29. Ready Set Go

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Song: sleeping on the floor by the Lumineers

It had been a week since George had asked you to leave Hogwarts with him and Fred and you still hadn't told him you had made up your mind. You wanted it to be right, it was a big deal.
You had talked with McGonagall and she had agreed to let you take your newts early, it wasn't easy convincing all of your teachers but you finally did. It had been incredibly hard taking all of them in less than a week three months early but you managed, barley. You hadn't seen George or Fred or any of your friends all week, all you did was study and sleep. George kept asking why you were so busy and you gave him vague answers like you were studying, you even told him you didn't feel well and went to bed early but really just locked yourself in your room to study all night.

You had finished last night with your last exam and you were finally relaxing before the quidditch match today
"What are you thinking about love" George asked putting his hand on your knee
"Nothing" you smiled "just.... Thinking about your last game today"
"Oh yeah...."
"How are you feeling"
"Alight, I knew quidditch would end eventually.... Just it's still hard"
"Of course" you kissed his cheek "Well then you better get going, you too Fred"
"I'll see you after the game" George smiled at you and left with Fred.
You jumped up as soon as they left and ran to Ginnys room
"I'm leaving with George and Fred" you said bursting though the door
"What" she and Hermione were sitting on the floor looking at their textbooks
"George asked me last week to go with them, and I've decided I'm going"
"Oh my gosh" Ginny shouted
"Are you sure that's smart" Hermione asked "you haven't even taken your newts yet"
"Well" you said toying with your sleeve "I actually did"
"What" Ginny gasped
"Just this past week"
"Well it wasn't easy but once I got McGonagall on my side all the other professors agreed"
"Holy shit Samantha" Hermione said
"That's insane" Ginny added making you laugh and shrug.
"And have you told the boys yet"
"No I wasn't sure how to, I was thinking after today's game"
"Brilliant" Hermione clasped her hands together and smiled
"Yes absolutely" Ginny squealed and you hugged your two friends
"I'll miss you girls so much"

You spent the rest of the morning with Hermione and Ginny who insisted on helping you get ready for the match.
"We should curl your hair" Ginny said playing with a stand
"But then put it up in a ponytail" Hermione added and Ginny nodded
"Brilliant, BRILLIANT"
"Oh and let's get Luna in here to do some face paint" Hermione suggested "I'll go get her now"
Hermione took off leaving you and Ginny alone as she started curling your hair
"What do you think" she asked
"Everything, everything is changing"
"Yeah.... You're right" you looked at Ginny in the mirror "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared"
"You? Scared?" Ginny laughed
"Yes me"
"You'll do amazing with the twins"
"I know they will, but what if I can't keep up? I mean it's George and Fred for merlins sake"
"Samantha you've been the third twin since your first day at hogwarts, I have no doubt you'll do just as well"
You smiled at your friend as she finished your hair
"We're back" Hermione shouted as she and Luna walked in
"Hello Samantha" Luna greeted you
"Hey Luna how's it going"
"Quite well, I found my missing shoes out by the black lake" she giggled
"Oh....well that's good I guess"
"Very" she smiled and sat in front of you
"And what about Neville"
Luna cocked her head to the side "what about him"
"Well I just thought maybe you fancied each other..."
"Oh well I have no idea about Neville but I think he's quite handsome"
"Luna" Ginny laughed "you should tell him"
"Hmmm I don't know I might just wait for the universe to send him to me"
Hermione nodded unsure how to answer
"Or that... that works too"
"All done" Luna smiled at you. You looked in the mirror and saw the beaters bat next to George's number Luna had painted on your cheek
"Wow Luna I love it" you smiled at your friend
"Let me changed and we can all head down together" you told the three girls who headed to the common room. Once inside your own room you threw on George's old jersey and smiled at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with how you looked.
"All set" you called as you ran down the stairs and out of the castle with your friends to the last Hogwarts quidditch match you'd ever go to.

The chaotic game did not last long but you held your breath for what felt like ever as you watched George and your friends fly around the field. George knocked Hufflepuffs chaser off of his broom allowing our chaser to score multiple points, while Ron blocked Hufflepuffs attempts at scoring. You cheered wildly for your friends and when Harry caught the snitch, ending the game you all ran out onto the field. You ran to George who's smile was incredibly large and jumped into his arms not caring how sweaty he was. George grabbed the back of your head and kissed you passionately
"Yes" you whispered in his ear
"Yes.... I'll come with you"
George's eyes grew wide and he cheered out
"Yesssss" and punched the air, still holding you up with his other arm.
"She's coming with us Freddie" he said jumping over to his brother making you cling tightly to him. Fred screamed out and started jumping up and down with his brother making you laugh. Fred hugged you and George and you couldn't stop smiling.
George finally placed you back on the ground still grinning from ear to ear
"I'm so excited Samantha I've already planned everything out, the back office will be yours and you can handle all the inventory, advertising, money stuff"
"And you'll just be the pretty face" you laughed
"Exactly" George leaned down and kissed you again
"I can't believe this is happening"
"Me neither" you giggled
All of your friends slowly left the field and eventually you and George did too.

"You sure you've gotten everything" you asked the twins for the millionth time
"Yes mum" Fred rolled his eyes and flopped back onto his bed
"Even your broom" you asked
"Oh..." Fred sat up "I might have forgotten that"
"Yeah I'll go get that now" Fred jumped off of his bed and ran down the hall
"Are you all packed love"
"Yes sir" you smiled up at George as he wrapped his arms around you
"I'll send our stuff along them" George said getting out his wand, He waved it and both of your trunks vanished
"Got it" Fred said out of breath
"And that's everything" you asked and he nodded
"Great" George said as he sent away Fred's things as well.
"Let's go say goodbye" you said looking between the twins. The three of you walked down to the common room where Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Angelina were waiting
"You guys all set" Angelina asked walking up to Fred
"Yep we just sent everything over to the shop a few moments ago"
"Please take me with you" Ginny flung her arms around you and pretended to cry. You hugged her back and laughed at how dramatic she was being
"You'll just have to come visit Gingin"
"Fine" she huffed before cracking a smile
"You too Hermione" you said wrapping her up in a hug "and please keep those two in line" you said pointing to Ron and Harry
"Same goes to you" she laughed eyeing George and Fred. Next was Lee, your number one since your first day at Hogwarts you could tell each other everything
"I expect to see you at the shop very soon" you said looking him in the eye
"Try to stop me babe" he smiled and grabbed you in a tight hug.
"Boys" you said turning to Harry and Ron "brave faces, you can cry once I've gone" you joked making them both smile before hugging each one.
"And we'll see you this summer anyway for Bills wedding" you told all of your friends.
You quickly hugged Angelina and turned to George and Fred
"Ready" they said in unison and the three of you left Hogwarts.

Samantha's look for the final quidditch game 🥲

NSamantha's look for the final quidditch game 🥲

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