8: Sabotage (Revised)

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My sobbing was interrupted by two knocks at my door. I lifted my head up, wiping my tears away before opening it. I didn't want anyone to see my tears. I was Memoria, I was a tough super villain, I wasn't supposed to cry.

Rue was at the door. Before I could close the door, she slapped her hand right above mine, sliding her foot in the doorway. She knew I could push her away with my powers, but that I wouldn't because it was her, and not some stupid henchman. I let go of the door and stepped to the side, letting her come in. She closed the door, locking it before sitting on the purple bed. I sat on the other side, pulling my legs up to hug my knees. I felt comfort in doing so, and rested my head on my knees. I hadn't been heartbroken in forever.

"What happened?" she sighed sympathetically, placing her hand on my shoulder. She winced when I put pressure with my mind on her hand. She took it back quickly. "Sorry, I forgot you don't like being touched when your mad...." she muttered. I let it go.

I explained the situation, she nodded in realization, pursing her lips.

"Well," she sighed. "Can't say I didn't see it coming. You know Harley, she's always been close to him." she studied me for a moment, then shook her head. "Damn, I've never seen you like this. You're always so strong, and-"

"Don't make me feel weak." I growled, burying my head into my legs.

"I'll try not to, but you're going to have to realize that Harley won't please him for long-HOLY SHIT."

I jumped at her transition from soft spoken words to loud exclamations. "What?" I questioned.

"She has been sabotaging you."

I thought for a moment. Was that a logical conclusion?

Son of a bitch. It all made sense now.

The new outfit. Agreeing with me at the beginning to get on my good side. Putting Ivy's plants in my stuff. I knew it was her, Harley got along with Ivy enough to get some of her plants without her noticing and suspecting it to be her. She had been gone for a while, anyways.

I growled. "How does one sabotage without being caught?"

Rue smirked widely. "You do realize Harley keeps a diary?"

I gawked, then laughed loudly. "A diary? Like, colorful with a stupid tiny lock under a pillow?"

"Oh, yes. Not as intense as that, but yes."

"How do you know?"

"I walked in on her writing in it, she was muttering what she was writing. She got so pissed when she saw me, she made me clean the garage for a month. Also had some of the boys try jumping me, but they couldn't do it. I'm a high class thug." she smirked slyly, she was right. If anyone touched any of my henchmen, it'd be their funeral.

Learning she tried to get Rue hurt was even more reason to destroy her. Jack was out robbing bank with several of his henchmen when our plot went into effect. Harley walked out, smirking widely.

"Bye guys, Mr. J just got out of work and invited me to go have dinner with him in a fancy restaurant! Have fun while I'm gone." when she walked past me, she paused to smirk at me. "Glad to see he was never yours, right?"

I smiled a false smile, she believed it, I could tell by how her eyes widened. "Oh, exactly, I'm so glad I broke up with him before we moved on in our relationship."

"Honey, he was never truly yours, just remember that. Your imagination runs so wild sweety, I would have never believed you two would have had a spark like him and I do." she walked out of the door before blowing everyone a kiss. She slammed it shut clumsily, then went to her fake date.

"Bitch." I muttered, the vase by the front door shattering as I willed it to, then smirked at Rue, who had made the dinner plans without Jack actually knowing. He obviously wouldn't show up. I ran into her room, searching in her stuff. I pulled it out from underneath her pillow, with no lock on it or anything. Huh, I guess she didn't have it as secure as I'd thought. "Well, Harley's never been the sharpest tool in the shed."

"Exactly." she snickered, then put the diary in her purse. We walked to her room and she pulled out the diary and we read it together. It was horrible. Harley seriously thought Jack loved her, and she referred to me as the contemptuous bitch. Apparently, I was trying to take "Mistah J" away from her, and she was the one for him. She also wrote about how he refused her when she asked for sex, which was also really disturbing to read. It made me feel awful to read about another woman trying to manipulate my boyfriend. She was insane.

I sighed, shaking my head. I set the diary on Jack's bed, right under his pillow. He'd be able to feel it when he went to sleep.

I packed my things up. "Rue, if this doesn't work, then I'll stop by in a week to pick up all my money, clothing and henchmen. Alright? Text me how things go."

The plan was I was going to leave, so Harley wouldn't suspect me to have put the diary under Jack's pillow. If she suspected me, Jack still wouldn't. Some of the maids in the house tend to misplace certain objects.

I had found out no one had bought my mansion because it was too creepy to sell, which I found darling. Everything had been left untouched, and it was still technically mine, I just had to fill out some legal paperwork and everything to re-finalize everything. It was like storage for me now, and a getaway home. I wasn't going to try to sell it again, not until things were serious. If they ever would be.

 I went back to my old mansion and went up to the balcony I had stood at years back, and thought of the progress I had made since I had started this life.

Don't Get Even...Get Mad (A Joker Story [Sequel to WDKYSMYS]Where stories live. Discover now