16: MY Mistah J (Revised)

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"Harleen Quinzel" I stood up, sighing at my straight jacket and then looking the warden in the eyes.


"Good girl, you haven't ran off to that horrible man."

I stuck my tongue out at her. She didn't know Joker like I did, who did she think she was? What a loony!

"Are you taking your medication?"

"Of course I am, doc. But I tell ya, I'm not so crazy, so you could let me go!" I spoke with high hopes, everyone in the room gave me a look. I sighed, then sat back down.

"You used to be sane until that man brainwashed you to think otherwise. Remember when you used to be a psychologist here in Arkham? You were so bright, had a good scholarship, and you threw it all away for Joker?"

"Mistah J loves me, and love is all I need to make me happy." I huffed, turning my head and pointing my nose up, eyes shut.

"And how about Memoria, how is she with Joker?"

I lost it, staring her in the eye and sneering.

Memoria. That bitch brainwashed my boyfriend into wanting her. How could he want such a vile creature? I was obviously much better, he obviously loved me way more than anything on this planet, he wouldn't even look at me now because of that rotten turd. I had done everything for that man, of course he was in love with me. It was quite romantic the way he loved me.

"Probably just using her. You see, Mistah J is a wonderful man, he's really smart. He would never date her because he actually liked her. Who would? Anyways, yeah there is definitely a plan behind her." I dolled on, smiling widely, thinking of how lovely my baby was.

The doctors looked at each other and sighed. I had known them from when I used to work in this misunderstood hell.

"Can I go to my cell now?" I sighed, they nodded, I got up and walked to my cell escorted by guards. The bell for lunch rang, they both sighed and led me there instead. I sat at a table while they took off my straight jacket. If I was good by lunch time, they would take off the jacket. That's what the deal was. I smiled at the guards as they left, sighing as they turned their backs on me. I looked up at the people at the table. All captured assassins.

Poison Ivy, Two-Face, Lady Shiva, and Scarecrow.

Poison Ivy. Went to college for advanced botanical biochemistry, seduced by her professor who forced her to take some of his experiments, nearly dying twice which caused her to go insane. The most feminine criminal, always referring to herself as mother nature. She was always one to side with.

Two-Face. Used to be Gotham City's district attorney, worked on the Holiday case, ended up having acid spilt purposely on his face, causing him to go insane, his wife leaving him after realizing he would never be the same sane Harvey again.

Lady Shiva. A martial arts grandmaster, one of the most skilled combatants and assassins. I don't know how she landed herself in Arkham Asylum, it was odd seeing her in here.

Scarecrow. I used to work with him before we both turned dark. Dr. Crane was quite a character, sometimes gave me the creeps, but you know how it goes. Ya be nice and you get treated right.

I thought for a moment, then smirked.

"Would ya guys like to get back at Memoria?"

"Harley, we're not stupid." Harvey growled. "You just want to be with Joker."

"Well, Memoria was planning that little accident that landed you with two faces. Which, by the way, looks like it's healing awesomely."

"What?" he seethed through his teeth. "Explain. Now!"

"Oh yeah, she totally worked with the mob bosses and got you burnt up." I lied well, so he believed me instantly. I had to hide a smile.

"Memoria got your sister killed, Lady Shiva."

Lady Shiva put her hand on her chest, taking a seat, a sound coming from her throat. "Impossible!"

"She was trying to get you weak enough to side with her." I gave her a sympathetic look. "And Ivy, you remember what she did to your plants."

"Revenge." she growled, I turned to Scarecrow, a sad look on my face.

"You remember me, Crane. We worked here before. You could get back at her for whatever she has done to all of us." I sighed, pretending like I was too hurt to breathe correctly. "Could you help?"

Scarecrow thought. "And in return....?"

"Memoria could be your test subject." I smirked. I'm sure she'd be an interesting test subject under all the chemicals he'd been experimenting with. 

"So, when are we getting her? I don't want to wait." Lady Shiva asked, I smirked.

"You guys help me out, we all attack her. I know all her secrets!" I grinned widely.

"Court is in session." Harvey boasted, taking out his coin and playing with it.

"Indeed it is." Ivy glowered.

Don't Get Even...Get Mad (A Joker Story [Sequel to WDKYSMYS]Where stories live. Discover now