22. Oblivion

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Trigger warning: rape / sexual assault if you need to just skip this chapter please do, I would never want to upset anyone. That being said if you're struggling and need someone you can always message me
National sexual assault hotline website: www.rainn.org

Song: where the watermelon rots by Madelynne Whitt

It was Monday morning and you were getting ready for class when someone knocked on your door
"Come in" you called pulling you socks up over you knee
"Morning love" George walked in and planted a kiss on your forehead
"Morning" you smiled up at him
"Can I walk you to class" he asked
"I'd love that, I just hand to find my quill" you said walking around your room, you spotted it next to your desk and you bent down to grab it, your skirt riding up exposing your underwear
"Or" George said taking a step closer to you "we could just stay here"
You stood up and rolled your eyes at him "you know we have to go to class George"
"I know I know but for fucks sake you turn me on so much" he reached down and grabbed you pulling you closer and planting a kiss on your lips. You kissed him back before pulling away
"We'll be late" you said picking up your bag "let's go"
The two of you headed out the door and out of the common room. You and George walked hand in hand towards your astronomy class, which George wasn't in.
"Looks like Samantha here picked the wrong man" Adrians voice rang out making you stop in your tracks "my bad, she chose a boy not a man"
"What do you want"
"Nothing just surprised you'd chose Weasley over me"
"Well I did so let's move on"
"I bet your whore mouth loves sucking his cock" Adrian spat "but I could make you suck mine" he said lowering his voice
"Shut the fuck up" George said
"You don't like when I talk about your whore girlfriend, Weasley?"
"I fucking said shut up" George said stepping closer
"Whatever" Adrian rolled his eyes "I just hope you know my fingers felt that bitch first, and she liked it" that was enough to push George over the edge and he landed a punch right in the middle of Adrians face. You gasped and grabbed George as Adrian stumbled backwards, his two friends jumping to their feet coming after George. Flint pushed you to the ground and tried punching George.
"Stop" you yelled picking yourself up "stop"
Professor Sinistra came out of her classroom when she heard the commotion
"Break it up" she shouted getting the four boys attention "what is the meaning of this"
"He attacked me" Adrian said holding his bleeding nose.
"Mr. Weasley go to professor McGonagalls office at once"
George sighed and glanced over at you before walking off in the direction of McGonagalls.
"Everyone else get to class" you quickly walked into class and kept your head down. You didn't want anymore attention drawn to you so you sat in the back of the class and remained quiet the whole time. Once you were dismissed you were the first out of class hoping to find George, but he wasn't around. You walked to your other classes hoping he'd meet up with you later so you could hear what happened with McGonagall but he never did. You met up with your friends for dinner and George was still missing
"Have you seen George today" you asked Harry and Ron
"I think I saw him heading to the quidditch pitch earlier with Fred"
You nodded "I guess they wanted to get another practice in"
"Probably, our next game is this weekend and it's going to be brutal" Harry told you. You sat with your friends and finished your dinner
"Alright I'm off" you said ruffling Ginnys hair as you stood up, she attempted to push your hand away and flatten it back down.
"See you later" they called and you left the great hall. You took your time walking back to your room since Fred and George were busy, the castle was beautiful especially at night. You turned down a small corridor and thought you heard footsteps. You looked around and Adrian and his friends were entering the hall behind you. You turned back around and just kept walking not wanting to speak to them
"Cats got your tongue" Flint called after you
"No no it's Weasley who's got her tongue" Adrian laughed. You quickened your pace and looked straight ahead as you walked
"Don't ignore me" Adrian shouted his voice started to sound angry, your step faltered and you weren't sure what to do
"Don't have your boyfriend around to protect you now" Marcus said. Your heart was beating like crazy and you just wanted to get back to the common room
"Petrificus totalus" Marcus hit you with the spell causing you to fall to the ground, unable to move. The boys hurried up to you and grabbed you before dragging you into a broom closet.
"Episky" Adrian undid the curse and you started to kick all three boys
"Muffliato" Higgs cast the charm and smirked
"What the fuck do you want" you spat
"What do you think love" Adrian brushed his hand along your cheek "I want you"
Your stomach dropped and you felt yourself shake slightly.
"Cut the shit Adrian"
"She think I'm not serious boys" he said looking between his friends. He stepped closer to you and pulled at your shirt
"Stop" you pushed his hands off of you. He hit you across the face with the backside of his hand
"Now shut up or I'll do worse to that pretty face of yours" he whispered to you. You spit in his face and Adrian jumped back. Flint and Higgs stepped forward and Marcus landed a single punch in the middle of your face, your head bounced back and hit the wall behind you. Your vision blurred and you reached for your face feeling warm blood trickle down to your chin.
"Now are you going to listen" Adrian asked and you said nothing "good girl"
Adrian stepped closer and pulled your shirt off and started kissing your chest, your stomach churned as he unclasped your bra exposing your breasts. You heard the two other boys chuckle and you prayed for the darkness around you to swallow you up. Adrian started massaging your breasts and you could hear him moan. The two other boys decided it was time for them to go and slipped out of the closet leaving you and Adrian alone. Adrian pulled your skirt down and looked up and down your body
"Your wasting yourself on Weasley" he hooked his fingers in your underwear and pulled them down leaving you completely exposed. Adrian pulled his pants and boxers down part of the way pulling his already hard dick out. He stroked it a few times before sliding it up and down your folds, you held back tears and you felt like you were going to throw up. You stared up at the ceiling following the crack in the tile trying to focus on anything else, trying to leave your body.
"You're so wet for me baby, you clearly want it" he reached down to where his dick was and ran his finger along your core
"I bet you taste so sweet" he sucked on his finger which left you feeling nauseous. He grabbed your wrists holding you down before he pushed into you and you winced at the sensation, it wasn't like with George there was no love or kindness, you felt disgust with every touch he left on your body. He pumped in and out over and over like a robot, all while you begged for it to be over. Adrian pulled out and flipped you over
"Hands and knees" he panted. You held yourself up with the last of your strength as he pushed back into you and started thrusting painfully hard. You couldn't hold back your tears anymore and silently they fell hitting the cold floor
"Fuck you're so tight" Adrian whispered in your ear. You screwed you eyes shut and tightly as you could and thought of anything else, Christmas at Grimmauld place, laying in the warm grass at the burrow, sitting around the kitchen table with your friends and family. Adrians thrusts became sloppy and he finally came inside of you
"Fuck that was good" he said pulling out and zipping up his pants. You sat on the floor naked, unable to move
"Get dressed, you look pathetic" Adrian said throwing your clothes at you. You mindlessly dressed yourself but remained seated in the same spot. He glanced back at you and slipped out of the closet leaving you alone. You sat still hugging your knees not knowing what to do, you couldn't even cry. You couldn't believe what had just happened.

You weren't sure how long you sat in the closet, easily hours. You held yourself and stared at the closed door unable to move or speak. The door flew open and George and Fred were standing there with the marauders map in hand
"Samantha" George gasped and dropped to his knees in front of you, you stared at him his eyes searching your face for anything.
"What happened" Fred asked quietly. You shifted your eyes up to Fred and stared at him quietly too, no emotion visible on your face. George gently ran his hands over the cuts and bruises forming on your face and you winced pulling away from his touch. George glanced back at Fred and you just sat there
"Samantha" George whispered again, you looked into his eyes and it all came up you fell into his arms and started sobbing. George grabbed you back and held you tightly as you wailed the sobs shaking your body.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now