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Grian walked along the beach, humming softly as he stared out into the ocean. Mumbo watched with worried eyes. His friends and even himself have tried to get whatever is happening to the avian out of him, but he just won't budge. Scar sat next to him, arms folded and foot tapping as he too watched. “Why are we just sitting? He’s pacing the beach again! We need to get him away from that beach and somewhere else.” Mumbo agreed, but it wasn’t that simple. Whatever was bugging the avian, it was big. The mustache man fiddled with his fingers, eyes watching his close friend carefully. 

“I don’t know what to do, Scar. But trying to distract him isn’t going to work.” Scar growled, frustrated like many of their friends. The sun slowly set in the background, and Mumbo didn’t understand why there had been so many parrots around Boatem village lately, but they were there too. He was sure they were all around the country, Impulse also complaining about the amount of birds in her area. It was a strange thing, a thing that even Xisuma can’t explain. 

“I’m sure this will blow over. We just have to be patient.” Mumbo says, turning away to go home. Scar though stayed, watching his friend with worry. Why was Grian acting so weird? It was scaring Scar greatly. Gemini came over to the other after a half an hour, Grian now out of sight. Scar still sat in place though, the night sky raining over the two. Gem’s ears slouched seeing the others' sad expression. 

“Scar?” The human looked over to the hybrid, who only smiled sweetly. “Why don’t you come over for dinner, it may help your… thoughts?” She tilted her head, green eyes soft and welcoming. The older smiled, getting up at the invite. 

“Why not.” As he walked past the deer hybrid, she herself couldn’t help the small frown forming on her face. Looking back to the beach that Grian had been pacing for days now, she couldn’t help but wonder what was going through that avian's mind. 

Later That Night. . . 

Karl stayed awake until all the others in the lower decks were asleep. He was determined to see Quackity, he missed Quackity. So, carefully, the brownette slid out of his hammock to go to the avian’s own. The time traveler tried to stop himself from stepping on one of the squeaky planks below him, tiptoeing towards his fiance. That was before the person above his own hammock began stirring. “Karl?” The brownette shot his head over, seeing a drowsy Sapnap staring at him. “Why… What’s going on?” Karl put his index finger to his lips, indicating for the other fiance to quiet down. Groggily Sap nodded, the blaze hybrid making his way out of his own hammock and down the ladder next to it. 

He slid down, making contact with the floor with a loud thump. Karl jumped, a few of the others around then grumbling and stirring before going back to sleep. The brownette glared at his loud fiance, who only smiled nervously back before making his way over as quiet as possible. “What are you doing?” Karl whispered out, feeling Sap hug him as he neared. 

“I could ask the same thing.” The taller mumbled, stuffing his face in the smallers neck. Karl smiled, ruffling the other’s hair before softly pushing the other away. The bandana wearer looked hurt but was still half asleep. “What? Are you mad at me?” His voice was squeaky, making Karl have to hold back a giggle. 

“No, I want to see Quackity.” The air between them was silent, Sapnap smiling and waking up a bit more at Karl’s words. The time traveler smiled sweetly, reaching one of his hands out for the prince to take. “Do you want to come with me?” The other took his hand, an eager nod being seen through the dim light in the lower decks. The two made their way to the sleeping fiance, who was snoring softly and his wings out on either side of the hammock, the gold feathers grazing the floor as the hammock swayed to an unknown rhythm. The two awake fiance’s looked at one another, both smiling before the brownette leaned over to shake the avian’s shoulder. At first, the one still sleeping just shooed the other away, grumbling about a few more minutes, before finally opening his eyes with a sigh. He looked up, seeing both Sapnap and Karl now leaning over him. 

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