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I'm so sad, this story is almost over... We literally have a few more chapters before the end, the Epilogue has been made my friends. It'll be a sad day for all of us when I finally finish it. Anyways, enjoy the longest chapter I think I have made so far for this book! Bye!

Quackity stared at the god before him, scared that he knew what the other was talking about. Grian smiled at him, quickly moving farther into the room. “Well, the rest of us can go somewhere else and work on strategies. Scar, can we use your house?” He asked. The one named Scar nodded, getting up from his seat and gesturing for the others to follow. Quackity looked at Karl who got up from his spot next to his fiance, smiling warmly, almost trying to reassure him.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure it isn’t bad.” He said, leaning down and pecking the avian’s forehead. “I’m going to go with everyone else, I’ll see you soon, Quacks.” Quackity smiled, nodding in agreement before watching the other leave with the others. Now it was just him and the god, looking at one another quietly as they waited for Grian’s door to shut. They heard the click, and finally, the god before him moved. 

“So, have you finally met up with your fiance’s you guys seem better.” His fists balled at their comment, his eyes looking towards the ground. 

“No, if anything it’s worse.” Egg stayed quiet at that, silently sitting down next to the avain. 

“I see, I am sorry to hear that.” They say, patting his back as if he was trying to comfort him. 

“I’m not becoming one of the Egg kingdom kings, if that's why you wanted to talk to me alone. I refuse to rule a kingdom that will only hate me, the current leaders don’t like me. I can only imagine what the kingdom will think of me.” He sighs, almost defeated. “Sapnap lied to us too, he could have told us whenever he wanted, Egg, we knew him for years, got engaged to him. Did he expect us to just be ok with him being a prince, a future king? Did he really expect us to just follow him even after his stupid secret was revealed?” Egg frowned. 

“I see, that does seem like a problem.” He murmurs. “And king Bad and king Skeppy, they are treating you bad?” Quackity nodded, eyes clouding. 
“I can’t become king, Egg. I just can’t.” The god before him was silent for a moment, their own fingers fidgeting with one another. 


“No, I know you're going to try and talk me into reconsidering, but I won't.” He looks towards the gold and red-eyed god next to him, who stared back. Egg reached for the avains hand, the other flinching back but letting the other do so. He was confused at first, but allowed the god to do as he wished. 

“Quackity, I’m sorry. But no matter how hard you fight this, fate will always follow you.” And just like that, pain consumed him, himself jerking back from the god but it was too late, himself screaming out in pain. Everything turned white at first, and then faded into black stillness. 

As they walked into Scar's home, the black winged avian was quick to grab a huge price of paper and some pencils, making what looked like a blueprint of some sort for a cave. The others with them watched, some sitting down at the dining table as the other did this. “I’ve been where the crystals are before.” He began explaining as he reached the end. “I was given the task to watch over the crystals, from the gods.” 

“What?” Impulse asked, almost in awe at his friend's words. Grian nodded, setting the pencils down as he looked at the map before them. 

“Yes, I am in charge of the crystals. Or at least I was.” He says, smiling cheerfully as he speaks. “Now, we have a battle to plan!” He seemed too excited about this, quickly getting ready to explain his ideas. “If we get there before them, there are some ledges we can have archers on to shoot down from.” Grian explained, pointing to where he meant. The others watched, Eret smiling at the idea. “From the back we can have swordsmen, and from the front, we can have the ax users.” It seemed like a easy plan. “Dream and his soldiers will be prepared for battle, since we attacked them. Which means we need anyone with abilities ready to use them to their full power to keep them at bay while we try and figure out how to break the teen avian out of his trance.” Philza and his two sons perked up at the mention of a young avain being under some type of spell. 
“What? What do you mean?” The blond avain asked, himself looking at the other in confusion. 

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