1. The Beginning

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The sun glittered in the reflection off of the still waters in the pond and the tall grasses swayed in the wind. The only sounds to be heard was the occasional bird flying overhead and the chirping cicadas. The warm breeze gently caressed Samantha's face and dragged a strand of her hair across her eyes. She lazily brushed it off of her face and let out a long sigh as she soaked in the feeling of the warm summer sun beat down on her face as she laid in the soft grass.

A large shadow cast itself in front of Samantha and she carefully opened her eyes keeping them squinted as to not let too much sun light in. Two redheaded boys looked down at her and she waited for one to speak

"You've been laying around all afternoon can we please do something fun now" Fred finally spoke. You sighed again and lifted yourself up onto her elbows.

"And what exactly did you have in mind Fred" you asked

"Let's go into the pond it's too hot out here"

"You two are more than welcome to go swim but I'm fine here" Samantha said closing her eyes and laying back in the grass.

"You're no fun" George huffed and the two boys walked off towards the pond pulling off their clothes as they went. Samantha sat up again and peeked at the two now just in their boxers cannonball into the pond disrupting the still waters. The boys swam for awhile before Ginny called for the three from the top of the hill

"Mum says it's time to wash up for dinner" she shouted loud enough that even Fred and George heard over their antics in the pond. You started to get up out of the grass when four wet arms grabbed you

"WHAT Are you doing"

"You looked too hot darling" George said as the two boys carried you closer and closer to the pond

"Thought you could use some cooling off" Fred explained before they easily tossed you into the pond. As if it happened in slow motion you could see the glistening water under you as you crashed through the surface, under the water everything was cool and quiet. But as you swam back up to the surface and let out a gasp everything sped back up and the twins were running off towards the house. You pulled yourself out of the pond pushing your wet hair out of your face. Your tank top clung to you and your shorts dripped as you made your way back to the burrow. When you entered the kitchen Molly turned as her smile dropped as soon as she saw you

"I thought I told Ginny to tell you kids it was time to wash up for supper"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley I-"

"She just takes things too literally mum" Fred spoke up eyeing your wet clothes

"Went and took a bloody bath in the pond" George squeaked out and narrowly avoided laughing. Before Samantha could say anything else Mrs. Weasley was shuffling her up the stairs to go dry off. Samantha ran upstairs and into the bathroom and dried herself off before going into the twins room where her trunk was. She discarded her wet clothes and threw some of them on Fred's bed and some on George's, a surprise for them for later. She then changed into some new shorts and George's quidditch t shirt that was folded on top of the dresser before running back downstairs. You walked into the kitchen humming one of your favorite songs uptown girl and threw her still wet hair into a bun.

"Stop humming that muggle rubbish" Fred yelled and threw a biscuit at Samantha which she caught as she sat down next to Ginny who giggled when you rolled your eyes. Everyone chatted through the whole meal especially Ron who wouldn't stop talking about Harry and Hermione coming to stay tomorrow. When the meal was over you and Ginny offered to do the clean up while the boys all ran upstairs to avoid helping

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