6. Keep no secrets

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The next morning you woke up in Fred's bed while he sat at his desk scribbling something down on a piece of parchment
"Morning sleepy" Fred chuckled without looking up
"Morning Freddie, did I spend the whole night here" you asked sitting up in the bed
"Oh yes, quite the night. You had a little fit downstairs and insisted on staying in here"
"Well thank you" you said getting up and gathering your discarded dress "I owe you"
"And Angelina" Fred informed you
"And Angelina" you laughed. You finally noticed George's bed was still made and hadn't been slept in. Fred caught you looking and sighed
"What's going on with you" he finally asked putting his quill down
"What do you mean"
"You freaked out at us last week on the train, you didn't spend any time with us last night at the party and then you left sobbing"
"I'm just stressed Fred, it's nothing" you said heading to the door "let's get breakfast, meet me downstairs in half an hour"
"Sounds good to me" Fred said and went back to writing. You hurried down the hall to your room and locked the door behind you sliding down to the floor and holding your hands in your head. Everything was getting ruined and we had only been back for a week, you had to stop with all of the George nonsense. He didn't like you and you would just have to live with it.

Thirty minutes later you were showered, changed and waiting for Fred in the common room. The door swung open and George walked in
"Samantha hey are you okay"
"Yeah I'm fine" you said looking down at your shoes "just drank a bit too much last night" you shrugged and gave him a weak smile.
"Yeah seemed like it" he laughed
"Did you have a good night" you asked not really wanting to hear his answer
"Yeah it was fine, I mostly talked to Fred and Katie and Angelina"
"Right right"
"What about you" George turned a bit red and looked away "I saw you talking to Pucey"
"Yeah he's my friend"
"Really" George scoffed "looks like more than just a friend"
"Yes really" you said your anger starting to get the better of you "it's none of your business anyway"
"Oh no, it's not? I can't worry about my friend"
"No" you snapped "no you can't because you can be more than friends with Katie but the second I try to get to know someone you have to butt in" you turned on your heel and headed for the door "tell Fred I'll meet him in the great hall" you walked through the door and closed it hard as you left. You marched down the hallway still fuming from your conversation with George, how could he be such a jerk? If he wanted to be with Katie then my love life was none of his concern.
"Sam" you heard someone call after you "hey Samantha wait up" Fred was running behind you trying to catch up "what happened to meeting in the common room"
"Didn't your brother tell you"
"George? No he didn't say anything to me"
"Well I needed to get away from him, I told him to tell you to meet me in the great hall"
"Why what happened"
"Nothing, George can do whatever he'd like" you sighed "he just needs to let me do the same" You reached the great hall and it was crowded with students talking about weekend plans. Fred grabbed a few slices of toast and two apples and took your hand
"Come on let's go somewhere we can talk" he said and tossed you an apple. You followed him all the way up to the astronomy tower and he sat down looking out over the castle and patted the spot next to him. You sat and took a bite from the apple
"So how are things with you and Angelina" you asked
"Pretty good" Fred said in between bites "we're happy how we are, no labels. I mean it's our last year anyway and who knows where we'll be after that" you nodded and kept eating
"But we really came here to talk about you and not me so spill, what's up with you. Things have been weird for a while now"
You turned the apple over in your hand not wanting to meet Fred's eyes as tears threatened to fall. Your chest was tight and and it felt like your heart was in your throat
"I....." you didn't even know where to start "Fred" you choked out barely above a whisper before the tears started spilling out "I love him so much" you sobbed and Fred just held you "I'm not sure for how long but...but" you hiccuped "it's killing me to see him with her"
Fred rubbed your back and tried to soothe you
"I suspected"
"It hurts" you admitted "and he doesn't even know"
"Why haven't you told him"
"I'm scared I mean he likes Katie anyway and I'm scared it will ruin our friendship"
"But this whole thing the weird feelings and everything is already ruining your friendship" Fred said
"I know" you whispered "I just can't Fred, I just need some time to get over this is all"
"Whatever you need I'll be here but please
Make sure that's what you really want"
"I will Fred" You bumped his Shoulder against yours and smiled at him brushing away some tears "you really are the best brother ever"
"And you're the best sister"

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