Lucifer's Visit

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Seven Days of Hell


Cross's POV

After I told them about Chara who is in his phantom form, I was safe with them. Chara was allowed to talk to them anytime he wants. I'm not sure he doesn't want to because he gets annoyed a lot. He always wanted to kill everybody who gets in his way. But he's still living inside of me and won't kill everyone since he's out of control from the previous timelines. Somehow, I was with Lucille, Alexis, and Angel Dust when we were about to leave the hotel, we overheard Alastor who was talking to Charlie.

"Trust me, my dear. With my help, your hotel will--" When Alastor was interrupted by someone, we turned around and saw a man with pure white skin, blonde hair, thick black eyebrows, black lips, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He wears a white high collar suit, a black bowtie, and a red undershirt with white stripes. He also wears a wide-brimmed white top hat, with a purple snake and red apple over a red band. He carries an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat. His eyes are yellow, with black slit pupils resembling those of a snake. He, like his daughter Charlie, has red cheeks. His eyelids are purple which gives the appearance of eyeshadow.

"Well, well. If it is Alastor." A man responded with a smirk.

Alastor smirked back. "Lucifer."

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Lucifer said.

"Yes, indeed," Alastor said.

I became confused about how they both know each other and so was Chara. "Do they know each other?" I asked with a sweatdrop.

Then Vaggie appeared with a nod. "Of course they are."

I faced her immediately. "How did they meet?"

"He and Alastor worked together in the Overlord Council. You see, Lucifer is the King of Hell and he ruled over Hell. So after Alastor had died, Lucifer has made him an Overlord as the Radio Demon so they work together. Well, it was hard to explain because I don't really remember that."

"I see," I muttered.

Suddenly Lucifer glanced his eyes at me without hesitation. "Alastor, Charlie. Who is this young man? Did I overlook my lists after someone has died?"

"Oh, Daddy, this is Cross. He has moved here. He said he was born in Hell like me and sis were." Charlie said.

"I see. I am Lucifer, the King of Hell." He greeted me with a handshake.

I smiled awkwardly. "Likewise, your majesty."

"So, Mr. Cross, tell about yourself. I believe I have not found out your information." Lucifer said.

I looked away. "It's a long story." I muttered, "I'm from far away in here."

"Do you mean you're from the Imp City? I figured you were born in Imp City. Surely it's not that far away."

"Well, I was adopted by the imps." I lied to the King, "I was born as a skeleton monster and I don't know who my real parents are."

"I see. You poor child. Well, I welcome you to the City of Hell. Do you have a place to live?" He questioned me.

"No, I was living with my roommates, Angle Dust," I told him.

"Is that so?"

I nodded.

"Well, then. I'll leave you alone while I'll go talk to my daughters and Alastor. After all, Mr. Cross, I would like to invite you to my party since you've moved here and made new friends. I do hope you have a great day."

I smiled at him as I watched him leave. "I'll be there for tonight, your majesty."

"Well, since you talk to the king. Let's go buy yourselves some dresses!" Angel Dust suggested as he took my hand and dragged me outside with Alexis. I sweatdropped from being dragged around in the town.

Lucille's POV

"Apple pie." I spun around and saw it was my dad who approached me after he called out my name.

"Hey, Daddy." I greeted him.

"So, have you learned your lessons?" He questioned me.

I nodded. "Yeah. But I've made a new friend who helps me out."

He blinked with a smile. "Really? Who would that be?"

I smiled at that with my black lipstick when I was going to reveal his name. Someone who helps me out and always be there for me. I know who is the only person who cares and is very protective of me. "His name is--"

"I believe it was me, Lucifer." Alastor interrupted us when approached us and wrapped his left arm around me. I feel so uncomfortable when he does that a lot. I will never forget the day he hurt me.

"Huh? Luce, why is Alastor your friend? Surely he is one of the dangerous types of villains." Lucifer said, sounded so uncomfortable like I am.

"No, Daddy! That's not what I meant! I meant--"

"I'm happy to spend time with her, so I could be her best friend. Oh, and besides, we're a happy couple."

"What!?" I screamed in shock.

"What!?" They shouted in shock.

"Lulu, I thought you were asexual!" Vaggie said in shock.

"I thought Al is asexual, too!" Charlie exclaimed in shock, pointing at him.

He smirked at them. "Well, exactly, I'm a demisexual. I may be an asexual one or different from the others, but I started to date this beautiful princess, Lucille."

"But we just met yesterday!" I snapped, "I don't even know him!"

"Sweety, we understand, but why did--"

"Forgive me, your majesty, but Lucille and I must go find a perfect dress. I bid you farewell." He quickly took my hand and dragged me into his room as I knew that he needed to talk to me, but I was so pissed at hurting my dad's feelings.

"What the fuck, Al!? I was trying to talk to Dad! Why did you lie to him!? No! Why did you lie to me again!? We can't date each other we just met!"

"Well, my dear, remember our deal that you said you don't want to rule over the kingdom. And besides, remember what I told you that I can help you rule over the kingdom to complete our plan. We're gonna pretend that we're a couple. Next, we'll get married, and then we'll get a divorce so you can have your freedom. You must do as I say, my dear."

"What if you don't want to set me free? What will happen to me? If you plan on hurting me and my family, the deal is off!"

He chuckled as he lifts my chin gently to focus on staring at his gaze. "I'm afraid not, my dear." He said, "You see, after we made a deal, you sold your soul to me, so you will be all mine when our mission of the plan is completed. You can't break a deal. Your soul belongs to me and we can be bonds like an eternity."

I flinched in fear.

He checked. "My poor dear. I'm sorry that you have to be this way, but you'll get used to it."

When he left me in the room, I never realized how scared I am and how I had become soulless. I didn't know I was connected to this asshole! I mean, now I'm stuck with her before he'll take something away from me! Oh, Cross... I wish you would be there for me right before I sold my soul to Alastor.

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