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^This was made by someone in the discord ~.|.Mochi.|.~ thank you :D! You really made my day with this! Anyways- enjoy the chapter!!

Twenty-four years ago. . .

Philza giggled, shoving one of his friends off of him as he held a book close. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief as his other two friends laughed too. “What are you boys doing?” The three looked up to see a very angry librarian, wings fluttering in annoyance as their eyes met. “Oh, Philza Minecraft? What are you doing here again? Didn’t I throw you out last time, young man?” Phil gulped, his grip on the book in his arms tightening. She raised a brow, looking at the book he held in his hands. She seemed to soften at the sight of what book he held, her angry demeter slowly dissipating. “Oh, I see.” She held a hand out for the book to be placed in her pale palm. Phil did so, sighing in defeat. “You know your father doesn’t want you reading his book, Philza.” She mutters, the two boys on either side of him shifting. It was unusual for Mrs. Hawk to act like this. 

“I-I know.” He speaks finally. Her orange eyes looked over to him, a small smile on her face. “I was just curious is all.” 

“Curiosity killed the bird, have you ever heard that expression young man?” Phil gazed down to the ground, hands balling. She sighed, looking at the two twins behind him, and shooed them away. They ran as soon as the opportunity was handed to them, gliding down to the first floor and booking it. Philza couldn’t blame them, Mrs. Hawk was terrifying. “This is the third time you’ve tried to smuggle this book out of this library.” She speaks, setting the book down on a nearby shelf. “You need to stop, your father doesn’t want you knowing what is in this boo until your old enough to understand, until-” 

“Until I’m chief, I know.” A long pause filled the room. “I don’t want to wait that long though, I want to know now. I want to know the truth, not the made-up story we learn in school, Mrs. Hawks.” She paused, looking over towards him after a few seconds. She pursed her lips, looking back towards the book. 

“I know it’s hard, Philza. But your father knows best.” She says, walking away after that. “Please, wait until your father hands you that book.” Phil looked at the book, looking back to the female walking away. 

“I will.” The librarian knew better though, she knew that that book was in his arms as he left the library, but she ignored that fact, going back to checking books back into the library. 

Present, One Day Later. . .       

Phil looked over towards Grian when the flashback dissipated. They had been walking for a long time now, most of the walk being quiet, probably because of the pending doom they all would be facing soon, and just walked following the black-winged avian quietly. “What did you mean, first savior?” Technoblade asked, Wilbur, looking over in curiosity as well. Philza sighed, dragging his eyes away from Grian and looking over to his two sons. 
“The first savior, he killed the first dictator, or the first person to threaten to obliterate our universe.” Phil explained. “He wasn’t considered an avian, just a bird hybrid. The goddess of death made us avians in the image of the first savior.” 
“But, why didn’t you mention that in the first explanation?” Philza paused. 
“What explanation?” He asked. Techno blinked.
“The one where you explained the crystals existence, the one where you said the gods intervene?The one that explained the reason why avians were made?” Wilbur says, hoping to jog his father's memory. The king hummed, the memory filling his head once again. 
“Because, I never thought I’d need to explain further, or in more detail then. The first savior should be dead, not leading us to the crystals.” Techno and Wilbur looked at one another. “I don’t know how Grian is alive, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the gods.” 

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