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Quackity was excited. He hadn’t been able to learn anything about being an avian since he himself would out he was one. He understood that they had other important things that needed to be handled though, so he patiently waited until Philza could teach him. And now it was here, he was finally going to learn something. “So what is it? Was is this thing you need my help with?” Phil smiled at the other’s excitement. 
“I’m teaching you how to find the location of the crystals.” The younger avian’s eyes sparkled at this. “We’ll need a few things to do this though, and that is why we are going to the doctor’s medicine supplies.” Quackity was silent for a moment before asking another question. 
“Do we need to get high?” The older avian laughed at the other’s words, shaking his head no as he did so. 
“No, no nothing like that! We just need a few things, like ender eyes, blaze powder, and a nether star.” Quackity’s eyes grew wide at the last one, the blond next to him picking up on his surprise. “We have a fair collection of nether stars.” 
“You say nether star like it’s an everyday object.” Phil chuckled at his words again. They finally made it to the Supply room they needed, walking in and shutting the door. Quackity stared at all the resources in front of him, some rarer than others. What caught his attention was the nether stars that were mounted on the opposite wall than him. Philza wasn’t lying when he said they had a fair collection.
“We need two of everything, so grab two blaze powders and two nether stars, I’ll get the ender eyes.” Like that Quackity was off grabbing the two resources that he was responsible for. Once they had what they needed they left, this time to a potion-making room. Quackity already had an idea what was going on, but tried to now say anything and just follow the other’s instructions. “We need a cauldron and lava.” They sat their things down, Quackity pulling one of the many cauldrons in the room out while Philza got two buckets of lava. The younger avian stood back as Phil poured the lava in, watching with fascinated eyes. “Now, we’re both going to drop those resources we grabbed at the same time, one by one.” The older explained. He looked sad, brown eyes meeting quackity’s own. “I had hoped I could have shown Tommy this too.” The younger avian frowned at his words. 
“You still can, once we get him back. You can teach him everything you’ve always wanted to once we get him back.” The king looked grateful for the other’s words. 

“Ok, First we need the blaze powder, then we add the ender eyes, and finally the nether stars. After that, we wait for it to turn a light purple and add one of our own feathers.” Quackity blinked, slowly nodding before they started adding the things in. As Phil said they waited until the liquid they had created turned a light purple, then added one of their own feathers into the cauldron. They waited, the mixture turning a pretty light blue before Philza grabbed some nephrite cups and scooping some of the mixtures into two cups. “We need a piece of paper, and some ink and quills. They sat the cups down, finding the things they needed before setting them at one of the many tables in the room. They found a fairly big piece of paper, though not freakishly big. They sat across from each other, both having one of the netherite cups in their hands. 

“So… Do we just chug it?” Quackity asked. The older avian nodded, already putting the concoction to his lips. Quackity followed, chugging the hot liquid down. It had cooled off during the making of this mixture, though it was still burning hot. Quackity pushed through though, drinking it all before setting the cup down. Before the young avian could say anything, it went black, a few images passing through his mind. One that stood out to him was a cave, covered in greenery with glowing crystals. The images were too fast for him to really take in, but he saw much jungle and ocean. When he could finally see the world again, he breathed deeply. His arm hurt, so he looked down to see the quill that was on his side in his hand, and the paper now has a very detailed map on it. Phil himself had a quill in his hand, though his brown eyes studied the map.

“Looks as if we’ll be leaving the continent altogether to find the crystals. 

+ + +

Wilbur was angry, his goodbye turned out to be a one-sided fight with his brother. He already felt horrible, and his brother saying those things didn’t help him at all. He was going to his own country to retrieve Niki and Fundy. He needed his best friend, and he missed his son. He knew they would be leaving soon, they all were desperate to find the crystals before Dream did. What he didn’t expect was to run into three people trying to get into the castle on his way out. He’d already told his father his plan, but now he was second-guessing. “Hello? What’s going on here?” One of the guards looked over towards Wilbur and stood straighter. 
“Sir, these travelers are trying to break in.” He explains. Wilbur looked over towards the travelers, seeing Punz he knew these travelers were only trying to get through.
“I can take it from here, thank you.” The prince spoke, letting the soldier leave. They did, letting the four remaining go into the castle. 

“Hello, prince Wilbur.” Punz spoke, bowing to the royal. Wilbur cringed, but smile at the gesture nonetheless. 

“Hello general Punz, Follow me I’ll take you to Bad and the others,” Wil spoke, leading them inside. Seems it only keeps getting crazier and crazier as time goes on. Wilbur would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited to see what would happen next. 


Me: Damn… this superhero mcyt is so good…

Brain: ….. What if we made one? 

Me: …. Looks over to the huge pile of unfinished mcyt books I have …. Um, I don’t know if that is a good idea, Brain. 

Brain: hmmm…. You might have a point. But we could just… shove it into the pile… and get to it later? 

Me: Brain, no. We’ve done that with the vampire sbi, The time travel bench trio one, And the zombie apocalypse bench trio. We can’t keep fucking shoving books in here! 

Brain: but… what if we did? 


Brain: We could make it a bench trio one too!- MAYBE EVEN ADD PURPLED INTO IT! 

Me: I’m already doing that in HERE


Twenty minutes later. . .

Me: I fucking hate you writing on a new doc called ‘Vigilantes Way’

Brain: Then you hate yourself. 

Me: FUCK! 

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