68. Forever After

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Song: Just a little while by The 502s

"Don't move I'm almost done" Ginny said fixing your hair
"You look beautiful" Hermione gushed looking at you in the mirror

"How are you feeling" Ginny asked
"Alright, a bit nervous" you admitted

"That's normal" Hermione said. She and Ginny were dressed in their bridesmaids dresses and they looked beautiful.

There was knock at the door and you all turned as Charlie pooped his head in the door

"Almost ready Mrs. Weasley?" He laughed
"Just about" you smiled at him.

You looked at yourself In the mirror one more time, it was weird how much you looked like a bride.

Hermione and Ginny headed downstairs and left you alone with Charlie

"Feels like yesterday we were here for Bills wedding" you said

"You're right" Charlie smiled at the thought. You walked to the door and Charlie hugged you before helping you down the stairs where the girls and Sirius were waiting

"Merlin" Sirius smiled when he saw you "my beautiful daughter"

"Thanks dad" you blushed. You looked out the window and saw the big tent in the field and the guest sitting in their seats by the old tree you and George you to sit under every summer and your breath hitched.

"Pretty special isn't it" Sirius said
"It's perfect" you whispered.

The music started and George walked to the front of the aisle smiling and saying hello to people on his way.

Next Fred walked down with Molly and Arthur before joining George.

Hermione was next and she looked so beautiful that Ron wouldn't take his eyes off of her, the same went for Harry when Ginny had her turn.

Teddy followed making a great show smiling at all of the guests and giggling as he made his way to the alter.

"Ready" Sirius asked and held his arm out for you. You nodded and took his arm before taking a deep breath

"Just know" Sirius said turning to face you "that I love you so much"
You smiled and nodded
"I love you too"

"Alright enough of this sappy shit let's get you married" he laughed and as the music played, you left the house and started towards George.

The moment he laid his eyes on you your heart skipped a beat. George gasped and started to blink rapidly, Fred noticed and handed him a handkerchief which he use to wipe tears from his eyes.

As you walked down the aisle you spotted Quinn and Ken, Harry and Ron, Luna and Neville even Emily was there.

Remus was up front with Teddy smiling as he watch you and Sirius.

Molly was of course crying. Bill Charlie Percy and Fleur were all smiling too as they watched you walk towards George. 

When you finally got to the alter you hugged Sirius once again and he hugged George whispering something in his ear making him laugh.

George stepped closer to you taking your hand and turning to face the minister who would marry you.

You focused on the words he was saying trying to stay present in the moment but you couldn't help glance over at George who had a goofy grin on his face. Your husband.

"Samantha and George have chosen to write their own vows which they will share now"

Your heart raced as Ginny handed you your sheet of paper. You looked down at the words and then up at George

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