30. New Beginings

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Song: movin out by Billy Joel

The three of you stood in the empty flat above the store just the three of you with your trunks.
"First thing on your to do list love is to buy some furniture" Fred laughed
"Now that I can do" you said walking over the the front window looking down at diagon alley.
Fred started to haul his trunk into his bedroom and George came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head
"We're really here" he said in disbelief
"We really are" you smiled
"You've worked so hard for this, I'm so proud of you George"
He kissed the top of your head and let go of your body
"Hungry" he asked
"Then I'm going to run down the street and get all of us some take away"
"Thank you" you smiled at him and watched him leave the flat. You wandered around the kitchen and then down the hall, Fred's door was open and you peaked inside
"Comfy" you asked Fred who was laying on his mattress that was on the floor
You walked in and laid down next to him, snuggling up to his side
"My brothers a lucky bloke" Fred chuckled
"Because he has you..."
"Fred" you raised your head and looked at him "you have me too, you always have and you always will. I'm not going anywhere"
"Yeah but it's different with you and him, he has more of you"
"Fred I love you just as much as George, just in a different way"
"I know and I love that you're my sister" he said ruffling your hair "I just wish I had someone.... The way George has you"
"You will Freddie"
"Yeah but when"
"I don't know, but trust me it'll happen. Probably when you least expect it to"
"Until then we will continue to be two peas in a pod"
"You're my pea"
"You're MY pea" you giggled
"Awe peapea, I love you" Fred grabbed you making you laugh
"But if you want a girl to like you, word to the wise don't have a single mattress in the middle of your floor"
Fred gasped and clutched his chest "so you don't like my design choices..... I'm hurt!"
"I'm sorry darling" you kissed his face all over making him laugh as he tried pushing you away
"Not even close" Fred said wiping his face
"Oi foods here" George shouted walking through the front door.
You laughed and rolled off of the mattress and stood up reaching your hands out to help Fred
"Thanks babe" he said grabbing your hands and pulling you back down onto the mattress making you laugh even harder. George walked into Fred's room and saw you face down on the mattress laughing so hard you were crying and Fred laughing just as hard
"What is going on" George asked smiling at the state of his brother and his girlfriend. You rolled over onto your back unable to get words out
"Peapea is being silly" Fred finally managed getting his breathing under control
"...peapea" George asked raising an eyebrow
"Don't worry about it, just help me move this sack of potatoes" Fred said pointing at you. George knelt down and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He walked into the living room with you and set you down on the floor as you finally managed to stop laughing
"I can't remember the last time I felt this happy" you said wiping a few stray tears that had fallen while you were in your laughing fit.
"All thanks to me" Fred said while looking through the takeaway bags
"Whatever you say Freddie"
George sat beside you on floor opening all the containers "I'd like to think I've had something to do with it" he whispered teasingly
You picked up the container George put in front of you, butter chicken and naan-your favorite
"You remembered" you smiled down at your meal
"Of course I remembered" he said picking up his own. You smile and start eating your dinner listening to the two boys next to you talk about their day tomorrow.
You finished your dinner and laid out on the floor
"We've got to get the inventory recorded and then set up on the shelves" Fred said finishing off his own dinner
"We'll have to do it one section at a time" George said "so we don't lose track of anything"
"Samantha darling" Fred said brining your focus back to them "could you fill out the supply order forms tomorrow once we've done the inventory, that way you can start communicating with the suppliers"
"Yes sir boss sir" you said in a fake serious voice
"Oh boss sir..... I like that, yeah that's what you'll call me from now on" Fred joked a cheeky grin on his face
"Shut up" George said pushing his brother over
"Either way you weirdos I'll get that done tomorrow" you said starting to clean up the mess the three of you had made "after I go get us some furniture for this place"
"Sounds good love" Fred and George dove back into their conversation about work and you headed off to you bedroom, your bedroom. Well your and George's bedroom. You popped open your trunk and pulled out a sleep shirt stripping down to your underwear and pulling it on covering yourself up. You snuggled into the blankets you covered the mattress with and you were quickly enveloped in sleep.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now