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It has been six months since Joker was taken from us. Kaleb turned two about a month ago, and I tried to make his birthday as spectacular as ever, but we both weren't feeling it this year. He wasn't happy without his father, I felt his pain, and I did my best to try to make him happy. I tried to hide my sorrow, but he could see right through it. After all, he was my kid, and he was a momma's boy. He was my closest friend.

"Sweetie, what do you want for lunch?" I asked, walking into Kaleb's room. He was coloring something, laying on his stomach on the ground, he seemed really into his drawing.

"Nuggets." he said, his reply was a little short and he didn't even look up. I let it go, and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, let me get that for you." Rue said, I smiled at her. She was there to talk to me through all of this, I was surprised. The henchmen still did little jobs, but most of them had left once they realized Joker wasn't coming back. Rue was always my henchman but I thought she would have walked away once she realized she was out of work.

She took the pan of chicken nuggets and placed them in the oven. "So are you going out tonight?" she asked, sitting down at the kitchen table, running her fingers along the surface.

"Yeah. I'm breaking him out." I sighed. She looked up.

"You're really doing this?" she questioned, she looked thoroughly surprised, I nodded and sat down across from her.

"I have been planning this for months. It has been long enough. Kaleb needs a father."

"They'll come after you."

"So we'll leave Gotham and quit being criminals."

She shook her head, then looked at me with serious eyes. "Look, boss, taking him away from Gotham City and stripping him from his job....He'd hate it. He'd be like a bird with clipped wings...He has been in this job for so long, are you sure he'd want to sacrifice it?"

"If he wants to stay in Gotham, he is more than welcome to. But that means Kaleb and I have to go. If he loves me, he'll follow-"

She placed her hands on the table and cut me off. "No no, he does love you, he really does, but he can't get a job doing anything else. He's a smart man, but he wouldn't be used to an office, or a cubicle, or a store, he would be so tempted to do other things, he is not capable of being normal. He just seems like he can't do this."

"He was once normal, he can act like it once more!" I cried, standing up. "If he wants to go back, he can, but I want to talk to him and no one will let me, so I have to break him out. I already have Solomon Grundy on my team, that man can break down virtually anything. He is a follower, and he will follow me!" I grabbed my things and changed into my suit. "Bye!"

My attitude towards Rue wasn't so sweet, but I was too unstable. I wasn't used to having Joker not by my side. He was such a unique person that it hit me hard to sleep without him next to me. To have him not scare the crap out of me while I was cooking. To have him not coming home with a new present for me. He was such a sweet husband, but he was gone, and I knew in my heart I couldn't live another day without him.

I had to do this.

Solomon, the big guy honestly could not die. He's over 200 years old and he is mindless, that's the only bad thing about him. All he speaks is a little rhyme,

"Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Grew worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. This is the end Of Solomon Grundy."

This though was not the end of his existence, so why he said the last part, I don't know. He never usually finished all the way to the end though, he would just stop talking by "Married on Wednesday".

I led him to the back of Arkham Asylum, where I threw bombs on the necks of the cameras and knocked out all the surrounding guards. We were able to pinpoint where he would be. I had Solomon throw a giant boulder to where his room would be, and it was such a perfect throw that a giant gap was created without crushing the room to bits. I saw my love sit up and look at the hole, confused, yet chuckling. I squealed when I saw him, and Solomon and I went to him.

Jack looked at me and then shook his head. "You aren't supposed to be here, Memo..." He snickered at the huge hole once more. "Hole-y shit."

"We can leave this place!" I shouted, happily. "Come on, let's go, your son is waiting!"

"And if you get caught?" he asked, putting his things together, holding he green lion close. "They will go after you."

"Let them!" I laughed. "I am strong as long as you are by my side."

He cracked a small smile, he seemed so different than before. I looked at his hand and my smile faded.

"Your wedding ring..."

His smile faded as well, he pointed to the counter, where it was.

"Why weren't you wearing it?...." I asked sadly. "Have you moved on?"

"I never expected to be let out...." he admitted, looking away from me, shamefully. I backed up.

"But....You were only gone for six months...You got over me that quick?! Over Kaleb and I?!"

He looked up, his eyes wild. "I was trying to get over you so I didn't have to deal with the pain, I'm sure you can understand!" he cried. "I don't want any other woman but you, you are the sweetest, most dangerous girl I have ever met and I just couldn't bear being alone so I pretended this other woman was you. Believe in me."

I let it go and hugged him.

This would just be something that would probably be brought up later on, though.

Don't Get Even...Get Mad (A Joker Story [Sequel to WDKYSMYS]Where stories live. Discover now