63. Familiar Faces

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Song: fine line by Harry styles

•George's POV•

"They'll be here soon" Ginny said watching me pace the living room at the burrow

"What if....." you trailed off thinking about al lathe possibilities Fred could have tried to make a move on Samantha or he could have blown up on her, you shouldn't have let her go.

Just as you were about to apperate to the graveyard the two appeared in the kitchen hand in hand.

"Samantha" you rushed over and grabbed her face in your hands kissing her.

Samantha smiled into the kiss and that lit you up

"How was it" you asked quietly
"It was great" she smiled

"Don't worry brother, I'll be leaving your fiancé alone from now on" Fred said patting myself back

"What happened" you said glancing between Samantha and Fred

"Let's go walk" Samantha said taking your hand in hers.

The two of you walked outside of the burrow lazily through the garden and out into the yard

"He kissed me" she finally said looking up at you
"and I kissed him back.... I knew he would feel it, or the lack of 'it'"
"And did he"

Samantha nodded
"He knew it wasn't me"

"Good" you let out your breath which you didn't realize you were holding

"And he asked me to tell him a memory of us, a real one. I think it helped clear a lot up"

"You're amazing, you know that?" You smiled down at your beautiful fiancé taking in every detail of her face in this moment.

The smile on her face the way her green eyes twinkled, slightly squinted from smiling, her nose scrunched up, the freckles sprayed across her face and her hair.

Merlin her hair. The beautiful red hair dancing on the wind around her.

You wanted to stay here wrapped in her warmth forever but instead you placed a kiss on her nose making her giggle which was music to your ears and lead her back inside.

Everyone was getting ready to gather around the table when you walked inside and you took your seat next to Samantha and Fred.

"Everything alright" Molly asked
"Everything is perfect" you told her
Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione had taken their seats and started to fill up their plates.

Samantha followed suit and you waited until she was through before taking your own dinner.

Everyone was deep in conversation and Fred even chimed in a few times.

You watched your family and felt comfortable and at ease.

You smiled as Samantha burst out in laughter at something Charlie had said and she glanced up at you

"I love you" she whispered.

"Behind you" you shouted as you dodged Fred and managed to keep all of the boxes in your arms.

Samantha was behind the register ringing up customer after customer and Fred almost back to his normal personable self was helping out on the floor.

It was nice to have Fred back but it wasn't quite the same yet, while he had regained parts of his memory some where still a bit behind.

Samantha was having to re teach him the inventory and I was making sure he remembered all of the products.

"How's it going Freddie" you asked as you restocked shelves

"I'm alright" he said shrugging "just a lot going on here"

"That's for sure" you laughed and moved on to help a customer.

When the sign was flipped to closed you let out a sigh and walked over to Samantha who was leaning on the counter

"You alright" you asked kissing her head
"Yeah just a bit tired is all" she said smiling up at you

"How about I go get take away for the three of us" you suggested looking over at Fred

"Sounds good to me" Samantha said
"Me too" Fred nodded
"You go get showered and change darling, I'll be back soon"

Samantha smiled and kissed you before heading up the stairs to the apartment. Fred stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked over at you

"Is it alright if I go up"
"You live here too mate"
"I know I just.... I hope I didn't make anything weird" he mumbled

"Hey Freddie none of that was your fault, it's water under the bridge" you told him patting his back

"Thanks" he smiled and went up the stairs into the flat.

You left the shop locking it behind you and walked down the alley to your favorite Indian restaurant.

When you got the food you walked back bags in hand towards the shop.

You passed the many friendly faces of the other shop owners closing up for the night getting the casual wave or smile.

"Well well well look who it is"
You stopped dead in your tracks after hearing a voice that made your skin crawl

"Leave me the fuck alone Adrian"
"So unfriendly" he taunted

"What do you want Adrian? You already lost"
"I never lose Weasley and I won't be losing this battle"

"What battle"
"You're stopping me from getting what I want"
"If Samantha's what you want I'm not the one standing in your way, she doesn't want you"
"Maybe but she will"

Adrian took a step closer and you grasped at your wand.
"Watch your fucking back" he whispered "cause I'll be coming"

Adrian apperated leaving you alone in the street shaking with anger.

•Samantha POV•

You were sitting on the couch in your pajamas watching Fred mess with a new prototype that reminded you of a patronus.

Each ball was a different creature that slowly melted out and came to life ready to play for a few minutes.

The first one was a crup and the next a kneazle that caught Maris interest and played around with her making you laugh

"That's awesome Fred" you said as the kneazle slowly disappeared.

You heard the door downstairs and then footsteps on the stairs.

George came through the door an annoyed look on his face
"Foods here" he said forcing a smile.

Fred jumped up taking the bags from his brother and got plates and utensils out

"Everything alright" you asked George quietly
"Yeah" he said sighing

"everything is fine" he kissed your forehead and walked into the kitchen.

All throughout dinner George seemed a little off but you didn't want to pry, if there was a problem he would tell you.

"You two go finish those new products" you said as you all finished
"I've got clean up"
"Brilliant thank you Samantha" Fred said ruffling your hair laughing.

George smiled at you and followed his brother out of the kitchen without a word.

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