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Tubbo couldn’t force his eyes off of Dream, the king fighting with everything he had. The axe in his hand swung with powerful force, knocking the people attacking him back. Tubbo wanted to fight the man, the man he once was loyal to. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to, which angered him greatly. Ranboo was still up above with the other archers, firing away and hoping to hit the enemies below. He knew the hybrid was aiming for the ones attacking him, which made him feel better. It made him feel like he was still fighting alongside the other, even if he wasn’t right next to him. He swung his sword, lodging the blade into the soldier's arm, a cry of pain flying out of the Dreamer knight's mouth. 

The Goat hybrid snarled, ripping it out and once again hacking it back into his arm, the arm he needed to fight. The axe in his hand was held with purpose, his whole being wishing to see the blade lodged in Dream’s body than his random goons he had brought with him. He was angry, he was frustrated. He had waited forever for his moment, his moment to take revenge for his now-dead father, and he now knew getting that revenge would never bless itself upon him. He wanted to curse the gods, but knew that would also be futile. So, he did the next best thing, swinging his axe behind his head, he let it fly, slicing the soldier's head clean off. He heaved for breath, green eyes crazed as he watched the body fall. 

Even if he couldn’t kill Dream, he’d fight off the soldiers, hoping to at least see the king fall. That’s all he asked for, to see the man who killed his father fall to his knees, while he watched with a sickening grin. Please, God of death, let me at least have that. He heard flapping of wings, his now calmed green eyes bouncing over to the noise to see Tommy running at him, sword swung back and ready to attack the goat hybrid. Tubbo was surprised at first, eyes lingering on his best friend, before he realized his situation and quickly threw his axe in front of him, shielding himself from the first blow. When their weapons clashed, he could see his friend's eyes, clouded and confused. He was confused. Tubbo faltered, but seeing the other grit his teeth he quickly pushed the other back, fear filling his soul. 

It was no secret around the castle that Tommy was a beast in battles, even if he hadn’t officially been in any. The guards had seen the young boy fight, they saw what the young prince was capable of. Tubbo was afraid, hands shaking but eyes focused on the avian. He needed to break Tommy out of whatever trance he was in, even if that meant losing a life in the process. “TOMMY!” The teen yelled, getting the others' attention. He paused, slitted blue eyes traced on him. He knew he was looking for a weak spot, but he just wanted to get through to his best friend. “TOMMY PLEASE! THIS ISN’T YOU!” He saw the boy's wings slouch, the confused look on his face as the other spoke. “PLEASE! SNAP OUT OF IT!” The blond only gritted his teeth, swinging his sword at the other and slicing through his right arm. 

Tubbo howled in pain, backing up, but keeping his eyes on the avian. His heart was racing, tears threatening to fall. “TOMMY PLEASE! THIS ISN’T WHAT YOU WANT!” 

“SHUT UP!” Tommy’s voice was shaky, he again swinging at Tubbo who only swung back and knocked his sword to the side. Pleading green eyes met angry blue. 

“I can’t shut up, Tommy! This isn’t what you want, you don’t want to help Dream!”

“I SAID SHUT UP!” He shot forward again, Tubbo having no to time to react. Pain filled his senses, his vision blurring, and then darkness filled his sight. 

+ + +

Ranboo yelled, tears streaming down his face at the sight before him. He shook, green and red eyes wide with tears streaming down his face, a sizzle filling the air around him. Eret, from beside him, was pale, his own eyes wide and mouth agape. He didn’t do anything, he let Tubbo fall. He didn’t protect Tubbo, he had let tubbo down. Why was he so useless? Why couldn’t he keep his promises? Why? WHY?! Ranboo didn’t wait to be told to go down there, jumping down and scrambling towards Tubbo, yelling his name in pain. He abandoned his bow, scooping the male into his arms, as he cried. “No, no! Tubbo!” He held the body closer, sniffling as he buried his head into the side of the goat hybrid's neck, like he had done many times before. “Please, please wake up, don’t leave!” He never asked the other how many lives he had, he just knew the teen had lost some before. He didn’t want to lose Tubbo- he didn’t want to love someone he loved. A gasp of air filled the air, making the ender hybrid look at the hybrid's face to see Tubbo’s green eyes staring up at the ceiling. Ranboo smiled, sniffling as he hugged the goat hybrid closer. 

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