5. Partys Over

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It was Friday afternoon after your first full week of classes and you dropped your books on the floor in the common room before collapsing on the couch.
"I swear I'm not going to make it through this year" you whined to Fred who was sitting next to you
"Oh shut it, you'll be fine" he laughed and started playing with your hair "and anyway, were having a party tonight so you gotta get excited"
"A party" you said lifting yourself to sit up next to Fred "interesting.... whos coming"
"everyone, we invited all the houses so itll be a big one"
"Merlin help us" you laughed and picked all your books up before hurrying up to your room. You flung the door open and Ginny and Hermione were looking though all of your clothes

"Uhm hi...." you said shrugging your bag off your shoulder and placing your books on your desk

"Oh hey, welcome to your room" Ginny laughed as she continued to look through your clothes
"we have nothing to wear for tonight" Hermione explained "and you have all the cute clothes"
"have at it" you laughed as you sat back on your bed "I don't even know what I'm going to wear yet" 
"Oh we already picked it for you" Ginny said throwing you a backless periwinkle dress
"are you sure" You asked looking at the dress on the bed "I forgot I even had this"
"Yes of course were sure you'll look amazing" Hermione said holding up a navy dress to herself in the mirror "and George will definitely notice you" 

You groaned and rolled back onto the bed face down "I dont even know what to say to him anymore"
"Hmmm I dont know maybe hey George I like you wanna go snog?" Ginny said completely serious making you and Hermione burst out in laughter
"my plan is just to get really drunk and forget all about it" you explained "Oh speaking of.... I'll be right back" your hurried out of your room and looked into the common room Fred was still down on the couch and George had joined him, they looked to be in the middle of an important conversation so the coast was clear. You hurried down the hall to the boys room and opened the door, we had been back a week and already their room was a mess. You opened the closet and grabbed a shoe box in the back corner, inside was a bottle of fire whiskey that you grabbed and quickly put the box back. You ran back down the hall giggling and finally made it to your room shutting the door tightly behind you. You held the bottle up victoriously and both girls cheered

"bottoms up ladies" you said taking a long drink from the bottle before passing it to Ginny "only one drink for Ginny or she wont even make it to the party"

"shut up and get dressed" Ginny said taking the bottle out of your hands. you slipped out of your clothes and looked in the mirror taking off your underwear before slipping into the dress. Hermione choked on her drink and started coughing and turned red
"Chill Minoe, she got all the same parts as you" Ginny said "no big deal"

you laughed and grabbed your makeup bag putting some eyeshadow, mascara and clear gloss on before tossing it to the other girls. You ran your hands through your red hair and shrugged "this is fine I guess"

"you looks great" Ginny said slipping into a black dress and Hermione into the navy one

"You're right" you said looking at all three in the mirror "we look great" you smiled and ran to your desk and quickly grabbed your muggle camera "say cheese" you squealed and you all smiled while you snapped the picture. A moment later it was printing out the front and Hermione grabbed her wand duplicating the photo so you could each have one.
"It's already getting loud down there" Ginny commented as the music thumped through the common room
"Then let's go" you squealed grabbing both girls and heading downstairs as fast as you could in heels. You stopped a few stairs before the bottom and scanned the room, it was crowded and you could barely make out any faces. But of course out of everyone in the room you caught George's eye he stopped mid sentence and his mouth hung slightly open
"Looks like we were right about the dress" Ginny said giving you a gentle nudge in his direction. George walked away from whoever he was talking to and made his way over to you
"You look amazing" he said quietly and smiled down at you
"Thanks George" you blushed and looked around the room "I need a drink" you said abruptly and George led you over to the drink table. You poured a big cup of fire whiskey and quickly gulped it down
"Uhh Samantha.... Was that a good idea" George said nervously. With the drinks from before already in your system and that last drink heating up your body you smiled
"Of course it is Georgie I'm fine"
"GEORGE" someone squealed from across the room making you both turn. Katie bell ran up to George and wrapped her arms around him in a hug which he reciprocated.
"Excuse me I have to go barf over there" you said quietly enough they couldn't hear you and you walked away from them. You plucked the drink out of Lee's hand when you walked up to him and finished it off
"Bloody bell Samantha you mean business tonight, I mean look at the dress you look fucking fit" Lee gushed over you. You had the best kind of friendship because you could say things like that to each other and it was never weird. You gave him a little spin and giggled
"Why thank you Mr. Lee you look pretty great yourself" you looked into your cup and frowned "I'm all out.... Leelee can you get me another" you batted your eyelashes up at him and he laughed
"Well that was my drink so technically I'm out, but yes I'll go get us some more drinks"
You leaned up against the edge of the wall watching people dance while you waited for Lee
"Fuck Samantha" Adrian's voice caused a shiver to go down your spine as he approached from behind and placed his hand on your shoulder "you look Fucking amazing"
You turned around and looked him in the eyes your faces only inches apart
"Adrian" you smiled "I'm surprised to see you here, if I recall correctly you said you'd never step foot in the Gryffindor common room"
He stepped closer and put his arm around your waist resting his hand on your ass.
"I made and exception in hopes you'd be here"
"Well that obviously paid off"
Adrian looked you up and down and tightened his grip "more than you know" you giggled and he looked around the room "I need a drink. Wait here" he walked off in the direction of the drink table and you let out your breath which you didn't realize you had been holding. A minute later Lee came back and handed you a drink "my lady" You smiled and gladly accepted the drink which you quickly threw back "woah Samantha calm down" Lee said
"Im fine" you slurred your words and stumbled back into the wall which made you laugh "I want to dance" you shouted and marched off to where everyone was dancing, the music was so loud you could feel inside of you. You closed your eyes and swayed to the beat before getting completely lost in the music. You felt two hands wrap around you from behind and Adrian leaned down to whisper in your ear "I thought I lost you" he grinded up against you in beat to the music and you let your head fall back against his chest
"Where's my drink" you asked
"I put it down when I saw you dancing" Adrian explained "I can go get you anot-"
Before Adrian had finished talking you had walked off towards the drink table. You saw Fred and Angelina cozied up on a couch and George and Katie against the wall. Your heart dropped and you let go of your cup only snapping out of it when it crashed on the ground. Fred and George looked up at you and you started backing away but tripped over your own feet
"Samantha" Fred jumped to his feet to help you up but you couldn't figure out how to make your legs work and just sat on the ground tears streaming down your face "what's wrong love" Fred knelt down next to you and wiped your face
"I wanna go" you sobbed into his shoulder. Fred glanced back at George who only shrugged before turning back to Katie
"Alright I got you come on" Fred lifted you off of the ground and carried you upstairs towards your room.
"No I want to sleep in your bed tonight" you said between sobs
"Alright then" Fred turned towards his room and dumped you on his bed "stay right here I have to talk to Angelina, I'll be right back" you rolled over off of the bed and hit the floor before getting up onto your wobbly legs and looking for a T-shirt to throw on. You found George's team Ireland shirt from the World Cup pulled your dress on and threw that over your head, it fell just past your knees. You climbed back into Fred bed and snuggled up under the covers. Fred came back a minute later and kicked his shoes off
"You owe me" he laughed "and Angelina"
"Anything for you Fred, youre the best brother ever" you slowly drifted off to sleep as Fred climbed in next to you and turned out the light.


Here's Samantha's dress

Thank you to everyone whos reading I really appreciate it! I hope you're liking the story so far :)

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Thank you to everyone whos reading I really appreciate it! I hope you're liking the story so far :)

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