24. Hot Water

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Song: two by sleeping at last

You walked out of the hospital wing and George and Fred were sitting waiting for you. They both jumped to their feet when they saw you
"All done" George asked and you nodded. You had told madam pomfrey everything and she gave you a potion to make sure you wouldn't get pregnant. She hugged you while you cried and told you she'd have to alert McGonagall to the problem.
"George...." You looked at his hands that were bruised and bloody
"Dont" he sighed "just leave it be"
"You can't keep going after him like that"
"Are you kidding?! After what he did to you he deserves to die"
"It's not up to you" you shouted at George and Fred stepped forward putting his hand on your arm which you jerked away
"You're right Samantha, we're sorry" he shot a warning look at his brother and sighed
"What's done is done" you said walking off towards Gryffindor tower George and Fred following close behind. Once inside the common room Fred went up to his room leaving you and George alone
"I'm sorry" George said sitting down next to you
"It's okay.... I probably would have done the same" you said taking George's hand in yours looking at the bruises "does it hurt" you asked
"Not a bit" George gently pulled you closer wrapping his arm around you but stopped
"Is this okay.... I don't want to do anything to upset you"
"It's okay" you nodded and snuggled into his side "you're my safe, you're home" you said closing your eyes. You sat with him in the common room all afternoon, but you were unsure how to act with George. He made you feel safe but you had just lost your virginity to him and he asked you to be his girlfriend yet you couldn't bring yourself to want to even kiss him like before.
"George..." you looked up at him and frowned
"What's wrong" he asked looking concerned
"I'm sorry"
"What?! No, for what?" He looked surprised "you have nothing to apologize for"
"I do because, it effects not only me but you too"
"What no, don't even consider me in all of this. I just want you to be able to process all of this for yourself"
"But I'm not being a good girlfriend" George laughed and you cocked your head to the side "I'm sorry" he said controlling himself "you're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, I don't care how long it takes for us to get back to normal"
"Are you sure"
"I'm positive.... I'll be here"
"I love you"
"I love you too Samantha, so much"


On Friday morning you were sitting at the Gryffindor table with your friends when Marcus Flint and Terence Higgs walked in to the great hall. You dropped your toast onto the plate and grabbed George's leg under the table. He looked over at you and then followed your eyes to the two boys who were glaring in your direction. George put his arm around and and leaned in
"Ignore them. We won't let anything happen to you"
Adrian was still missing and you assumed he was in the hospital wing after George told you what he and Fred did. You were not ready to see him yet, or ever again for that matter. You looked back down at your breakfast and pushed it away no longer hungry
"Eat please" George said looking worried. You've been put off of your food for the last week and today wasn't much different. George tried everything even getting you peppermint toads but you just couldn't stomach anything.
"I'm just not hungry" you told him
"You have to eat love, you need your strength so you can come watch the game tonight"
"I'll be fine" you gave him a small smile and looked back to the rest of your friends.
"So Hermione you're going to walk to the game with Samantha" George asked her
"Well yeah I mean we hadn't planned anything but we usually do" she said smiling in your direction
"Please do" George said "and bring Luna and Neville and maybe Dean or Seamus"
"....alright" Hermione looked confused
"We just really want everyone to be there for this game" Fred said "right Angelina"
"Uhm yeah I guess" she shrugged
"On that note" you said standing up "George, Fred we have potions"
"Dont forget about tomorrow and the" Harry lowered his voice "the thing"
You nodded at him "got it"
The three of you walked out of the great hall towards the dungeon. You met up with Lee and the four of you took your place at your table, Adrian hadn't shown up yet and you prayed he wouldn't. Snape walked in and you opened your textbook to read along with his lecture, you glanced over and the three boys were doing anything but paying attention making my smile. The door to the classroom creaked opened and your head shot up. Adrian walked into the room straight to professor Snape and handed him a small piece of parchment that he quickly read
"Alright, thank you take your seat Mr.Pucey"
Your breath no longer steady, you felt as if you had just run for hours unable to calm down. Your hands started to shake and Fred and George looked between you and then each other unsure of how to help. 
"George" you whispered your eyes begging him to do something. Under the table Fred handed you a small sweet
"Eat it" he mouthed. When Snape had his back to you you popped it into your mouth waiting for something to happen. Almost immediately you began to vomit uncontrollably
"Miss. Green" Snape shouted "Get her out of here"
George jumped up and escorted you out of the classroom. As soon as the door closed behind you he handed you a purple candy that you ate and the vomiting stopped
"You guys are geniuses" you smiled at him
"You mean me" George laughed "your sexy boyfriend who's also a genius inventor"
"Sure thing, whatever you say"
You and George wandered out to the courtyard and sat, It was a particularly sunny late February day.
"I hate to say this Samantha" George said looking a bit nervous "but you can't run away forever"
"I know" you sighed "I got an owl last night from McGonagall she wants to talk about it today after class"
"Are you gonna go" George asked And you shrugged
"I suppose so"
"Good, I can go with you if you want"
"Thanks George but I don't want you to have to hear all the details..... I know it's hard for you too"
"You two" a shrill voice cut across the courtyard "what is the meaning of this"
Umbridge walked towards you and George
"Professor?" You asked "the meaning of what? Sitting? People usually do that when they're tired of standing"
"You will do well to remember not to speak to me like that" she threatened
"Or what professor, you'll curse me again"
For a moment she looked embarrassed but that was quickly replaced with rage
"Detention, both of you!"
"Can't" you shrugged
"Excuse me"
"I can't I have a meeting with professor McGonagall tonight"
"Tomorrow then... both of you... eight o'clock"
She strode away quickly
"Well that was..."
"Annoying" you finished for George
"I was going to say hot" he laughed "you're sexy when you're like that" you laughed and covered your face
"No way"
"Really" George nodded "you just know how to turn me on" his voice dropped and he planted a kiss on your cheek.

You were all dressed and ready for the quidditch game tonight in your coziest jumper. You told Hermione you'd meet her in the common room later to head down together, but first you had to meet with McGonagall. You knocked on her door and heard her from the other side
"Come in"
You stepped inside and she stood up at her desk
"Samantha dear come sit please" you sat down in the chair opposite hers and she waved her wand before a hot cup of tea floated down I front of you.
"How are you feeling honey" she asked
"I'm alright"
"Madam Pomfrey informed me about your visit to her earlier this week"
You stared down into the cup of tea and nodded
"Actions will be taken Against Mr.Pucey, however as of now it is your word against his"
"But madam Pomfrey-"
"I know and what she found will be presented to Dumbledore and the ministry" McGonagall said "it just may take some time"
"Got it" you said quietly
"But that's not why I asked you here tonight, that will all be taken care of by madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore and myself.... Truthfully I wanted to check up on you"
"I can't imagine how you're feeling, but I know it can't be easy"
"I think I'm doing alright" you shrugged
"You're a strong woman but that doesn't mean you have to get through this alone, I will always be here for you"
"Thank you professor" smiled at her the hurt in her eyes obvious
"Have you told any other students"
"Just George"
"Ah Mr. Weasley is a fine friend" she smiled a bit at you "I shouldn't say this....but when I saw Mr. Pucey in the hospital wing this week, I knew it was Mr. Weasley who had done it-after last time, but in my opinion it was well deserved" McGonagall whispered making you laugh
"That doesn't leave this room Miss.Green"
"My lips are sealed" you smiled. The two of you finished your tea before you both headed out to watch the quidditch match
"Have a good weekend Samantha, and if you need anything please do not hesitate to find me" you smiled and waved at McGonagall before hurrying to meet up with Hermione.


The game ended later that day and Gryffindor won with a clean sweep. All the players were coming off of the pitch and you spotted your friends who looked elated
"Congratulations you guys" you shouted jumping onto George who caught you in his arms planting a big kiss on your cheek
"Awe George how come you don't treat me like that" Lee joked. George put you down grabbed Lee's head and left a big sloppy kiss on his cheek making everyone laugh
"Happy mate"
"Ecstatic" he said and winked at you. The whole team went to change and you and your friends hurried back up to the castle. There was no party planned for tonight but you did want to surprise them a little bit. You can asked the elves to make a special cake for your friends, which they gladly agreed to. You and Hermione were on your way to grab in from the kitchen
"Hopefully they take their time changing" you said quickening your pace
"Well after the last game we know George like to take his time" Hermione teased
"Watch it Granger" you laughed "I know a lot about you that we wouldn't want to slip, especially in front of Ron"
"You wouldn't" she gasped and you just shrugged before walking into the kitchen. You opened up the large refrigerator and inside sat a tall vanilla cake covered in rainbow sprinkles that read congratulations Gryffindor
"It looks perfect" you smiled and carefully took it out of the refrigerator.
"Alright then let's head back"
You and Hermione hurried up to the common room where Lee was waiting
"They aren't back yet right?" You asked
"No they're not... and anyway Weasley isn't that fast Samantha, you of all people know that"
"Seriously Lee?! I will throw this cake at you" you turned to Hermione who was quietly laughing to herself "both of you"
The three of you waited In the common room for your friends who showed up just a few minutes later.
"Congratulations" you shouted and jumped up when they walked in. You threw some of George and Fred's pocket sized fireworks in the air and they exploded around the common room. All of your friends beamed when they walked in the room
"Cake?!" Harry pointed out
"Is that for us?" Ron asked
"Of course it's for all of you" you smiled at George who was looking at you rather than the cake, he pulled you over to him and hugged you
"You know I love you so much" he whispered

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