9. Deja Vu

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I understand this song belongs to Olivia Rodrigo I don't claim to own any part(s) of the song.
Anyway I hope you like the chapter!
Song for the chapter: deja vu Olivia Rodrigo
The Gryffindor common room was packed with people after the quidditch match and loud music drowned out most of the voices. You stood against a wall watching all of your friends celebrate their victory over Slytherin. Lee walked up and put a cup in your hand
"Come on smile, it's a party" you gave him a quick fake grin and took a sip of the burning liquor
"Oh bitch that didn't count" Lee shouted making you actually smile for the first time all night "that's better now drink up"
"I am I am" you said tipping your head back finishing off your drink "seeeeee" you said showing Lee your empty cup
You and Lee spent most of the night off by yourselves drinking and laughing until Ginny ran into you
"Samantha" she slurred as she focused on keeping herself upright
"Gingin" you smiled at her as Harry ran up behind her.
"There you are you can't keep running off" Harry said and Ginny rolled her eyes
"I can do what I'd like"
"Easy there Ginny Harry's right you do get pretty drunk pretty fast"
"Whatever Samantha" Ginny crossed her arms and pouted "OH"
"I want you to sing your song" Ginny said
"Your song" Lee questioned
"Oh no" you told them "absolutely no way"
"Wait what song" Lee asked
"It's nothing it's not even good it's just something I do for fun" Ginny held up some pieces of paper that looked like they had been ripped out of a notebook
"Wait did you steal that" you said trying to grab them from her. You started the song the night you met Katie in the hall and she told you uptown girl was their song.
"I just want you to do this" Ginny begged
"Don't worry Ginny I got you" Lee winked at her and walked off
"People of the Gryffindor common room" Lee shouted pulling out a microphone "we have a treat for you tonight! Our very own Samantha Green is going to sing us a little song" Lee said before walking over to you and handing you a drink which you downed quickly "I added a little elixir to induce euphoria" Lee told you and you gasped at him but quickly felt your body warm up and you took the microphone from him
"I guess I'm Gonna sing a song" you said and everyone in the room cheered "it's just something I've been working on the past month or so and I hope you like it" you gave a swish of your wand and music started to flood out
"Car rides to Malibu" you started the song "strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two
And trading jackets laughin bout how small mine looks on you"
You looked around the room as you sang and George's eyes locked onto yours. He knew what this song was about.
"Watching reruns of glee being annoying singing in harmony
I bet she's braggin to all her friends saying you're so unique"
You saw all your friends beaming up at you everyone except George. You couldn't figure out if he looked angry or what but you couldn't focus on that or you'd never finish the song.
"So when you gonna tell her that we did that too? She thinks it's special but it's all reused"
You saw Fred finally catching on and looking over at his brother
"That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you"
Fred started looking nervous but you Closed your eyes and kept going
"Do you get deja vu when she's with you? Do you get deja vu hmm
Do you get deja vu huh?" You danced around a bit as you sang, the elixir taking over your body completely. You sang through the next verse and through the chorus watching George and Katie making your blood boil
"Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do" you didn't realize what you were doing but you looked Katie straight in the eyes
Play her piano, but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you Billy Joel" you shifted your glance to George who looked shocked
"A different girl now but there's nothing new
I know you get deja vu
I KNOW YOU GET DEJA VU" the music stopped and everyone in the common room cheered for you, everyone except George who was following Katie out of the room after she ran off.
Ginny ran up to you and flung her arms around you
"That was Brilliant Samantha"
"Yeah it was unreal" Lee congratulated you making you smiled. Fred eventually walked over
"What was that"
"Trust me I didn't want to at first but Lee gave me elixir and I have to admit it felt pretty damn good"
Fred sighed "we'll either way it was a great song and you sounded amazing bloody brilliant actually"
"Thanks Fred"
"Just don't expect George to have the same reaction" he warned and you nodded.

You woke up Monday morning, got yourself ready for class and hurried out of the common room. You were half way to potions when George grabbed your arm and pulled you down an empty hall
"What the fuck was that last night" he spat his words dripping with anger
"I was just"
"No shut up! You can't just do that- hurt Katie like that and...AND tell me you have feelings for me and not expect people to be mad at you"
"Are you fucking stupid" he shouted
"Fuck you george" you said ripping your arm out of his grasp and running off down the hall. When you finally made it to potions you walked past the table you sat at with Fred and George and walked over to Adrian, he wasn't your first choice of partner after how he treated you after the quidditch game but it was better than sitting with George
"Adrian.... Can I sit here" you asked him quietly
"Yeah... sure, of course" you sat down quietly and didn't say anything else to Adrian. George walked in a few minutes later looking flustered and you shot a dirty look in his direction, Fred looked between the two of you with a confused look on his face.
"Samantha I wanted to apologize about the other day after the game" Adrian finally said pulling your attention back to him
"Oh yeah..... it's whatever it's fine" you said pulling out some parchment and a quill. Snape walked into class and did a double take when he saw you sitting with Adrian and not at your normal table but didn't bother to say anything.

Potions class was finally over and you packed your things up before hurrying out of the room without another incident. You met up with Lee before defense against the dark arts, the class you were dreading the most after what happened in detention Friday.
"I'm sorry about last night"
"Sorry about what"
"Well I kind of forced you to sing and I know George is pretty fucking mad at you"
"It's fine Lee" you stopped him "it's not your fault, and anyway it felt good to finally get it off my chest" you shrugged as you entered the classroom and you and Lee sat together in the back. When Fred and George walked in Fred took his seat at the desk in front of you and Lee but George kept walking and sat down in the middle of the room. Umbridge walked into the class room and started her lecture on Merlin knows what, you didn't bother to listen to anything that woman had to say. You stared out the window at the grey sky and thought about the morning you and George spent dancing in the courtyard, seems like a lifetime ago. But these grey clouds weren't bringing rain, they brought the seasons first snow which started as everyone left class. The rest of your classes flew by and instead of heading back up to the common room you walked out of the castle the snow crunching under your shoes. You wandered around by the black lake for a bit before the snow started to fall harder and the temperature continued to drop. You decided to head back up to the castle when your stomach started to growl, it was dark now and you didn't want to get caught on the castle grounds this late. You heard the snow crunch behind you and you quickly turned around pulling out your wand
"Who's there" you called but there was no answer
"Stupefy" someone shouted and you went flying to the cold ground
"Incarcerous" you felt your hand fly together and get tied tightly
"Expulso" they shouted and you rolled out of the way just in time the ground next to you exploding. The figure stepped forward and you immediately recognized them
"Katie what the fuck are you doing" you screamed at her
"What I should have done at the beginning of the year" she said an evil look in her eye
"Sectumsempra" Katie shot the curse at you and pain flooded your body. You felt a warm
Liquid trickle around you, blood. It was blood. Katie looked slightly surprised but took of running leaving you laying there turning the white snow red. All you could see was red.

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