61. Amnesia

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The flashback in this chapter is from a previous chapter but it's changed and not how the actual event went.
Thanks for reading!
Song: traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

•Fred's POV•

Back in the burrow I was greeted by all of my siblings, Harry, Hermione and Samantha. My Samantha. She smiled when she saw me and my heart skipped a beat

"Fred" Ginny jumped up and crushed you with a hug making you laugh
"Welcome back" Bill said ruffling his your hair
"Thanks everyone" you smiled

George came over and hugged me a huge smile on both of our faces
"Missed you Freddie"
"Missed you too Georgie" Samantha chuckled and walked up to you.

She leaned in for a hug but you couldn't take it anymore and kissed her beautiful lips.

She jumped back a little surprised and looked over at George who looked just as shocked. What was up with those two.

"Fred what the fuck"
"What" you asked
"Why did you kiss Samantha"
"Why did I kiss my girlfriend? Hmmm I don't know because I missed her"

"Fred?" Samantha looked between you and your brother at a loss for words
"Why are the two of you acting so weird" you asked a bit upset at Samantha's reaction

"Your girlfriend?" George asked
"Yes my girlfriend" you repeated looking around the room meeting a lot of confused faces.

You shook your head and sat in the armchair
"She's my girlfriend" you said quietly "we love each other"

You grabbed a few slices of toast and two apples and took Samantha's hand
"Come on let's go somewhere we can talk" you said and tossed her an apple. She followed you all the way up to the astronomy tower and you sat down looking out over the castle and patted the spot next to you. Samantha sat and took a bite from the apple
"So how are things with you and Angelina" she asked
"Over, done you know" you said in between bites she nodded and kept eating

"But we really came here to talk about you and not me so spill, what's up with you. Things have been weird for a while now"
She turned the apple over in your hand not wanting to meet Fred's eyes as tears threatened to fall. Your chest was tight and and it felt like your heart was in your throat
"I....." she didn't even know where to start "Fred" Samantha choked out barely above a whisper before the tears started spilling out

"I love you so much" she sobbed and you held her "I'm not sure for how long but...but"
You rubbed your back and tried to soothe you
"I suspected"
"It was so hard to keep it from you and see you with Angelina"
"Why haven't you told me before"
"I'm scared I mean you liked Angelina anyway and I'm scared it will ruin our friendship"
"But this whole thing the weird feelings and everything is already ruining our friendship" you said

"I know" Samantha said wiping her tears
"Samantha" you whispered and she looked up at you "I love you too"
Her face change. It lit up and a small smile played on her lips
"Really" she sniffled
"Really" you smiled down at her and slowly leaned in your lips connecting sparks shooting through your body.

You shook your head again sure about Samantha and looked up at her "the night at the astronomy tower" you said to her

"The what" George asked looking at Samantha who shook her head
"Fred I think you're confused" she said kneeling down in front of me holding my hands.

"No I'm not" you shouted and Samantha jerked her head back. You finally noticed a ring on her finger that sparkled when the light hit it

"You....." you looked up at George who was watching Samantha an odd look on his face
"George" you whispered "how could you.... I wasn't gone for more than two months"

Samantha and George looked at each other a sad look on her face
"Fred" she said quietly "I've been with George, for years now"

"No what you and I have been dating since our last year at Hogwarts"
"No......we haven't" she sighed

I shook my head and stood up from the chair heading over to the stairs
"I hate you" you whispered glancing back at Samantha and George.

•George's POV•

"I hate you" Fred whispered looking between you and Samantha before going upstairs. No one said a word they just looked at Samantha

"George I swear nothing ever happened between me and Fred, I remember the night he was talking about but that was the night I told him I had feelings for you"

"No it's okay I believe you" you kissed the top of her head trying to calm her down

"I just don't understand why Fred thinks something happened between us"
"Didnt the doctor say his memory was a bit messed up" you asked and Samantha nodded
"I just didn't think it would be like this" she said quietly

"It'll be fine" Charlie finally said
"he'll remember soon"
"Yeah maybe once he goes back home to the shop" Bill suggested and you nodded.

The next morning you and Samantha were back at the shop and it was pretty busy. You glanced over and saw Samantha helping a group of young boys with the snack boxes while you rung up your customer

"Thanks for shopping with us, come back soon" you smiled and waved at the family as they left the shop.

You moved to the floor to help other customers when Fred walked in
"Fred" you smiled and approached your brother

"Hi" he said no emotion on his face. His eyes wandered around the store and landed on Samantha

"Do you remember all of this" you asked
"Uhm" Fred continued to look around
"I think? It seems really familiar"
Fred started to walk around the shop looking at all of the products

"Hey Freddie" Samantha smiled at your brother and walked up to him. Fred looked visibly upset and Samantha's smile faded

"Oh hey" he said looking away from her
"Hey I have some paperwork upstairs I need to get....I'll be back" she said and hurried up the stairs away from Fred who watched her.

You watched your brother and felt yourself get angry the way his eyes watched her body, but you had to remember he thought they were together. It's not his fault.

"Fred" you said quietly trying to get his attention.
"What's up" he asked pulling his attention back to you

"You've got to try, please Fred"
"George I....I love her"
"She's going to be my wife" you told him and you could a see the hurt flash across his face
"I have all these memories of the two of us" he said

"and I don't know if any of them are real, all the love....everything"
"She loves you Freddie she does, it's just a different type of love. she's called you her brother since the day you met you're one of the most important people in her life"

"Do I have someone else then" he asked you and your heart dropped

"Uhm" you didn't know where to start "you did. Angelina, you two dated during school on and off" you explained

"Well maybe I should go see her"
"You see Fred....Angelina died. During the battle"

Fred showed no emotion on his face but a moment later he laughed
"Of course" he chuckled
"the girl I think is in love with me isn't and the one who was is dead"

"Fred I'm sorry" you said reaching out for him but he pushed you away
"Whatever George, you've got everything you need" he said before leaving the shop.

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