46. Last Christmas

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Song: snow by Lisa hannigan

Christmas morning came and you woke up on the couch in George's arms
"Morning" he smiled down at you
"Good morning" you whispered kissing him gently
"Please" Fred mumbled "for the love of Merlin keep the snogging to a minimum when I'm on the couch too" he sat up getting off of his spot on you and stretched
"Merry Christmas Ginny" Fred threw a pillow over to his sister who groaned
"Fuck off Fred"
You and George laughed and you sat up rubbing your eyes.
Molly came downstairs shortly after greeting everyone and going into the kitchen to start breakfast
"Morning Weasleys" Arthur said coming down the stairs followed by Lee.
"Can we open presents" Ginny shouted to her mum
"Yes just a minute" Molly came out of the kitchen with her arms full of packages. She handed one to all of her children, Lee and then you
"Merry Christmas" she smiled down at you
"Merry Christmas" you tore the paper away and inside was a knit hat and scarf that matched the ones she made for the twins sixth year. You put them on and smiled at George who laughed at you in your pajamas and the hat and scarf.
Everyone else exchanged gifts and you couldn't help but feel bad that you didn't have gifts for everyone.
"Don't worry about it" George leaned over and whispered in your ear. You smiled at him and shrugged
"For you my lovely sister" Ginny said handing you a present
"Thanks Ginny"
You opened the package and inside were socks and mittens
"I love them Ginny" you smiled putting the mittens on. Lee got you a new record of your favorite muggle songs and you gave him a big hug.
"Now me" Fred said pushing a present into your hands. You opened it up and looked at Fred a bit confused
"It's....lovely" you said holding up the tiny sweater that was no bigger than one of the mittens Ginny gave you.
"Don't be daft" Fred laughed taking the sweater from you "it's isn't for you"
"Then why-"
"It's for Mari" Fred said holding the kitten down while he put the sweater on her.
"Here" Fred held Mari up and showed everyone the sweater making you laugh
"Oh Mari" you said in between your laughs. You scooped her out of Fred's arms and admired her
"That's adorable" Ginny laughed
"Thank you Fred" you said nose booping with Mari.
"Of course anything for my niece" Fred cooed at the cat
"You're both crazy" George said with a chuckle
"Shut up George just because your jealous of the cats present doesn't mean you can be mean about it" you said handing the kitten back to Fred.
You helped clean up all the wrapping paper while Molly got breakfast ready for everyone
"Hey I want to give you your present later tonight okay?" George told you
"You didn't need to get me anything George"
"Ah well I did" he said kissing your forehead "so you will deal"
You laughed and shook your head and tossed the rest of the discarded wrappings in the garbage
"Hello" you heard Bill call
"Bill?!" Molly shouted
You ran to the kitchen and saw Bill and Fleur walking into the kitchen pulling off their coats
"What are you doing here" Ginny asked running to hug her brother
"It is Christmas isn't it" he laughed
"It didn't feel like the holiday if we weren't with family" Fleur said hugging Molly.
"Well we're glad your here" Arthur said smiling at his son. You hugged Bill and Fleur a huge smile on your face, this Christmas was turning out to be the most normal day you've had in awhile. Everyone sat around the kitchen table catching up with Bill and Fleur when Bill elbowed you catching your attention
"You definitely wear it better" he smiled at you. You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow unsure of what he was referring to. Bill laughed and pointed to the scars on his face and you blushed and chuckled quietly
"Yeah.... Thanks" you whispered. Everyone was being very kind about what had happened to you but you didn't like everyone treating you like some fragile thing that could break at any moment. The scar was ugly. There was no getting around that and not everyone had to try and make her feel better about it.
Molly put breakfast on the table and she had made the works, toast, sausage, eggs, beans, bacon, portage. Your mouth watered as you filled your plate and it seemed everyone else felt the same as they all filled their plates as much as possible.
"Thanks mum" Fred gave his mother a thumbs up as he shoveled the food into his mouth. Ginny made a disgusted face and handed her brother a napkin
"That's gross" You sighed.
You laughed and looked around the table full of Weasleys who were chatting away, except for George. George was pushing his food around his plate and bouncing his leg under the table
"Are you alright" you whispered
"What" George asked
"You, you look nervous or distracted. Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah" he smiled and took a bite of his food "never better"
George went back to his daydream and pushing his food around taking a small bite here and there. He definitely didn't seem alright, you caught Fred's eye across the table and he looked away immediately.

Breakfast was long over and you and Ginny were laying in front of the fire playing cards and arguing about quidditch with Bill. Molly and Fleur were in the kitchen working on dinner and Arthur was asleep in his armchair. Lee, George and Fred had been missing since the afternoon. You assumed they had gone outside to play around on their brooms but they had been gone for hours now and you were getting worried.
"Have you seen the others" you asked Bill
He glanced over at Ginny and then back at you
"Oh yeah totally they're just uhm.. they went outside and they ya know" Bill ran his hands through his hair "they're playing in the snow"
"They're..... playing in the snow?" you asked
"Yep that is what I said"
"Alright then...." You looked between the two siblings who seemed to not want to look at you "you Weasleys are odd" you laughed and Ginny hit your arm
"Are not" she argued
"Whatever you say" you said going back to your card game.
A little bit later Lee George and Fred came into the living room from outside
"Hi love" George bent down and kissed your cheek his cold nose pressing against you making you jump
"You guys were out there for a while" you smiled up at him
"Oh yeah we were just practicing quidditch" he told you
"I though-" you looked over at Bill who immediately looked away
"What" George asked
"Nothing" you shrugged
"Alright we'll I'm going to shower before dinner and warm up a bit" George said heading upstairs
"We should probably get dressed for dinner" Ginny said looking at you
"What's wrong with what I have on" you asked looking at your jeans and sweater
"It's Christmas Samantha come on"
"Geez so hostile" you joked
"Don't try me Green" Ginny said making you laugh, the two of you heading up to her room. You closed the door behind you and sat on the bed next to Ginny
"I don't want you to go back" you said to her
"Honestly I don't want to go back either" she admitted "but I have to"
"What do you mean"
"Without me and Neville things would be out of control. They're hurting students Samantha, every day. We've taken to hiding in the room of requirements, we rarely leave."
"I had no idea Gin"
"Not to worry" she said standing up " Harry, Ron and Hermione will be done soon. I know it."
"Yeah" you mumbled "But Ginny" you grabbed your friend and pulled her back onto the bed with you holding her hands "please please be careful.... I've never had a sister or brother for that matter but you're the best sister I could ever ask for and the thought of something happening to you kills me"
"You underestimate me Samantha" Ginny smiled at you "I promise nothing bad will happen to me" the two of you hugged for a long moment before you jumped up
"Okay okay what shall I wear for dinner" you asked and Ginny quickly went to her closet and pulled out a red dress it had a plunging neckline and small white dots all over
"Are you sure" you looked at the dress against your body in the mirror
"Definitely. It'll look great with your locket" she smiled at you
"And what will you be wearing" you asked as Ginny looked through her closet
"I think this skirt and a sweater" she said pulling out a green corduroy skirt
"Cute" you smiled pulling the dress on
"Oh Merlin" Ginny gasped "thats it, you look amazing"
"Thanks Ginny" you smiled at your reflection in the mirror.
Once you were both ready you went downstairs for dinner and everyone was all dressed up
"Wow you all look amazing" you laughed as you walked down the stairs making everyone turn to look at you. George grinned from ear to ear when he saw you and you blushed. You noticed Molly staring but looked away quickly.
"Dinner is ready everyone" she shouted gaining everyone's attention again.
You all headed to the kitchen and sat down to your feast.

Samantha's dress

NSamantha's dress

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