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{TIME ERROR}. . . 

Night shook his host's body, breath heavy as he looked behind himself at the figure that had struck his other half down. His red eyes were frantic, looking around seeing the destruction they had caused. A huge rip sat through the continent, black and purple smoke coming out at a steady pace. Tears ran down his face as he looked back towards the male before him. “No, no- C’MON!” He shook his body harder. 

“It’s no use demon. You killed him.” The newly found god spoke coldly, though he could hear the small amount of guilt and sadness that dripped out of his voice. 

I didn’t kill him, Watcher. You did.” His crazed red eyes met the others. The new gods black wings shook, either out of sadness or rage. “I will be back, and when I am, I’m taking you down with me!” Without hesitation, forgetting his objective, he let himself disappear. 

Present. . .

First thing Philza and Quackity did for his avian lesson, get thrown off a very high cliff and hope you don’t die. Quackity was terrified when Philza just pushed him off without a warning. But eventually after four other failed attempts, They had decided he couldn’t fly because of how small his wings were. Quackity’s wings were not too small though, only being two times smaller than Philza’s own. But they were small enough that he couldn’t fly like any other avian his age. Phil did say that there was a chance they may grow though, so at least he had a little hope to hold onto. 

The two ended up practicing gliding, Philza showing the other first before both jumped off, wings spread out making them able to glide through the air. Of course the younger avian did have to learn how to land too, himself landing on nearby frosty trees or even miss calculating and landing on rocks as well. They had finished for the day when the young avian had indeed correctly a few times in a row.  Now on their way back home Quackity couldn’t help but mention another thing that Egg had. “Egg mentioned something about avian abilities.” Phil looked over to the other. 

“Well, yes avians do usually have abilities. Usually the abilities have the same base as their parents, like how my eyes allow me to see things normal humans and hybrids can’t. They help me during fighting and seeing from far away. Very handy.” Quackity got excited hearing that what Egg had said was true. 

“When will we work on that?” Philza chuckled at the younger avian's excitement. 

“We’ll get to that soon. For now I will be more occupied with getting one of our ships ready for our journey.” Quackity nodded. He knew getting to these crystals was important. If it took a bit for him to practice his ability, whatever it may be, then he would. He was just happy he got to practice gliding. 

One Day Later. . .

Tommy sat at his cell desk, book in hand to try and keep himself occupied. He was alone, and for once he was happy about that. Though, he wasn’t happy he was being kept captive by his… brother? Could he even call him that anymore? Tommy’s shoulders fell, blue eyes looking away from the book he had been reading as he thought. George had come in late last night, not saying a word to the other before nearing his wings. It had freaked the teen out, especially when the general just grabbed the closest wing to him and plucked one of the feathers out of the rest. It had hurt too, a few tears pricking the edges of his eyes as the other pulled it out. He had left right after he got one of his feathers, shutting and locking the door once again. 
Tommy had seen him that morning too, he couldn’t help but back away from the other afraid he was going to mess with his wings once again. He had come in with breakfast though, leaving it on his desk and leaving. He had eaten at least half of it, but didn’t feel too hungry to eat the other half. Tommy was startled out of his thoughts when he heard the lock of his door being clicked open. He looked over to see Dream walking in. Tommy took the other in, eyes turning into slits as he stared at the things in his hands. It was random for sure, one hand holding ink, a quill, and paper, and the other holding a cup. 

“Hey Toms.” His voice was soft, like he was trying to not scare the other away. Tommy stood slowly, wings fluffing up as the other walked further into the room, shutting the door behind him. “I have a proposition for you.” Tommy slowly let his feathers smooth, skeptical eyes watching Dream. “I know you hate being in this room. So, if you drink this,” He tilted the cup he was holding showing a paint-like density of light blue. “If you drink it, I’ll let you leave the room.” Dream was avoiding eye contact, but Tommy knew he was speaking the truth. He could always tell when the other was lying, the same with Dream. 

“I… Ok.”  Tommy hesitantly held his hand out, but Dream came closer, sitting the other down at the desk before giving him the drink. Tommy raised the drink to his lips, taking a deep breath before gulping the liquid down. 

+ +  +

He actually drank it…” Nightmare mutters, forming next to Dream. Dream nods, placing the paper, quill and ink on the table. He turned the other, watching as the avian's hand went for the quill right away, getting ready to draw out what he was seeing. Night frowns, crossing his arms. “Do you think slipping what we did in the drink was a good idea?” He whispers out. 

“If we didn’t, he’d try to escape the first chance he got. As much as it hurts, it was necessary.” Dream quietly speaks. Nightmare looked over towards his other half, smiling slightly. Looking back to Tommy they noticed he was close to finishing. The two neared, looking over the avian and seeing a continent they have never seen before. 

Hermitcraft? Why would it be there?” The demon asked, looking puzzled. 

“You know where this is?” dream asks. Night nods hesitantly. 

I had a... host there before it was called Hermitcraft. He was an interesting being.”  Dream slowly nods, watching as Tommy’s hand slowed. The two sat still, waiting for the other to snap out of his trance. When he did he blinked his eyes, tears slowly falling. 

“Dream?” Tommy asked, arms slowly stretching out as if asking for a hug. Dream kneeled to the teens height, engulfing the other into a tight hug. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t m-mean what I said, Dream! I don’t hate you, Dream.” 

“I know, I know.” The king spoke softly, letting one of his hands make its way to Tommy’s hair, carding his fingers through the locks in a comforting manner. “It's ok Toms, I forgive you.” A loud sob escaped the avian, making Night feel horrible for giving Dream the idea he did. 

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