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Seven Years Later. . .

“Father!” A winged child giggled, arms spread out as her father flew through the air with her in his arms. The male smiled, looking down towards the blond in his arms as she giggled. 
“My turn!” A boy from the ground yelled, jumping around happily. The father chuckled, landing slowly and letting his wings tuck behind him. He sat the girl down on her feet, the young child still giggling as she now twirled around with her arms still out on either side of her. Her white wings fluttered happily, blue eyes twinkling in happiness. The boy who was now reaching for his father had black hair, tan skin, four red eyes, and fangs that showed when he smiled. He got none of his characteristics from him, as expected since he was adopted. 
“C’mon now Shroud, you already went up once. It’s time for dinner.” Said a female, her white hair in a long braid, and her light skin almost glowing in the setting sun. Her blue eyes sparkling as the parents met gazes. 
  “You healrd your mother, let’s get some dinner, and then time for bed! You two have school in the morning anyways.” The two children groaned, but followed instructions anyways, running to their small cabin that was in the distance. The two parents watched in happiness, the female reaching out for the avian's own. He squeezed her hand, starting their way after the two children. 
“Thank you, Waltrude.” The blond male eventually whispered. The female looked over, warm eyes forcing his own to meet. She lifted her free hand, placing it on his cheek and stroking the skin there. 
“You don’t need to thank me, Toms.” He smiled, Waltrude doing the same. “Now, let's get home before Clemantine and Shroud light the kitchen on fire.” Tommy couldn’t help but laugh, even when the shorter female started tugging him towards their small home. A simple life, that’s all Tommy needed after his traumatizing life back home. But maybe, one day he’ll be willing to go back… 


Or maybe. 

fate will bring them back together...

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