34. Moving

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Song: Arsonists Lullaby by Hozier

"You're moving him" you repeated yourself following George around the flat
"Yes Samantha" George said "it'll be fine"
"And you" you stopped Fred in his tracks
"I'll be helping too"
"No" you shouted "no no no" you scrunched your eyes closed and put your hands in fists
"Samantha" George seemed shocked at your outburst
"No I can't lose you" you screamed at George "or you" you looked at Fred "I can't lose you two" you whispered
"You won't lose us Samantha" Fred reassured you
George looked down at you his eyes looking concerned
"You won't lose me" he said quietly "ever"
"You guys don't have a choice do you" you asked
"No" both of the twins said. Your stomach dropped and you felt it in your heart something wasn't right. George walked into your room and threw a few pieces of clothes into a bag
"Take this to the burrow" George told you "you can wait with Ginny and mum"
You nodded not sure if you were strong enough to speak
"I love you" you choked out
George cupped your face in his hands and kissed you passionately like he never wanted it to end.
"I love you too Samantha.... And I'll see you soon"
You and George walked out to the living room where Fred was waiting. You grabbed him in a tight hug
"Be safe" you whispered
"Love you Samantha" Fred whispered back. You gave George one last look and the two boys apperated right out of your flat.
You wasted no time grabbing the boys bags and apperating to the burrow. The living room was empty but Molly and Ginny soon ran in the room worried looks on their faces
"Oh" Molly flung her arms around you and pulled you in close. You let a few tears that you had been holding back roll down your face as you embraced Molly. The two of you finally pulled apart and you gave her a weak smile
"Samantha honey" she wiped away the tears "they'll be okay...they'll all be okay" it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than you
"You think George would wait seven years to date you and then go and die" Ginny asked making you laugh. The three of you tried to keep busy cooking for the group that would hopefully be arriving soon. You heard a loud bang and you dropped the bowl in your hand. You Molly and Ginny ran outside and saw Harry and Hagrid, Ginny raced towards him and jumped into Harry's arms. Harry explained how the death eaters had been on them from the start and you almost got sick. George and Fred should have been back by now and as if on queue George and Lupin came stumbling out of the reeds. George was being held up by lupin who was covered in blood, but lupin wasn't hurt. You couldn't make your brain figure out what was going on and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as you followed the trail of blood up to George's head.
"George" you gasped quietly and followed everyone into the house. Lupin laid George on the couch and looked over at you, everything was spinning and you felt as if your legs were going to give out. Remus and Harry must have noticed because the two rushed to your side and helped you to the floor next to the couch. Molly was bent over George attending to his wounds and you gently grasped his fingers on his hand that was dangling off of the couch. Molly had made the bleeding stop but you still felt as if you were in some horrible nightmare, you didn't even notice Hermione and Kingsley returning. Arthur and Fred were next. You jumped to your feet and grabbed Fred in and hug
"I love you" you whispered and he held you tightly
"George...." He looked down at his brother who was barley conscious
"How do you feel Georgie" Fred asked his brother
"What's wrong with him" Fred asked looking at you
"Saintlike" George repeated "I'm holey Fred.... Get it"
Fred let out a small laugh and you just smiled. George reached for your hand and you moved closer kneeling next to the couch
"Told you you couldn't lose me" George smiled looking proud of himself
"I love you George Weasley"
Ron and Tonks were the next back both unharmed. The last back were Bill and Fleur who informed everyone that Mad eye had died. You saw a look flash over Harry's face and he left the room.
With everyone back people started to go home first Kingsley followed by Tonks and Remus, the last were Bill and Fleur. George was in no condition to leave tonight so you stayed with him while Fred went home. Molly brought you blankets after you insisted on staying next to George
"Thank you Molly" you sighed looking over at George
"He's alright honey" she said patting your back before going upstairs. George was already fast asleep and you sat up for most of the night watching over him but as the sky started to grow pale and light you allowed yourself to close your eyes.

"Morning beautiful" you were woken up by George's raspy voice
"George" you startled and sat up straight "are you already"
"I'm fine love" he chuckled "I feel completely better"
"Really" you asked a weight being lifted from your shoulders
"Really" George smiled at you from his spot on the couch. You lunged forward and wrapped your arms around him making him laugh
"You scared me so much George"
"I know I'm sorry" he hugged you back holding you tightly in his arms. You sat back and looked at the bandages covering his missing ear
"Do you have any idea who did it" you asked
"I know exactly who did it, I saw him do it" George told you
"Are you fucking joking?!" You gasped "if I ever get the chance I'm going to kill that man"
"Easy love" George Laughed
"Why aren't you mad about this" you couldn't understand George's attitude
"Because nothings wrong, I'm right here.... With you"
"But yo-"
"No buts I'm here and that's all I care about" George kissed your forehead and smiled "but now on to more important business"
"And what's that"
"Breakfast" George said making you laugh
"Alright" you stood up "and what would you like"
"Pancakes" George smiled
"Anything for you"
You walked into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. Soon everyone one else was up and you had made enough food to feed an army. Everyone gathered around the table and ate happily, Fred came back with your bag and more clothes for George. It was wild to think after the events of last night that in just two days time there would be a wedding right here.

Later that night Hermione jumped up from her spot in the armchair and closed her book making everyone look at her
"Yes?" You asked
"Today's your birthday"
Everyone turned to look at you George catching your eye and looking distraught
"Yes..... it is" you said going back to your book
"We didn't do anything" she whined
"And I didn't want anyone to"
"I'm so sorry love" George said quietly "I can't believe we forgot"
"Really its the lat thing on my mind today" you shrugged
"But you deserve to be celebrated" Fred sighed
"Next year" you smiled at your friends "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to shower" you smiled and headed upstairs. You really did hate if anyone made a fuss about your birthday so the timing this year couldn't be better. You took a nice long hot shower and changed into something comfy before going back downstairs, but no one was there. You looked around the kitchen and it was empty, you noticed a small firework fly up to your face and then out the door. You hurried after it and once outside fireworks lit up the sky you looked around and saw all of your friends over by a fire
"Happy birthday love" George said walking up to you and kissing you
"You guys didn't have to" you said shaking your head
"But we wanted to" Ginny said
"Really we did" Hermione added picking up a small cake
"You guys" you smiled
"It's carrot cake" George told you "your favorite"
You looked around at your friends and the fireworks lighting up the night sky and smiled
"Thank you, you guys"
They all broke out in a chorus of 'happy birthday' and you decided right then that this was the best birthday you'd ever had.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now