The Harvest Moon Festival

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Four Days of Hell


Cross's POV

I went out to the Harvest Moon Festival with my friends while we were walking and looking around the flea market. Even though Lucille was too busy buying all kinds of stuff that she wanted, but I've told her not to waste a lot of money, so she understands what I said to her from earlier ago. Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb went out buying some customs while they were doing cosplay and having much fun, which I found out hilarious. Even though Nifty walks with me when I agreed that she should stay by my side. Eventually, Chara always stayed inside of my body while he kept watching over us. Finally, as for Husker and Alexis Taint, I noticed they were getting along together when they were walking in the street side by side as we knew they were dating instantly, which makes me happy for them.

While it was going on, I spotted the last rubber chicken to be known as Fabulous Sale when I read the price says five dollars. I smiled at that when I was about to buy it, but someone has snatched it from me and revealed a familiar imp cowboy known as Striker.

I glared at him in annoyance. "What the hell?"

Striker smirked at me, squeezing the rubber chicken. "Nice try, Cross."

"Why, you motherfucker!" I roared as I was about to attack him, but I was surrounded by my friends who stopped me from harming Striker. They told me to calm down when I tried to struggle to break free from their grips and arms.

"Sorry, brother, but I can't hear ya."

"It's mine, bitch!" I barked like a dog.

"Tell ya what, C. How about we should do the challenge during the pain games?"

"Oh! What kinda pain games!?" Lucille asked sounded so thrilled after she buyer all kinds of stuff like clothes and food. Her tail flicks back and forth while she was getting way excited from before.

"And why should I? Probably you want me to die." I mocked him.

"Oh, come on, C. It'll be fun. We should do the challenge game if you want that rubber chicken back. Tell you what again, C, if I lose, I'll give back to you. If I lose, I'll keep the rubber chicken forever and you'll never gonna get it. Deal, my friend?"

I smirked at him. "Hmm."

"Um, excuse me, sir. Are you going to pay that or not? Because they are too many people in the line, protesting." The imp snapped, pointing straight at the crowding imps when they were protesting for the next line.

Then I said while smirking at Striker, "Deal." I accepted as I paid the employee for the chicken rubber.


"Oh, so you two wanna win over the rubber chicken?" Joe asked curiously, started to laugh like an elder.

"Well, apparently I do want to join the pain games what you guys are talking about." I declared as I glanced at Striker, glaring at him. And so was Chara who was glaring at Striker as well.

"Well, you two need to sign for a contract paper," Joe suggested as he brought the paper and exhibit to us.

"Already?" I asked.

"Yep, if you want to take a challenge on Striker over the chicken rubber, then you have to sign on the contract paper.

Striker chuckled while smirking. "You hear that, Cross? We're gonna be in the pain games when we wrote our names in the contract."

I sighed. "Deal as always, Striker. Always a deal."

"Um, Cross. Are you sure you want to do this?" Alexis asked me worried.

"Don't worry, Lexi. I've done this game before, didn't I? I've beaten Alastor twice, so I'll never be the loser in the wide world of Hell." I said, smirking.

"What kind of game, Cross?" Joe asked, curiously.

"Just Alastor's game. It was a hard challenge game to rescue Lucille. It took me like six hours to find them, so I was finally able to defeat Alastor to win the game." I told him as I held onto the golden heart locket, the one that I wanted to give Dream for his birthday.

"Damn, son. You're tougher than I thought." Joe chuckled.

"Can I be part of the Pain Games, please!?" Angel Dust pleaded with him.

"And why would you want to be in this game? Aren't you that skinner?" Joe questioned him, frowning at him.

Angel Dust scoffed at him. "Excuse me!?" He argued, "I've been winning this war in the Turf War with my best friends. We threw the bombs at the shitlord and Cross was such a badass who manages to destroys his ship, so we can fucking win this war, so I say I want to give it try!"

"Angie, are you sure?" Lucille asked.

"Yeah, and you this isn't that kind of war game. The Pain Games are part of the tournament festival." Cherri Bomb said.

"Don't worry, ladies. I'll give it a try and see what I can do." Angel Dust said, smirking.

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you, AD," Joe said as brought the contract paper then Angel Dust sighed it until our challenge begins.


When the challenge begins, a starting gun is then fired, thus commencing the Pain Games. A montage of the games is then shown, with Striker and I fiercely competing while Angel Dust clumsily fails through the events. At the end of the games, Wackford announces that for the first time there has been a tie, with Stolas calling both Striker and me to the stage. Of course, we both tie the game, which means we're the winners or losers, but we both win instantly.

"Well, you did great here, Strikes." I said, smirking, "I must say I am impressed with you."

"Nah, thanks, C. You know, if we both win, which means the two of us can share our rubber chicken." Striker said, smirking back.

"No, you can keep it. It's all yours." I said.

"Are you sure?" Striker asked.

"Positive. I don't really want that rubber chicken anymore. I'm done for it." I said.

He chuckled. "Okay. If you change your mind, just let me know, C."

I scoffed, still smirking and chuckling back. "I'll think about it."

"Angel, I'm sorry you have lost the game. We thought you're good at it." Lucille said.

"Nah, I'm okay, sugar tits. I thought this game is gonna be fun." Angel Dust, smiling at her, "But it was way more fun than the Turf War."

Lucille chuckled. "Good for you."

"Hey, Lulu. Can we talk in private? Alone at the lake?" He asked.

Lucille blinked in shock. "I'm sure, Angie."

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