45. At Last

650 17 4

Song: All is Well by Austin Basham

You woke up the next morning when the light from outside came flooding in the window. You groaned and rolled over but the bed was empty, you looked over to Fred but his bed was empty as well. You slowly sat up and looked out the window, the sun had already risen. You got out of bed pulled on some socks and headed downstairs where you found everyone already was
"Good morning" George smiled at you
"Good afternoon is more like it" Fred teased making Lee chuckle
"What time is it" you asked rubbing your eyes
"One in the afternoon" Ginny told you looking up from the game of chess she was playing with her dad
"Oh my gosh, why'd you let me sleep in so late"
"We figured you needed it" Ginny shrugged
"I guess I might have" you said sitting on the couch next to George. You looked around taking everything in the burrow in, the roaring fire, the yummy smell coming from the kitchen, the sun glistening off of the freshly fallen snow. Everything was perfect here, you had missed it so much.
"Let me make you breakfast" George whispered leaving a kiss on the side of your head Making you smile. He got up off the couch and headed to the kitchen
"How are you feeling today Samantha" Arthur asked
"A lot better" you admitted "I don't think I realized how exhausted I was"
"Well it's not surprising honey, your body was trying to protect you, it was in fight or flight for a whole week"
You nodded thinking about how on guard you had to be in Malfoy Manner, you thought about how dull and lifeless that place was compared to the burrow. The large Christmas tree to the side of the fire place looked magnificent and you noticed all the presents under it
"What day is it today" you asked Fred
"December 24th, Christmas Eve"
"Oh no" you gasped
"What's wrong"
"I didn't have time to get you all presents"
"Oh Merlin Samantha calm down" Ginny laughed "we understand you were a bit busy being kidnapped last week"
"I know I just feel bad"
"Don't" Fred said patting your knee "you being here is the only present we need"
"Merlin Fred when did you get all sappy" Ginny teased
"I'm not sappy"
"Yeah sure" she rolled her eyes making you laugh
"He's sappy" Lee whispered to Ginny
George came back into the living room with a plate of toast and a cup of tea in hand
"For you" he said handing you the plate and kissing your forehead. He placed the cup down on the coffee table in front of you and you smiled
"Thanks Georgie" you took a bite of your toast and rested your head on his shoulder.
"I can't believe it's already Christmas" you said while you ate
"I know, it doesn't even seem like a year ago everyone was here for Christmas and the New Years party" Ginny said finishing up her game of chess
"A lot has changed" You said looking down at the toast. Ginny came and sat next to you snuggling up and taking a bite of your toast
"It has" she agreed. For the first time you got a good look at Ginny who had faded bruises all over her face. You didn't say anything but you were a bit shocked
"Hogwarts has changed" she said noticing the look on your face. You put your arm around her and kissed her head.
You spent the rest of the afternoon laying around on the couch with your friends while Molly started Christmas Eve dinner. Remus, Tonks and Sirius were coming for dinner and it was incredibly exciting to think about seeing them. At the same time you couldn't help but feel like something was missing, Harry Ron and Hermione were in an unknown location, Bill and Fleur were at the cottage and Charlie was back in Romania. It felt like home but not the home you had once know. 

"Merry Christmas" Sirius called walking through the door. You jumped up from your seat at the table where you were cutting carrots and ran to hug him
"Samantha" he smiled "gave us quite the scare"
You laughed and shook your head
"And this" Sirius traced the news scar that went across your face "very badass"
"That's what I was going for" you joked. Sirius came in saying hello to everyone and then sat with you at the kitchen table
"How are you doing" he asked lowering his voice
"I'm alright I think" you said shrugging "I mean I'm just happy to be here, I'm not sure it's really hit me yet"
"That's understandable" Sirius nodded "if you ever need to talk you can, I'm always here for you"
"Thanks Sirius, you old softie" you giggled and Sirius rolled his eyes laughing at you.
A few minutes later Remus and Tonks walked inside and everyone greeted them
"Samantha I see you're trying to match me now" Remus joked pointing to the scars on his face
"I think I have some more catching up to do" you laughed. Tonks pulled you into the living room and hugged you
"I'm so glad you're okay" she breathed
"I missed you" you mumbled into her shoulder. You and Tonks talked a bit about what had happened this past week and she held your hand the whole time
"You're easily the bravest person I know" she told you making you smile
"That's definitely not true, but thank you" you laughed "how's little Teddy doing "
Tonks beamed "he's brilliant just like his father"
"And his mum" you added
"He's at home tonight with my mum, she loves spending time with him"
"I can't wait to meet him"
"Once this is all over you'll be the first"

"Dinners ready" Molly shouted from the kitchen you and Tonks both got up and took your seats around the table. You sat next to George who rested his hand on your thigh gently rubbing his thumb back and forth. George hadn't let you out if his sight all day, like he was worried you'd be take right out from under him. Molly had made a huge Christmas dinner and it was amazing. After a week of little to no food you this was like heaven.
"Molly this is amazing" you said as you took another huge bite making her laugh
"Really is mum" Ginny added.
Remus cleared his throat and looked over at Tonks
"We- Remus and I wanted to uhm ask something" Tonks said looking up from her plate. Everyone out their utensils down and looked down the table
"We wanted to ask Samantha and George... if they would be Teddys godparents"
You gasped putting you cup down and clasped your hands over your mouth
"Are you serious" you asked a huge smile on your face
"Of course" Tonks said
"We couldn't think of anyone better than the two of you" Remus said and winked at you
"Of course we will" you looked over at George who was smiling just a widely as you were. He nodded in agreement
"We'd love to" he finally said. Tonks and Remus were so happy Tonks got up and ran around the table to hug the two of you
"We love you" she whispered.

Plates had been emptied and Ginny and Fred were in the kitchen cleaning. Sirius, Remus and Tonks said goodbye to everyone before heading home. You and George sat on the couch in front of the fire and Lee was laid out in the floor with his pants unbuttoned
"Too. Much. Food" he groaned and you laughed
"Poor Lee" George joked
"I can't believe they asked us to be Teddys god parents" you said nuzzling into his chest
"I know" George said rubbing your back
"Could you image... us, as parents" you giggled
"Actually yes I could, you would be a wonderful mum"
"And you'd be a wonderful dad" you kissed his cheek.
Ginny and Fred joined you in the living room to play a game of exploding snaps and the five of you laughed and talked all night. Molly and Arthur said Goodnight and headed up to bed
"I think I'll go up too I'm knackered" Lee said getting up off the floor. You said Goodnight to your friend and he disappeared up the stairs. Fred climbed onto the couch with you and George and snuggled up in your arms
"Wow Fred way to third wheel" Ginny teased
"I am not" he gasped pretending to look hurt
"Awe it's okay Freddie, your my favorite third wheel" you laughed
"Gee thanks Samantha"
"Anything for you Freddie" you said ruffling his hair.
After a little while you were having a hard time keeping your eyes open and you let out a long yawn. Fred had already passed out on the couch next to you and Ginny was asleep in the armchair
"Ready for bed" George asked
"Let's just stay here tonight" you said looking up at George who smiled down at you
"Sounds good to me" he kissed your head and wrapped a blanket around the two of you.
"Merry Christmas" he whispered as you drifted off to sleep
"Merry Christmas George"

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