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Eight Days of Hell


Lucille's POV

"Darling, time to wake up!" I woke up to hear Alastor's shout-out. I groaned at this as I rolled the bed and tried to sleep in.

"Leave me alone..." I wailed, trying to sleep. I could hear him opening up the curtain and the sun brights into my face, which I groaned annoying. I started to get pissed when he keeps waking me up every morning.

Alastor approached with a bright smile as he kept waking me up. "Lulu, it's time to wake up and you should know your sister Charlie wanted you to do your job for your punishment. She also brought me a list for your chores as well."

I scoffed. "I'd rather not."

"Lucille, if you don't get up from the bed, then I will make you," Alastor said in a threatening voice, which creeps me out so I have to do what he told me.

"Okay, okay! Damn!" I said, exclaiming with arms raised.

"Good. Now get dressed, my dear. We have job to do." Alastor said as he brought me the same clothes that I have wore yesterday. I glared at him. When he left, I began to wear a red tank top shirt and my black skirt. Although he doesn't mind me wearing them because I don't care at all. When I'm done, I went to go Alastor with a frown look my face, how tired I was.

"Good! Now let's make you some breakfast with coffee and the plate of bacon and eggs." Alastor suggested as we headed our way to the kitchen until I've been thinking about Cross who will teach me how to be powerful and how to defend myself from this asshole over here.

Cross's POV

Sunlight poured through the window and flooded the bedroom, I laid on my bed for a while. I rolled over against the wall in the corner of the bed away from the bright. It was lovely but horrible outside in Hell, I barely see it at the window. I laid still, continuing my slumber.

I made out the voice of Chara through the sheer sleepiness as he calls out for me. He sounded upset and I popped my head from under the sheet. Not only did he have a look of disapproval on his face, but he was impatient tapping his foot, waiting for an answer of some sort.

"Go away, Chara. I'm trying to sleep." I groaned as I rolled the bed and buried my face into the pillow.

"Come on, Cross! It's past eight! It's time for you to get up!" Chara protested as he pointed at the clock. "Don't you know we have things to do!?"

I chuckled tiredly, continued to roll my bed. "Yeah, right." I muttered between my exhausted breaths, "Like I never care at all. It's time for me to sleep."

Chara just groaned as he started to throw things at me. I knew he was throwing the pillow at me until I gave in with a groan of annoyance.

"Fine! I'm awake but don't come crawling to when you keep bugging all night." I snapped as I finally got off the bed and ready to put my outfits on while Chara was waiting for me to be ready. I knew he wanted to remind me that I needed to exterminate Hell before going back home then see my boyfriend. When I'm done dressing, I was ready to go see the others who barely woke a few earlier ago.


When I arrived at the lobby, I saw Lucille was getting herself a coffee as much as I wanted that coffee, too. However, I noticed Alastor was making breakfast for her as Chara from my other side was glaring at him in an untrustworthy. I began to stare at him as well. But I'd rather get myself a coffee then have a drink with Lucille.

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