36. The Day Before

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Song: shotgun by George Ezra

You were standing on a crate in the living room and Mrs. Weasley was making alterations to your dress for tomorrow. Fleur had asked Ginny Hermione and yourself to be her bridesmaids which you happily agreed to, even Ginny.
"Stand still love" Mrs. Weasley said pricking your again
"Sorry sorry" you couldn't stop fidgeting, the energy in the house was very high and everyone seemed slightly on edge.
Mrs Weasley had spent the afternoon fixing everyone's dresses and attending to Mr. And Mrs. Delacour making sure they were as comfortable as possible.
She had a lot on her mind and wasn't handling it all too well.
"Hello Weasleys" Charlie walked through the front door and shouted
"Charlie" you yelled jumping off the crate and hugging him
"Samantha" Mrs. Weasley shouted a thread hanging off of your dress
"Oh sorry" you blushed and stood back on the crate
"I swear between you and Ginny it's like herding cats"
You giggled and so did Charlie
"You bloody cats" he teased
"Oh shut up"
"Where is everyone" Charlie asked putting his backpack down
"The boys are in town picking up last minute supplies and Ginny and Hermione are upstairs" Mrs. Weasley said hugging and kissing her son
"No fun" he said laying back on the couch watching you get your dress finished. You babbled on and on about everything going on at the burrow and how everyone would be excited to see him.
"There.... All done" Mrs. Weasley said "now take it upstairs straight away and hang it up"
"Yes ma'am" you winked at Charlie and hurried upstairs to change
"Don't be long" he called after you making you laugh
"Charlie's here" you shouted busting into Ginnys room as you stripped out of your dress
"Merlin Samantha" Hermione said looking away
"Chill mione I have underwear on" you laughed and threw on shorts and a tank top
"Come on" you told the girls and hurried back downstairs.

It felt like Christmas Day whenever Bill or Charlie was in town. You remember the first time you met them both seven years ago, you thought they were so old and mature.
You plopped down in the couch with Charlie
"So Samantha the last time I saw you you were" he paused and lowered his voice
"snogging my brother on the roof, how's that going"
"Great" you smiled "I moved in with them above the joke shop a few months ago"
"Oh so this is serious" Charlie mused
"Yeah.... I guess it is" you trailed off thinking about George
"And you" you asked him "what's new in dragon land"
"Not much we have a new dragon set to hatch any day now"
"Really what kind"
"A Norwegian ridgeback" Charlie told you
"That's awesome" you said with excitement, you loved dragons and all magical creatures. You were sometimes a bit envious of Charlie getting to work with them every day. You and Charlie continued chatting about school and work while Hermione and Ginny joined you, while your favorite red head came walking in the door grocery bags in hand
"Charlie" he smiled and put them down
"Charlie?!" Fed asked hurrying in the door with more bags
"Yeah he's here" you said
"Who's here" Bill said walking inside
George walked over to the two of you and kissed you quickly before saying hello to his brother
"Looks like you've had quite the fight little brother" Charlie poked at George's missing ear while George tried pushing his hand away.
"Charlie" Arthur exclaimed as he walked inside and immediately hugging his son. You felt so happy in the moment being with everyone who you considered your family. Ron and Harry finally trudged inside with the remaining bags, dropping them by the door
"Charlie" Ron hurried over to his brother and hugged him
"Everyone together" you smiled
"Well...." Fred looked over at you
"Not Percy" George reminded you
"Oh" you said quietly "sorry, I forgot"
Charlie nodded "no need to be sad you lot, your favorite Weasley is here"
Everyone laughed and Charlie looked pleased with himself. Molly came downstairs when she heard everyone and looked through all the bags and started putting everything away.
"Make sure you all get to bed nice and early tonight" she told everyone "Arthur will need help with the tent in the morning"
Most of the boys just grumbled in response as Molly and Arthur headed upstairs
"Bonfire?" Charlie asked looking around at his siblings
"Bonfire" Fred agreed
"I'm in" you smiled and George nodded in agreement
"Us too" Ron answered for Harry
"Me too" Ginny smiled
"I guess so" Hermione said
"We just need big brother Bill" Charlie smirked
He then hurried upstairs coming back a few minutes later with Bill
"No Fleur" you asked
"Like a normal person she wanted to get a good nights rest" Bill explained making you and everyone else laugh.
You all headed outside and George and Fred got the fire started. You sat down sharing a chair with George and you adjusted his bandage for him and snuggled into his side. Everyone was wrapped up in blankets and enjoying the warmth from the fire.
"To our brother Bill" Charlie said "on his last night of freedom"
Everyone laughed and cheered to Bill. You looked around at all of your friends who were more like family than anything else and felt how everything was changing. You couldn't help but long for the days when Ginny hadn't even started at hogwarts Ron and Harry thought girls were gross and you and the twins ran around in the sun all day, and George still had two ears. But with change came wonderful things like this wedding. George put his hand on your knee and you smiled up at him
"Everything alright" he asked
"Everything's perfect" you whispered.
The fire crackled and lightning bugs lit up the star filled sky you heard your friends laughter and you knew this was one of the last magical moments you'd have before everything changed again.

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