Lucille's Song

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Eight Days of Hell


Cross's POV

When we came back to the hotel, I noticed everything is quiet, except for the three of us who already entered after I got into the fight with Vox at the bar. Suddenly, I saw Charlie and Vaggie approached who both greeted us.

"Hey, guys! How it's going?" Charlie said, smiling.

"You'll never gonna believe this!" Angel Dust said excitedly.

"What is it?" Vaggie asked curiously.

"Cross got into the fight, but turned out he beat Vox's ass," Alexis explained it to them.

They widened their eyes. "He did what!?"

I smirked at them. I placed my hands between my pockets. "Don't worry, guys. I don't need any trouble, but I had no choice to shattered his tv face."

"Cross, you could have been killed!" Charlie panicked.

"Relax, I'm tough enough to deal with these guys. Even though they're too drunk to fight me." I said, looking at my hand where I got a scratch mark from Vox. Of course, I had punched him in his pathic face before it starts to bleed. Charlie and Vaggie noticed my left hand was bleeding.

"You look hurt!" Charlie exclaimed panickily.

"And you're bleeding! We need to bandage your hand up, so it doesn't get infected." Vaggie said as she walked towards me and checked my hand.

"It is? I never knew I'm bleeding." I said, starting at my injured hand.

"Come on, let's bandage you up," Vaggie suggests. Then she and Charlie took me to the lobby where they could go get the first aid kit. When Charlie brought the bandage and the medical alcoholic from the first aid kit, they started to heal me quickly. It feels stings a bit, but I didn't flinch in pain at all.

"Girls, you don't have to heal me. I can heal myself. Did you know that?" I convinced them, trying to void them.

"Yes, we can. We'll take care of your scratches. After all, you're our very own customer." Charlie said, smiling.

I was shocked to hear that. So I smiled back at her and let them taking care of my injured hand. I took a breath and tell them, "Thank you."

"No problem, but promise us nothing bad happen to you, alright?" Vaggie said with a serious look.

I sighed. "I promise."

After they were done taking care of my hand, we went to go see the others how they were doing. I saw Lucille was studying with Alastor who helped her out. However, I went to go back to the bar and greet with Husker.

"Sup, Husker."

"Hey. What happened to your hand?" He asked me.

I smiled. "I just got into a fight with Vox at the restaurant bar."

"Damn. Well, I don't blame you. I hope you don't get kicked out of the bar so instantly." Husker muttered.

"Nah. They don't do that. Everyone's now adoring me for beating the shit of Vox." I chuckled at that.

"Damn, boy. But make sure you don't drink too much, alright?" He suggested to me as he brought a small cup of wine.

"I won't. I'm fine." I said. Then I heard Alastor's excitement shout from the other side when I saw him talking to Lucille who looked exhausted for working so hard with her studies and her chores.

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