27: A Painful Deduction

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"Kaleb, where are you?" I shouted, running all over the home. The little rascal hasn't stopped walking for the last two days, he was so fast, too. He had perfected his walking completely. I was so proud of him, he was already starting to talk, too.

Kaleb is now about a year and seven months old, he has blonde curly hair and big green eyes. He is the cutest little thing ever.

Jack walked in, holding Kaleb, who was currently making gurgling sounds and snuggling into Jack. "Here he is, darling." he smiled, setting Kaleb in my arms. I held my baby boy close and smiled at Jack.

"Hands in the air, now!" I jumped, looking to where the voice came from. When I turned to the sound, I found three cops with their guns pointed to us. Kaleb let out a terrified scream, snuggling his head into my chest, I gently held his head so he didn't see the cops anymore.

"It's okay baby, it's okay." I whispered softly in his ear, backing up, shocked. Jack walked in front of me, blocking Kaleb and I, angry.

"Get out of my home." he growled, looking directly into the eyes of Gordon. I recognized one of the other cops, a blonde lady who had one time tried to follow me after a bank robbing. She was too sweet for her job, I don't know why she chose this life. She was looking at my son with a look of horror.

"Whose child is that? Why did you kidnap him?" Gordon questioned fiercely, coming closer.

"He's ours!" I shouted shakily. I didn't want my son to be wrapped up in this, he was too young to go through this.

"Memo, take him in the other room."

"You're not going anywhere." the third cop, a man I didn't recognize, growled at me.

I got mad, hurling a force field towards him, knocking him on his ass. His gun went off, I deflected it quickly. The cops started at us, confused on what to do. Jack and I were confused on what to do, too. We couldn't fight, because we didn't want Kaleb to see it, and the cops didn't want to attack us because they didn't want to hurt the baby.

"Give us the baby, Memoria."

"Mommy, I no wanna!" Kaleb shouted, cuddling into me, my heart broke hearing him protest. I glared at Gordon.

"Do you hear him? Do you really want to do this, Gordon?"

"You aren't fit parents!" he shouted.

"You're kidding me, right? Look at this little boy. He is perfectly healthy, he has clothes, he has toys, he isn't spoiled nor lacking, and we're a family. You can't take him from me." I growled, Kaleb held my hand that was resting on his back, I shifted so my grip was safe for him to do so.

"You kill people in your job! And you rob banks!"

"Not anymore. I can't bear dealing with being a criminal while I have this child in my presence!"

"Should we send Batman?!" Gordon shouted threateningly.

"Go ahead! Send Batsy! It's not like he isn't after me anyways!" Jack screamed, a crazed smile on his face even though he felt defenseless and almost out of character. He then wrapped his arms around Kaleb and I. I snuggled into him, on the verge of tears.

Gordon hesitated and looked at his companions.

"I'll go. Take me instead. Not them." Joker said, letting go of us.

"NO!" I shouted, gripping his arm fiercely.

"That will do." Gordon said, his comrades stayed silent.

I started to shake, I looked at Jack with an angry expression. "Don't you leave us." I spoke shakily, feeling my heart give out. He shook his head sadly.

"I'm doing what's best for the family." he said softly, kissing me passionately. I kissed back with just as much passion, loving how he held me. I didn't want to separate from him. He was my soul mate.

"Daddy?" Kaleb questioned innocently, looking up at Jack with wide eyes.

"I'll be back soon, champ." he said softly, I numbly let Jack hold Kaleb, I collapsed on the floor, head in my hands. I was shaking, I couldn't process anything. Just blank.

Jack whispered something into his ear, something I couldn't hear, then set him down in my arms. I held him close, and then Joker bent down and kissed my forehead. "I'll always love you."

"Don't speak as if you aren't coming back." I spoke, voice strained. He hesitated, then turned away from me.

"They will keep coming for us if I don't stay. This is goodbye, love."

"No, no one day you'll be able to be back with us, come on!" I shouted.

"Well until that day comes, just know I love you."

Kaleb was quiet, laying on my abdomen, gently playing with the fibers on my shirt. I shook my head.

"I will avenge you."

"Don't do anything that could get Kaleb hurt...." he said, then walked out with the cops. I glared at them, watching how they shamefully avoided my gaze.

"DADDY!" Kaleb shouted all of a sudden, catching me off guard, running to them, I followed to make sure Gordon didn't snatch him up.

"Baby, stop it!" I shouted, he was too fast for me though. Jack stopped walking and turned to him, I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

They had finally broken the Joker. I bet the cops were surprised, I wonder if they felt smug, or if they felt horrible. This was the law, sure, but was it right? I don't think so.

"Wait!" Kaleb said, then ran into the other room. We all waited for him, I took the time to glare at Gordon, who saw it this time and quickly looked away.

Kaleb came running back with a toy. It was a small, green lion with every hair on its mane brushed out to look nice, it was a stuffed animal with a smile on its face. Kaleb handed it to Jack. Gordon looked at Jack dumbstruck, the other cops, too, when a single tear dropped from Jack's eye.

"Thanks, kid." he said softly, picking him up once more and kissing his forehead. He took off a necklace, one he had before I had met him, of a Jester, the type you'd see in a deck on a Joker card, and put it around Kaleb's neck. Kaleb inspected the necklace and smiled up a Jack, hugging him tight. Jack hugged back, but then after a while, pulled him gently off of him and placed him in my arms.

"I love you, Joker." I said softly. He looked into my eyes.

"And I love you, Memoria." he said, then walked out of the door, and out of my life.

Don't Get Even...Get Mad (A Joker Story [Sequel to WDKYSMYS]Where stories live. Discover now