Battle At The Wedding

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Five Days of Hell


Lucille's POV

I've been waiting for Cross to save me for a few hours, but I knew he never came to save me. As I was done dressing with my black wedding dress and my makeup, I'm guessing I was ready to be his prison forever and let him rape me all he wants until I can bear him with children. I came out of the room and saw Alastor was waiting for me in the living room with a grim look. He stood up and walked towards me.

"You look beautiful, my dear," Alastor said as lifted my hand and faced my gaze.

I couldn't help but blush. "Um, thanks, you sick fuck."

"Now let's go to the secluded park and then we'll get married," Alastor suggested as he took my hand and lead me to the limo car.

So I knew my life will never change forever. However, when we were sitting there and waiting for the limo car to stop, we arrived at the secluded park until I saw Husker, Nifty, and the other demons we're waiting for our arrival. So we got out of the car and I hesitate to take his hand, pretending that I'm a happy person. While doing this, I glanced my eyes at Husker and Nifty and gave them a glaring look.

Charlie's POV

"It's been twenty-three hours! Where are they!?" Dad shouted in anger as we've been searching for them for a few minutes.

I hope we're not too late.

We went to the church and found out the whole place was destroyed. I didn't know someone who destroys it. But who did it? Can it be Cross? Did he destroy the church house before we arrived? Did he take Lucille and search for us. I'm praying for my sister if she is okay.

"Dad, someone has destroyed the church, but someone has figured out that this isn't a place to be married," I told him.

He blinked in shock. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah. We have to find them or else we're too late."

Alexis' POV

I went to the bar with Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust while having a drink until we see it on the news. We widened our eyes and hear them saying...

"Breaking news, everyone! The Blood Princess of Hell was finally getting married to the Radio Demon, Alastor, at the secluded park after he made a deal with the same skeleton from the Turf War named Cross to find the princess over five hours at the Tournament Game of Hell."

I blinked. "What!?"

"C made a deal with Alastor!?" Angel Dust panicked.

"Shh, listen." We continued listening to the television.

"Cross says that if he wins, Alastor will cancel the wedding to bring the princess's soul back and then return to her family. But if he loses, he says that he will sacrifice himself to give his soul to Alastor after the deal they made."

We gasped in horror. Cross said that he's going to sacrifice himself!? What the hell!? Why would Cross be willing to give his soul to Alastor!? He'll die! I suddenly slammed the table with my hands until I had enough.

"Cross, you fool! Why in the fuck would you want to sacrifice yourself to send your soul to that ruthless bastard!" Angel Dust shouted at the television. I instantly grabbed Angel Dust in the hand and decided to go save them from Alastor. Cherri Bomb does the same, too.

"Where are we going?"

"To save them both!" I panted, running towards the black van. We got in the van before I could start driving it.

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