14. Merry Something

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Song: Tis the damn season by Taylor Swift

The next morning you were woken up by Molly coming home, the sharp crack of her apparating caused both you and George to stir.
She walked into the den not expecting to see anyone
"Oh my George" she grabbed her son in a tight hug and held on for a while
"Okay mum enough" George laughed
"I'm sorry I'm just so glad to see you. And you! Samantha" she hurried over to you and wrapped you in another hug. You hugged her back and loved every second of it, you grew up without a mother but Mrs.Weasley had always felt like your own.
"How's Arthur" you asked finally pulling away
"He alright, he's awake"
"Thank Merlin"
"When can we see him mum" George asked
"He'll be home in time for Christmas"
"Come on let me get breakfast started, the others should be up soon" Molly hurried into the kitchen leaving you and George alone yet again.
"How'd you sleep" George asked
"Pretty well.... You"
"I slept fine... you know you talk in your sleep"
"No I do not" you crossed your arms over your chest
"You most certainly do" George laughed
"Do not" you stuck your tongue out at him and he laughed
"Whatever you say short stuff" George wrapped his arms around your shoulders and the two of you walked into the kitchen. Fred and Harry were seated at the table already and they both looked up when you walked in
"Looks like you two had a good night" Fred chuckled "you never made it up to bed"
"I fell asleep on the couch" you explained
"So I slept on the floor, ya know so she wouldn't be alone"
"Yeah definitely" Fred smirked at his brother. You rolled your eyes and sat down across from Harry
"George honey can you go wake the others"
"Sure mum" George hurried up the stairs to wake everyone up
"So what happened last night" Fred asked as soon as George was out of the room
"Really nothing happened. We talked and then I fell asleep on the couch"
"Well..... that's kind of lame" Harry joked
"What did you guys talk about" Fred pressed
"None of your business"
"That's fine I'll just asked George" Fred smiled looking proud "he's my brother and he tells me everything"
You rolled your eyes at Fred and turned to Harry "how are you doing"
"I'm alright" he said quietly
"Arthur's lucky to have you dear" Mrs.Weasley said placing a plate in front of you "without you who knows what would have happened"
Harry just looked down at his plate and shrugged. The rest of your friend slowly trickled into the kitchen followed by George who was basically dragging Ginny
"Let me go back to bed please" she begged her brother as he sat her down at the table. You laughed at Ginny and turned back to your breakfast everyone ate and talked, mostly about Mr. Weasley
"Can we go see him today mum" Ron asked
"I'm afraid not. I'll go back today but hopefully he'll come home tomorrow" Mrs. Weasley explained.

Everyone finished breakfast and after cleaning up Mrs. Weasley left yet again to be with Arthur In the hospital. Everyone was just laying around on the couches when you got a brilliant idea
"Let make it Christmasy in here"
"How" Fred asked
"There isn't even a tree" Ron said
"Well we can get one"
"Yes but how" George asked
"Well how do the muggles do it"
"They chop it down.... Or buy it" Hermione said
"Can't we just used a spell" Ginny asked
"That would ruin the fun"
"Okay Harry Ron and Hermione you three are on baking duty"
"Ginny and Fred you need to make decorations for the tree"
"George and I will acquire said tree"
"Sounds good to me" Harry said getting to his feet Ron and Hermione followed him onto the kitchen bickering about what they would bake first. Ginny and Fred were looking for scraps of
Colorful paper and scissors, and you and George grabbed your coats and headed out the door.
"So where are we going to get a tree" George finally asked
"Honestly.... I have no idea" you laughed as you walked down the snowy sidewalk.
"Let's go into the muggle town and look around" George suggested. You two walked in the snow until you came upon the town. There were shops lining the streets and finally you found a Christmas tree lot, a few rows of trees waiting to be taken home. George walked up to the one closest and looked at you
"What do you think"
"No no no all wrong. You can't just pick the first one you see" you explained "you must look at all of your options it's important"
"It's a tree"
"Oh my gosh don't you dare say that in front of them" you gasped and let out a small giggle
"Alright crazy, which one would you like then" you slowly walked around the lot touching each tree as you went, inspecting every branch
"You've got to be kidding me" George laughed
"The tree is the most important part"
"Whatever you say" George followed behind you watching you inspect each one. You finally made it back to the front of the lot and looked at the first one George suggested
"This is the one" you told him
".... You mean.... The one I suggested about.... 20 minutes ago"
"Precisely" you said pulling out some muggle money. You paid for the tree and George carried it home.
When You walked in the front door Ginny was laid out of the floor in the living room next to Fred who was covered in glitter. The other three were in the kitchen still bickering about something while Hermione baked.
"Trees here" you called and pointed to the living room so George would bring it in there. You pulled out your wand and created a stand for the tree to sit in
"Perfect" you smiled as George gave it a few last adjustments
"You picked a good one" he winked at you and you laughed.
"How's the baking coming" you asked Ron and Harry and they both shrugged
"I've made two batches of gingerbread cookies so far" Hermione told you
"And we" Fred butted in "made the decorations...Ginny" Ginny presented a cardboard star coveted in glitter and gems for the top of the tree
"We'll that's......beautiful" you told them
"I think she meant to say hideous" Ron laughed you took the star from Ginny and situated it on the top of the tree "perfect" you turned to face your friend and they were all admiring Ginny and Fred's handiwork, except for George he was watching you.

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