A Little Help From My Friends Part: Two

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A few hours later I was out by the rig with my brother, Paul and Marjan cleaning the tools and joking around when Tommy stopped just outside the entrance and looked at me.

"Cass, could I see you for a sec?" She called and I looked back at her and nodded.

"What's up, T?" I smiled approaching her making her sigh before taking out her phone and showing me the message she got from Grace. I looked down at it before sighing.

"I'm gonna go get her. You mind keeping Judd out of the loop until I get back?" She questioned.

"Of course. But, don't you think he's gonna get mad at us when he finds out that you had to rescue Grace from a parking lot and we didn't tell him?" I questioned.

"Oh, no, 'cause I'm gonna make sure Grace tells him herself". She answered.

"All right. Go, I'll keep him distracted". I assured making her nod before exiting the fire station. I sighed before going back over to the others and Judd looked at me.

"What was that about?" He questioned.

"Oh, um-- Tommy wanted to know if Marjan and I could babysit sometime this week. That's all". I answered looking at him before picking up one of the tools off the table and placing it back in the compartment of the truck.

Marjan came to stand next to me before nudging me in the arm and I looked at her as she gave me the, 'What happened' look. I shook my head as a way to say that I would explain later making her nod.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned placing Jasmine on the floor in front of Marjan and I as everyone sat around Owen's living room.

"We're his family, Cass. He needs to tell us what's going on with him". TK answered before disappearing upstairs towards his father making me fall back against the sofa and look down at Jasmine who was using the coffee table to pull herself up.

TK came back downstairs before sitting down next to Carlos when we heard Owen coming down the stairs.

"TK, if you're gonna be so mysterious,  you could at least give me some guidance on footwear". Owen commented before spotting us in his living room making him look at us confused.

"And it's everybody". He mumbled under his breath.

"Dad, please have a seat". TK stated making Owen shake his head slightly before going over to the empty single chair and sitting down.

"This better be somebody's birthday". He muttered.

"No, but, mine's coming up". Mateo sat forward from behind Marjan to look at Owen and we turned to look at him.

"No, probie, no". I shook my head at him making him go quiet.

"Why does everybody look like somebody died?" Owen commented looking at all of us making me share a look with Judd.

"We're here to talk about your emotional wellness". TK stated making Owen look down at Jasmine who threw her toy across the living room before crawling over to retrieve it again.

"Just- just please hear us out, okay? And know that this is a safe space, and there is absolutely no judgement". He added once we saw the look on Owen's face.

"Says the guy who just lured me into an ambush". Owen commented.

"We both know that I've been in your chair in more than one of these. And I know how tempting it is to want to bristle and shut down". TK stated.

"I'm not bristling. Carlos, am I bristling?" Owen questioned looking at his son's boyfriend.

"Oh, y-you seem like you're understandably on alert, Captain". Carlos shrugged making Owen close his eyes and sigh out.

9-1-1 Lone Star Rewrite// Marjan Marwani FanficWhere stories live. Discover now