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Philza sat quietly in the chaotic meeting room. It had been the same routine for three days now, and the kingwas getting sick on it. As much as he had moped around about his missing son, he knew it wasn’t going to solve anything. They needed to make a plan to get him back, and the yelling wasn’t helping them do that. The king abruptly stood up, getting some of the others nthe rooms attention, though him having to slam his fist down on the table got the others. “Fighting is getting us no where.” Phil spoke, wings slightly unfolded in a threatening way. “My son was kidnapped again, and we failed to kill Dream during the attack. We need to figure out our next move, NOW.” The two other kings inthe room nodded, the others slowly sitting down. Philza stayed standing up though, afraid that if he did chaos would once again break out. “Now, he has an avian now. He’ll be able to find the crystals again.” The avian spoke. 
“He may not stick around long enough for us to get Tommy back either, so we need to get to the crystals first.” Sam spoke, Quackity who sat next to him nodded in agreement. 
“Safest option.” The other avian said, though kept his eyes on the table. Philza hummed thinking further. 
“We have to avians, it’ll be easier for us to find the crystals before they do.” Tubbo added on. “If we gt there first maybe we can do an ambush, get Tommy back, and kill Dream as well.” 
“Seems like our best bet at the moment…” Wilbur spoke. Philza knew his middle child felt much guilt for the kidnap of his little brother, but knowing this Philza couldn’t help but be a bit mad at him for not following the orders he had given him. If he had, maybe Tommy would still be here, maybe they would have killed Dream. 
“It would have been better if the gods stayed around.” Bad grumbled. A few others agreed, but others glared at the king. 
“We’ve went long enough without their help, we’ll be fine.” Techno growls. “As for finding the crystals, I think that is our best option at the moment. We should wait and prepare first, set up backup plans in case. Along with even fining out where these crystals are located!” Techno rants, running one of hs hands though his long pink hair. 
“I agree with Techno, we need to prepare before jumping into something like this.” Quackity spoke up, Sam nodding in agreement. 
“Then we have some sort of plan. Quackity, I’ll need your help with locating the crystals.” Phil spoke, the other avian perking up at this. 
“In the meantime I think it would be best to keep a lookout incase Dream decides to do a surprise attack on us like we have.” The others agree, the meeting being dispurst as other formed small groups to walk out of. Philza though quickly makes his way to Tubbo and Ranboo, who where making their way towards the door. “Tubbo.” The goat hybrid paused, looking behind himself to see the avian walking towards him. 
“Yes?” Phil smiles sympathetically towards the other. 
“I- um… I’m sorry about you father, Tubbo. It should have never happened. All this has to be really hard for you, loosing your father, all the stress of whats going on, and the kidnap of Tommy.” Tubbo paused, eyes clouding as if he was off in another world. It worried PHilza greatly. “How about you take today off to just relax, ok? You need it.” He placed a gentle hand on the others shoulder. “You can even have Ranboo accompany you, since you two never seem to part anymore.” Tubbo huffed at those words, a small smile forming on his face. 
“Ok, thank you Phil.” The blond nodded, letting go of Tubbo so he could leave. He knew the pain of loosing people he loved, hoping that this small break would help a bit with the pain he knew the other must be feeling. A tap on his shoulder broke him out of his thoughts. He looked behind himself to see Quackity, his own brown eyes holding a sparkle. 
“Do I get to learn avian shit now?” Philza laughed at how the other phrased it. 
“Yes, after finding the location of the crystals we can start working on your flying- or gliding if you can’t fly with you wings.” Quackity looked excited by the others words, making Philza’s day a bit brighter. 

+ + +

Technoblade sat in one of the many training rooms, arows in hand and bow to his side as he sat down pondering. “You know, training the way you do is unhealthy, right?” Technoblade looked up to see Wilbur, who had a kind smileon his lips, brown eyes soft as he looked at his older brother. The piglin hybrid grumbled, standing up after grabbing his weapon. 
“I need to train, fighting is the only thing I’m good at.” Wilbur frowns at this, stopping near the other. 
“You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that Techno.” The pinkette frowned, placing the arrows in his holder on his back before making his way towards the targets. Wilbur followed of course, knowing what allthis extra training wa really about. “I know losing tommy again isn’t…. Ideal-” 
“Ideal?” Technoblade growls, finally facing his younger brother. Wilbur seemed taken aback about his brothers outburst, backing up a few steps. “Wilbur, him being taken away again shouldn’t have happened! If you had listened to dad none of this would be happening!” wilbur looked hurt by the  others words, brown eyes holding sadness. 
“No, Wil. You screwed up big time! You never listen to dad! Sometimes I can’t believe we’re related!” Wilbur looked torn, hands balling. “It’s your fault Tommy was taken, so if I want to be angry and take it out on some fucking targets, I’m going to do it!” Techno knew blowing up on the already very guilty man was a horrible idea, he knew he should have chased after Wilbur when he started speed walking out of the training room, Techno knew he should have said he was sorry, and taken his words back. But he didn’t, watching with fiery blue eyes before turning back to the targets to start training once again. 

+ + +

Sapnap made his way through the burned up Antatic village in horror, Karl griping his arm in fear as well, though Punz looked more sad than terrified. “Looks like we missed the battle, we could have helped greatly.” Punz admits, catching the two others attention. The villagers around them where trying to rebuild, some of the Antartic soldiers helping in the process. Smoke still filled the usually frosty air, making it horrible to breath. 
“I think your right.” Sap mutters, orange eyes holding sympathy for the villiagers. 
“It looks horrible…” Karl breathes out, coughing right after because of the smoke. 
“Let’s hurry to the castle so we can figure out what happened.” Punz suggests, already on his way down the path they’ve been taking. “I have a feeling we have a lot to be filled in on.” The two fiance’s glance at one another before following the general, eyes still wandering the streets of the village. 

+ + +

Tommy sat against the corner he was chained to, curled in on himself as he tried to sleep. His wings where uncomfortable, and the cuffs around his wrists dug into his skin making them feel sore and bruised. The avian hated this, but what could he do? He didn’t know how long he had been down here now, caged like an animal and suffering. But he didn’t want to be here anymore, it was cold, damp, and dark in this room he was held in. he shuffled closer to himself when he heard the door unlock, afraid of who would come through. Luckily for him it wasn’t Dream, But George. He didn’t know if he could handle seeing dream again, himself still pissed about what has been happening to him. “Hey Tommy.” George spoke sweetly, a tray now noticable in one of his hands, his other going to switch the light on in the room. Tommy winced at the sudden light, blue eyes squinting but slowly adjusting. George sadly smiles to the other. “Dream sent me down to unchain you, and give you some food.” The blond was grateful hearing he’d have some free will back.
George sat the tray down on the desk in the room, making his way to Tommy after fishing some keys out of his pocket. The room grew quiet as the brownette unchained the other, both avoiding eye contact. Once his wrists and wings where free, Tommy couldn’t help but stretch his gray wings out, rubbing his bruised wrists hoping to help blood flow. George looked at tommy with sympathy as he slowly made his way out of the room, but Tommy couldn’t help the little amout of hope he hadto speak out. “George.” Said male stopped, brown eyes meeting blue. “Please… I want to go home.” The two stared at one another for a long time, tommy hoping to get a answer he wanted to hear out of the general. 

“I’m sorry Tommy.” He whispers, going out the door to shut and lock it. Tommy’s heart sank, blue eyes turning dull at the realization he really wasn’t going to get help in his escape, if he even could. He was on his own now, himself once again beeing ripped away from his family, the people he felt he could now trust. His fists balled in determination though. If he needed to fight his way out of the clutches of dream, he would do whatever it takes. 

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