47. Walk Down Memory Lane

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Song: Paper Rings by Taylor Swift

I love this chapter so much I wasn't sure how I'd be able to share it with all of you Ahaha
But here it is I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ❤️

Christmas dinner was winding down and everyone was stuffed. Mrs. Weasley was clearing plates and Mr. Weasley had retired to his armchair by the fire. George was seated next to you and he looked awfully pale
"Are you feeling okay" you asked him
"Oh yeah just ate too much" he laughed and stood up from his chair
"gonna go use the bathroom"
You got up from your seat and offered to help Molly
"Sure dear thank you" she said handing you a dish towel to dry the cleaned plates with. The house grew quiet and you assumed everyone went off to bed or to change out of their nice dinner clothes.
"That's seems to be it" Molly said smiling at you with a sink still full of dirty dishes
"Uhm but-"
"Here" Molly smiled and handed you a small note which you took a confused look on your face

Where we shared our favorite sweet treat

That's all that was written on the note causing you to be even more confused. Molly glanced to the door that lead outside to the garden. You looked back down at the note and Molly hugged you a tear in her eye as Arthur watched from the doorway smiling.
"Go on"
You put your shoes on and walked outside. The garden was covered in snow but tonight it was lit with candles everywhere, you gasped and looked around. Bill and Fleur stood together with another note in their hand
"For you dear Samantha" Bill bowed and handed you the paper

Where we spent hot summer days

You looked up at the two standing in front of you unsure what to say. Bill held out his hand and he and Fleur walked along a candle lit path through the snow up the hill with you until the pond was in sight. You thought about all the long days of summer you spent splashing in the pond with everyone but more specifically George. Your heart skipped a beat when you spotted Lee. Bill and Fleur smiled and headed back towards the burrow without a word
"Samantha darling" Lee called making you giggle "this is for you" he handed you yet another note

Where we watched the sun rise

"Here take this babe" Lee handed you a sweater which you Gratefully accepted pulling it over your head. Lee fixed your hair and kissed your forehead
"Let's go"
You thought about how your bare feet felt the wet grass as you and George walked silently to the bench early one summer morning, the pale sky scattered with stars above you. You sat for what seemed like ever talking and just sitting with each other.
You and Lee followed the candles until you reached the bench under the tree that you and George had once sat. He hugged you and then silently walked back the way you came towards home. Fred and Ginny were sitting on the beach smiling at you as they handed you another note

To me under our tree

You read and then looked at your friends who had gotten up off of the bench. Fred held out his hand for you and the three of you walked through the snow to the tree that you George and Fred would try to camp out under when you were little. You planned your futures under that tree, how one day the three of you would grow up and run away and do whatever you pleased. Now look at you.
The bare branches were covered in twinkle lights and underneath stood George surrounded by flickering candles. You gasped and smiled at him before turning to Ginny. She was grinning from ear to ear and finally hugged you. You turned to Fred who was also smiling and he grabbed you in a hug placing a kiss on the top of your head
"You've always been family to me" he whispered "it'll just be official now" and with that the two waved and headed back to the burrow leaving you and George standing in the candle light. You walked over to him and smiled
"George" you breathed out "this is...... brilliant"
George took your hands and smiled down at you
"I'm glad you like it" he let out shaky breath "Samantha" he started pausing for a brief moment
"you've been in my life for eight years now but it feels like you've always been there. You were my best friend growing up-you are my best friend. You always saw me for me not for who my family was or that I was a twin.... I was always your George." You smiled up at him trying to hold back the tears you knew would eventually come
"I fell in love with you before I think I even knew what love was. You were home for me and you always will be. I never want to spend a moment of my life without you" George let go of your right hand and carefully knelt onto his knee pulling a small box out of his coat pocket.
"Samantha Green will you do me the absolute honor of spending the rest of your days with me, as my wife"
Your heart fluttered a few tears fell from your eyes. You nodded unable to get any words out
"Yes?" George asked excitedly
"Yes! Yes a million times yes George" you smiled and George jumped to his feet picking you up in a hug and kissed you passionately. You threw your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss never wanting it to end. George eventually put you down allowing you to wipe away the tears on your face. He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto your left ring finger. You looked down at it and your mouth fell open slightly
"George" you whispered
"Is it okay" he asked nervously
"It's more than okay it's far too much it's far too beautiful" you said looking up from the ring to meet his eyes
"It's what you deserve" he smiled. It was a white gold ring with a large rectangular diamond in the center, surrounding it there were small diamond in an intricate design.
"George it's so....." you looked back down "I can't even begin to explain I'm just.... Speechless" you laughed
"all of this. Everything. The notes.... Your family. It was absolutely perfect"
You grabbed George's neck and kissed him again, you could feel him smile into the kiss and you did too.
"You deserve nothing less" George said when the two of you finally pulled apart.
"We should probably head back" he said looking in the direction of the burrow "everyone's waiting for us" George laughed and the two of you headed home hand in hand.
When you walked inside the burrow you were met with cheers of congratulations from everyone and Ginny snapped a picture of you and George with your muggle camera.
You hugged everyone beaming as they each congratulated you
"Officially my newest little sister" Bill smiled ruffling your hair
"Congratulations Samantha" Fleur said kissing your cheek "and George" she smiled up at him
"Oh my dear" Molly hugged you tightly "you were always my second daughter but now you officially are" you hugged Molly back taking in all her warmth
"Like I said" Fred shrugged "you've always been my sister"
Arthur leaned down and kissed your head and wrapping you in a hug
"There's no one better to add to the family" you smiled and then Ginny threw herself in your arms
"My sister!" She cheered "finally officially my real sister! Now I finally have a sibling I like" she joked sticking her tongue out at her brothers making everyone laugh. You were overwhelmed with all the kind words from everyone it took everything in you to not cry again
"We'll show us the bloody ring" Ginny finally said and you held out your left hand. Molly Fleur and Ginny gathered around admiring it
"Oh George" Molly gasped "it's beautiful"
"Yeah you actually did a good job brother" Ginny added
"Magnificent" Fleur said studying the ring. You smiled widely enjoying the feeling of showing people your ring. Molly opened a champagne bottle and passed around cups for everyone to toast to you and George. Everything honestly felt like a dream, swept up in the whirlwind of the night you glanced up at George who was smiling down at you watching you. You couldn't help but feel giddy, George was going to be your husband.

Yall 🥲 this chapter, my heart

Here's the ring that I imagined George giving Samantha (it was kind of hard to describe)

Here's the ring that I imagined George giving Samantha (it was kind of hard to describe)

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