13: Going to California (Revised)

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"Did you get it?" I asked Rue, leaning over to check her phone. She nodded. "The call was made, and then received back. She's going north towards the carnival in Old Gotham."

I nodded, looking up coordinates on my computer. We were tricking Harley into thinking Jack wanted to talk with her. I smirked. She'd get what she deserves.

Rue had set up cameras all over the carnival so we'd get to see our plan go into action. Harley walked in the middle of the carnival, looking around.

"Puddin'? Where are ya? I'm here, on time, like ya asked!" she let out a lustful sigh, leaning on one of the old displays. "I was flattered when ya called me up away from Memoria! I was wonderin' when you'd realize I was the best lady for ya!"

I gritted my teeth. I let it go after a moment, even though she should have gotten over him a long time ago. She should have learned by now that he doesn't like her at all.

"Is this some sexy game where I find ya and I-"

I muted it. Rue's jaw dropped, she threw me an awkward look, cleared her throat, and unmuted it. "Gross."

"Yeah." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "Will they be there soon?"

"Give them some time, they're tracing the call."

"And where is the phone?"

"In the stack of teddy bears behind Harley."

I grinned.


In less than five minutes, GCPD showed up. Commissioner Gordon grabbed Harley by the pig tails and threw her onto the hood of the car, handcuffing her. She pouted, squirming.

"You are under arrest, and have the right to remain silent."

"Like that'll ever happen." I commented, taking out some popcorn, watching in interest. A lady officer started to search Harley, taking her guns, her bat, her little gadgets Jack had made for her and duct tape. Rue and I had set this up. It was cold, yes, and it was a sissy's way out of things, seeing I was a criminal and I could have done something else, but Jack wouldn't break her free, she was on her own whenever she went back to the Asylum. She would have to get herself out, and by the time I got home would be the time she got out.

"When are you going to be ready? Our flight is in three hours."

"Are we taking a public airline?"

"Hell no, which airline would take me to another state with a bunch of weaponry and a warrant on my head? We're taking a private jet, J bought three of them the other day. They look like regular jets, too. He does have one with the Joker smile on it which I found completely stupid, someone'll definitely shoot him down in that jet."

"Cool story, now let's go." I hated that quote, but I let it go. We went to get our things, Jack was waiting there for me. I ran up to him and hugged him close.

"I'll miss you....Call me, okay?"

"Alright, doll. Where's Harley?"

"Oh, I don't know, she went for a walk I think." I said, smiling discretely. "Anyways, I'll call you when the flight's over, alright? Love you." I kissed him passionately, holding the kiss until he kissed back, which didn't take long. I held his face gently in my hands. He rested his hands on my hips and kissed my cheek when we pulled away.

"Don't get caught. It'll be really hard for me to leave Gotham City. L.A.'s not ready for me yet."

I smirked. "I don't think it is." I pulled away, Rue carried my things onto the jet while I had my little farewell with Jack. He pulled me close one last time, it was a rough pull but I was okay with it.

"If any guys try touching you, give me their names. I'll-"

"Babe, I can handle myself, it's okay."

"Are you sure? I'd love to make them squeal in pain as their insides curl up."

"You're really something." I rolled my eyes, he snickered.

"So are you. Hurry back when you're done robbing your parents dry of their hard earned cash."

I gave him a look. The way he said that made me feel like a bitch.

"I'm just kidding. Sheesh, you take things so seriously sometimes." he was smirking, I sighed and let it go.

"You're lucky I love you so much." I kissed him, then walked to my plane. Once we got in, I got situated in my seat, Rue sat across from me.

"You do know that, since you aren't here to monitor Joker, he's going to be going insane on Gotham, right?"

"Let him have his fun. He'll be whining if I don't." I crossed my arms.

"Don't you ever want to settle down?" I looked at Rue, not surprised by her question. I knew it would be asked sooner or later. I sighed, putting my hands on my knees, leaning forward and cracking my back. I yawned.

"Of course I do, I'm going to get old sooner or later, and I won't move like I do now. I'll be a lot more fragile. My powers, yeah they're strong, but I won't have everything else that makes me who I am. The stealth, the strength...."

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I know that Joker might not want to ever quit. And I'm okay with that, I just don't want him to die like this. One day, he'll really push Batman's buttons and get himself killed. I love him, and I'll stay with him with any decision he makes, because I know for a fact he'll never change his mind. And why would I make him? It's what he wants, I shouldn't get in the way of it."

"You seem awfully calm about this." there was confusion on Rue's face as she spoke, hesitating on what exactly to say. I could tell she felt I was uncomfortable, but I wasn't. I relaxed my shoulders. "I wouldn't be able to stand it if Drake kept on working until he was old."

"I've dealt with it." I said, shrugging. "It is how it is. I fell in love with the Joker, this is how he came to me and I shouldn't change it."

"What if you ever want to have kids?"

I bit my lip. I actually did want kids. I loved Jack enough to have kids with him, I just loved children and I would allow the kids to grow up and chose a side, not born to be evil. I didn't want that for my kids, I don't think Jack did either. "Well, I don't know how Jack thinks about kids. I don't think he's ready yet."

"Oh." she looked down. "If it makes you feel better, you two make an awesome couple."

I smiled, looking out the window. "Thanks, Rue."

"No problem, boss."

Don't Get Even...Get Mad (A Joker Story [Sequel to WDKYSMYS]Where stories live. Discover now