44. Saviour

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Song: Hello death by Robyn G Sheils

You were sitting on the floor again in Dracos room, it's basically all you did. Draco brought you a book the other day which you've already read twice. The sky was dark and the moon was out and you stared out the window thinking about how beautiful the sky would look at the burrow. You missed the burrow immensely. Each day that passed you were more and more on edge worried that Draco might be right, you feared Bellatrix or anyone else for that matter would come in here and kill you on the spot. Your eyes started to grow heavy and no matter how much you tried to fight it sleep eventually came blanketing you in darkness.

You were woken up by the doors to the bedroom flying open. You quickly crawled along the floor hiding behind the bed frame hoping the intruder wouldn't see you
You stopped and thought you might have recognized the voice
"Samantha" they whispered again. You poked your head out and saw Corbin Yaxley frantically looking around the room
"Samantha" he gasped and hurried over to where you were hiding
"No stop please" you used your arms to block him from you
"No Samantha it's me" he said "George"
"George" you gasped
"Yeah it's me I found you"
"How do I know it's you" you said still cowering in the corner
"Uhm uhm you love peppermint toads, they're your favorite"
"Lots of people like peppermint toads" you fired back
"No....they don't but okay" he rolled his eyes "I know what the back of your locket says" he pointed to your neck. You waited for him to tell you
"I'm in love with an uptown girl" he smiled at you
"Oh George" you flung your arms around his neck "how are you here"
"I'll explain everything later but we've got to go"
"No wait Luna and Ollivander they're in the dungeon"
"Samantha we can't risk not getting you out I'm sorry we can't"
"No please" you cried
"I'm sorry" George grabbed your arm and took you across the room looking out of the door making sure the hall was clear. The two of you ran down the hall and hurried down the stairs
"Stay here" George whispered and walked into the main room where he had left Fred
"Rookwood.... A word" you said and Fred turned around quickly
"We aren't done here..... Yaxley" Snape said narrowing his eyes at you
"It'll just be a minute Severus relax"
"Miss Green?" You heard someone in the hall behind you "what are you doing out of your room"
"Oh I just I was..." you turned and looked back at your brother who's hair was slowly changing to red. Your eyes widened in fear and you ran for Samantha Fred close behind
"Get them" Snape shouted
You grabbed Samantha's arm and pulled her back so you could meet Fred the three of you apperated out of the mansion with a sharp crack.

You fell onto the frozen ground outside the burrow and George wrapped his arms around you
"Samantha" he breathed pulling you even closer to him. You cried in his arms while he and Fred tried to soothe you
"You're safe now" George said while Fred rubbed your back
"You're home"
You let the sobs shake your body as you cling to George tightly.
You heard the front door open and then someone gasped. Molly came running over to you three dropping to her knees throwing her arms around you as well
"Arthur" she called
He and Lee came out moments later Lee sobbing and grabbing you "I'm sorry Samantha I'm so sorry" he cried
Arthur kissed your head but didn't say anything.
Ginny stood in the doorway silently crying
"Samantha" you looked up and when your eyes met she let out a sob and came running over to you. You weren't sure how long you all sat there in the ground crying and hugging each other but finally you all stood up wiping the tears from your face
"Let's get you inside dear" molly said shuffling you into the house
"I'll make tea"
You nodded and smiled at her still clinging to George's arm. Everyone sat around the table unsure of what to say
"Luna and Ollivander are still there" you finally said quietly
No one knew what to say to that, George and Fred would have loved to get them out too but they knew they wouldn't be able to get all of you safely and you were George's first priority.
"That's not your fault" Molly said placing your tea down in front of you kissing your head
"I know" you mumbled
"Samantha honey why.... Why did they take you" Arthur finally asked
"My father for some reason told them I was a seer, he said my mother was and she saw that I would be too"
"And are you" Fred asked
"No of course not"
"That's odd" Arthur said rubbing his chin "but no matter, we're just glad you're home safe"
George put his hand on your knee and smiled at you.
"I think it's time we all head back up to bed" Molly finally said once you finished your tea. Ginny hugged and kissed you before going back up to her room, Molly and Arthur both hugged you and went to their room. You, the twins and Lee went upstairs and Lee hugged you before going off to Charlie's empty room and you went with the twins into their room.
"Here love" George said handing you a pair of his sweatpants and a tshirt
"Thanks" you smiled at him and went to the bathroom to change.
When you got back Fred was in his bed sitting up waiting for you, and George was sitting on the side of his bed
"All set" he asked smiling at you when you walked in and you nodded climbing into George's bed. You snuggled into the warm blankets and George joined you
"I love you" you whispered to him
"I love you too Samantha" George kissed your nose and you laughed quietly and for the first time in a week you and George fell fast asleep.

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