52. How War Ends

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Song: everybody wants to rule the world by lorde

After a while there was a commotion out in the front of the school. Everyone got up and headed outside and you struggled to your feet
"No stay here please" George said
"I'm fine please just help me"
George held you up and the two of you slowly walked outside. A crowd had gathered and you saw Voldemort walking up to the school a group of death eaters around him, and..... Hagrid.
"Who is that, that Hagrids carrying" Ginny asked
Harry was laying lifeless in his arms and Voldemort shouted
"Harry Potter is dead"
You gasped and heard Ginny scream
"NOOO" she ran towards them but Arthur chased her and grabbed her.
"Stupid girl" Voldemort hissed. You felt sick and like you were going to pass out again watching Harry lay there. Voldemort told us how he defeated Harry and asked for us to join him, waiting for people to move you looked around. Neville hobbled forward and you gasped clasping your hand over your mouth as fresh tears ran down your face.

"We may have lost Harry tonight" he said loudly "people die every day sure Harry left us today, but it won't be in vain" Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat shocking you and everyone else. Harry sprang free from Hagrids arms and you laughed looking up at George who was just as surprised as you. He crawled towards his wand and the death eaters started to leave in the hundreds. George grabbed you and hurried inside
"You can't fight again" he said pulling you into the great hall
You looked over George's shoulder and saw Neville flying through the air colliding with a pile of rubble.
"But I want to help" you protested
"Absolutely not"
You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes but listened to George. You could hear the fighting going and you worried for Harry, it was just him and Voldemort now.

Everything was silent and the fighting had ceased. Voldemort had been defeated. Harry came into the great hall the elder wand in hand a small smile on his face. He walked over to you and the Weasleys who were talking to madam Pomfrey
"I think it's best to send him to St. Mungos" she informed Molly and Arthur
"Feeling alright Samantha?" Harry asked and you nodded smiling up at him. Remus and Sirius joined you, Remus still looking distraught. You got up slowly and walked over to them wrapping Remus in a hug. He hugged you back resting his head on yours a few stray tears falling down his face.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered unsure what else to say
"Thank you" Remus said weakly
"We'll make it through right moony" Sirius said patting his back and Remus nodded.

You walked back to George and sat down rest your head on his shoulder
"It's all over" you sighed
"It is" George said "we can go home"
"Our home" you smiled
"And Fred will come home soon"
"Yes" you said taking George's hand in yours "he'll be alright" it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than comfort you and you looked up at your fiancé, worried for him. It felt weird to think about leaving hogwarts like this, it seemed unfinished. The walls had crumbled around you and the school you once loved was reduced to rubble.
"Come to the burrow tonight" Molly said "just for tonight, then tomorrow you can go home"
George stood up hugging his mother and he nodded
"Of course Mum" Molly smiled and walked off happy with the answer. She watched as they took Fred's body and transferred him to the hospital, she and Arthur following after them. You looked up George watching them take his other half away.
"He'll be okay" you told him and George sighed and nodded.
Remus and Sirius sat besides you probably just as unsure about what to do now as you were
"Where will you go" you asked Remus
"To Teddy"
"Come to the burrow, bring Teddy. You shouldn't be alone"
"Maybe" Remus said without looking up
"You too Sirius" you told him and he just smiled at you. Fleur plopped down on the ground next to you and tucked your hair behind your ear and you smiled at her. Harry Ron and Hermione came into the great hall and you noticed Ron and Hermione were holding hands, making you smile. They approached you all and Harry looked down at Remus a sad look on his face
"Remus I'm so sorry.... I never wanted anyone to die for me"
"She died for a righteous cause" he corrected Harry "you have nothing to be sorry for"
Harry nodded and looked around. He caught Ginnys eye and smiled at her and nodded over to a more quiet corner and the two walked together. You smiled happy that they had finally figured things out, Ron and Hermione too. You felt so conflicted you were happy the fight was over, happy Voldemort was gone but your heart aches for Tonks and Fred and everyone else who you lost.

"Let's get you home so I can help you clean up" George whispered in your ear. You nodded and stood up
"We're heading back to the burrow" George informed everyone "we expect to see you all in time for dinner"
Everyone nodded and you and George apperated out of Hogwarts. Once inside the burrow you stood for a moment listening to the clock tick, the only thing breaking the silence. You looked around at the familiar house the kitchen table you have gathered around more times than you could count, the empty fireplace that kept you warm all winter, and the couch that you share with Fred and George many nights.
"You alright" George rubbed your arm and smiled down at you
"I'm fine.... But what about you"
"I'm....." George didn't finish his thought "let's get you cleaned up"
The two of you went upstairs and showered scrubbing off the layers of dust and dirt and blood.

When you went downstairs Molly and Arthur were back from the hospital
"How's Fred" you asked
"Still unconscious but there's nothing we can do by being there, they sent us home" Arthur told the two of you. George looked disappointed and upset all over again and you took his hand in yours rubbing your thumb over the backside of his hand.
"Come sit" you said pulling George to the couch sitting next to him as Arthur sat in his armchair. There was a loud crack and Bill, Fleur and Charlie walked into the living room. They didn't say anything they just sat down with you.
"Are you feeling better" Charlie asked you breaking the silence
"Yeah loads, whatever madam Pomfrey gave me really helped"
"Good" he smiled "I'm glad you're alright"
You yawned and rested your head on George and closed your eyes while he ran his hands through your hair. Next Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny got home. They joined you all as well, Ginny laying down with you on the couch you winced as she wrapped her arms around you but didn't bother to say anything, it was nice to be close. Hermione and Ron sat closely holding each others hands. Lee was the last to come into the living room, his normal bright demeanor was gone and he sat on the floor in silence.
"You're not gonna be gross all the time are you now?" George asked Ron and everyone laughed
"That's funny coming from you" Ron shot back
"Awe Ron" you said eyes still closed "it's okay to jealous of our loveeeee" you joked
Ron chucked and there was another loud crack. You opened your eyes expecting Remus and Sirius but saw Percy awkwardly standing in the doorway
"Got room for one more" he asked
"Of course" Bill said motioning for him to come in. Percy walked in to the living room and took a seat on the floor. Everyone was here, everyone but Fred. You could feel his absence even without anyone mentioning it and you knew George could too. He wasn't showing it on the outside but you knew he was hurting his twin was in the hospital and there was no way to help him. Molly walked into the living room watching all of her children, a small smile played on her lips
"Come on and eat" she said encouraging everyone to come into the kitchen. There were sandwiches piled high in a tray. Enough to feed an army, which I guess we were. You out one of your plate and sat down quietly eating your dinner.
"Thanks molly..... this is great, I'm not even sure how you have the strength to make one sandwich let alone....a million?" You laughed quietly
"Got to keep busy love" she said smiling at you. You nodded understanding why and didn't say anything else.

You and Hermione were deep in conversation talking about what would happen to Hogwarts, when it would be the school we loved again when you were joined by two more. Sirius and Remus walked into the burrow and you jumped up from your seat running two the two men and hugging them both
"I'm so glad you're here"
Harry got up from his seat also hugging Sirius and Remus
"Well it felt too weird to go home" Remus admitted
"And I knew Molly would be cooking" Sirius said winking at you making Molly roll her eyes. You laughed and handed each of them a plate
"I'm fine but thank you" Remus said putting the plate down
"Please.... Just a few bites" you said trying to hand him the plate again which he reluctantly took. Satisfied you took your seat next to George again, his hand immediately settling on your knee. You sat around that table until easily midnight not wanting to be away from each other just yet. Sirius and Remus agreed to stay the night and Molly made up the couches for them. Everyone slowly made their way upstairs and you looked back over your shoulder at Sirius and Remus sitting together on the couch hand in hand as you headed to bed. George closed the door to his room behind you and it felt empty. Fred's bed was neatly made and George just stared at it

"Hey" you smiled up at him placing your hand on his arm
"Hey" he said looking down at you
"I love you" you said kissing his cheek
"I love you too" George smiled pulling his clothes off. You looked through the drawers for a t shirt to wear while George climbed into bed
"Hurry up and get in here"
"I will be patient" you laughed changing into one of George's oversized shirts. You climbed into bed with George and snuggled into his arms.
"This feels....weird"
"It does" George agreed Kissing the top of your head "but let's not dwell on that, for now we just need rest"

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