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Grian walked down the winding staircase with a lanter in his hand, black wings pressedto his back do to the chilly air of the night. As much as he would love to ignore his fellow gods plea for help, he knew he couldn’t. They needed him again, and kristian did have a point. He still must carry out his godly duties until he found an heir. He remembers when He was still a young teen in the Evo kingdom, before he even became the Watchers successor and retired to the Hermits continent. He was given one task during his retirement, watch ove the crystals and keep them safe. Grian himself barely visited the mountain tht stored the crystals away, steering his fellow Hermit citizens away from the mountain. 

He had lived here for many decades, watching over the crystals and making many unforgettable friends. Now, the crystals where in danger once again, and Grian once again would be apart of the process of taking this evil down. Sometimes he wished Watcher hadn’t picked him and picked another person, and other times he was grateful for what the god had done.Now, making his way down the stairs he didn’t now how to feel. When these people came to his home, what would he do? He’s have to send some of his birds to watch the coasts, himself will be bale to see through their eyes, an easy way to protect his friends. 

The avian god sighed, finally making it to the bottom and walking down the long hall to the huge open light up cave that held the crystals. Mini ponds laid agross the tone ground, small waterfalls connecting a few, some ponds holding lily pads and adding onto the beauty. Crystals of all colors covered the walls, making the room glitter to life, green lush vines covered and various flowers hanging from the ceiling, and fireflies flying around making the room even more mystical. In the middle where two stone stands, two orb like crystals hovering over it and glowing. One was a dark red color, red particles popping off of it randomly, and a beautiful honey yellow contracted the other, particles of all different kinds of colors popping off. As long as he lived, these crystals would stay where they where, protected and safe. And hopefully this help that Kristian spoke of, would appear soon. 

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