"He was in our house, unwanted". I shrugged.

"We invited him  Cass". Judd said, giving me a look.

"Well I didn't and besides, you need us, people who actually are your own age, not someone who is old enough to be a distant uncle". I commented.

"Good luck with her". Judd scoffed towards Marjan, who looked over at me and I gave her a sarcastic smile.

"That's okay, I know how to handle her". Marjan smirked just as the bell rang.

"Hi! He's here. He's here. He must of cut a wire or something". A woman yelled as we approached her house and climbed out the truck.

"Right this way". She called, leading us into the house.

"I did my best to clear it off him, but-- his name is Chad". She spoke as we went over to the guy laying on the ground.

"T.k, you check his ABCs til medical gets here. Everybody, be careful of all this exposed wiring, and Marjan, Mateo, why don't you find the breaker box.  Kill the power". Owen instructed.

"Copy that". Marjan nodded.

"All right, airways are open. Respiration's okay". T.k informed.

"What do we have?" Michelle asked, walking in with Tim and Nancy.

"Adult male. Witness says he was electrocuted ". I told her.

"Bp's 125 over 80. Pulse is steady as 70". T.k told her as she knelt next to the guy.

"70 BPM after an electrocution? No arrhythmia or tapychnea?" She asked confused.

"No". T.k answered.

"I can't see any head injuries". She mumbled.

"Powers off, Cap". Marjan called, walking back inside and standing next to me.

"Is he gonna be okay?" The lady asked worriedly.

"He's in the best possible hands". Owen assured her.

"We got laceration on the right arm". Tim spoke.

"He's got possible lower posterior rib fracture. Let's get his shirt off and get him hooked to the monitor". Michelle ordered her team and Nancy cut his shirt off.

"Abrasions on the lower left quadrant". Nancy said, poking at his lower abdomen.

"Did somebody hit this guy?" Michelle asked looking back at the lady and we all turned towards her.

"I mean, I had to. He was-- he was clutching on-- on the wire, and there was nothing else that I could do". She explained.

"Wait, if he was holding on to a live wire, how come his hands aren't burned?" I asked as I knelt down and inspected his hands.

"Which wire?" Owen asked the lady.

"That one". She said, pointing to the wire closest to him.

"This one that ain't connected to nothing?" Judd asked picking up the wire and we looked at her.

9-1-1 Lone Star Rewrite// Marjan Marwani FanficWhere stories live. Discover now