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Dream sat at his desk staring at the paper in front of him. He didn’t know if this was the best idea. He already felt horrible over what had already happened with Tommy, doing this to his little brother seemed even more cruel. It’s the only way to find the crystals! I doubt he’ll willingly help now, Dream, so having him do this is the best option now. Nightmare, Dream wasn’t very fond of his other half at the moment. 

“It doesn’t feel right, Night.” His mind grew quiet. 

I’ll do it for you then, Dream. I knew growing a soft spot for him was a bad ide- 

“Stop acting like you yourself haven’t grown to be fond of Tommy! He’s just as much your little brother as my own!” He knew he angered the demon when he felt Night’s rage. “Nightmare, I’m so-” The other materialized in front of his desk, red eyes piercing into his own. 

No, Dream. You listen to me.” Dream did as said, eyes cascading down. Lately Nightmare has been getting violent, not his calm self that the green wearing half was used to. “I care about Tommy too, Dream. But I know what the objective was, and I will fulfill it. It kills me to have to do this too, but unlike you I know we have to.” Dream stayed silent, he didn’t know how to respond. He was scared to talk, to have things go back to before- “Dream? Do you understand?” It was firm, making the other jump some. 

“Y-Yes. I understand.” The other seemed to soften, a frown taking over his face. “Just, can I talk to him when we do this?” Night sighed, seeming to be thinking before agreeing. 

Fine. But if I think you're hesitating, I will take over.” The other nodded in understanding. “Now, go get one of his feathers.” 

+ + +

Niki had just put Fundy down for a nap when one of the guards came into her study with Wilbur and general Punz. Niki was overjoyed to see her best friend, engulfing the other into a huge hug. Wilbur reciprocated quickly, smiling happily as he did so. “How did the battle go? Is Dream dead now?” News must not have reached L’manburg yet. Wilbur shook his head no, letting the other back away from him. 

“They attacked, and took Tommy before we could find Dream and kill him.” Niki gasped, brown eyes dripping with sadness. 

“Oh, that poor boy. It seems he can’t catch a break, can he?” she mumbled, making her way to her desk seat. Punzsighed, taking a seat in another that was in the room, Wilbur himself sitting on the desk. 

“Well, you should go pack Niki, we have a few other things to do before we go back to the Antarctic kingdom.” The pinkette gave the other general a look, one holding a question. 

“What do you mean? We have somewhere else to go other than to the Antarctic kingdom?” Wilbur nods, picking up one of the papers on her desk to see what it was about. 

“Actually, two places I guess.” Wilbur says. “The egg kingdom to pick up Punz brother, and then the Pride kingdom to finally have the ruler meet the rest of us! Oh- we also have a huge trip after that! Once we get back to the  Antarctic kingdom we’re heading to another continent to hopefully stop Dream!” Wilbur excitedly says. Niki’s eyes widened though, fear evident. 

“W-What? But I’ve barely ever left here, let alone the whole fucking continent- Wil!” Niki growled. It was true, Niki was born in the Antarctic kingdom, never leaving that kingdom other than for the few battles on their border lines. When they moved to L’manburg the same thing occurred. She never liked stepping out of her comfort zones, so when meetings weren't either in L’manburg or the Antarctic kingdom, she rarely went. She was a safe person like that. Wilbur smiled, placing his hand on her own, squeezing it in a comforting manner. 

“It’ll be ok, Niki. I promise nothing bad will happen, and I’ll be there!” He assured the other. 

“Once we kill Dream once and for all, we’ll be back in no time, general Niki.” The pinkette looked over to Punz, who was smiling in an encouraging way. She sighed, nodding in agreement letting a small smile form on her lips. Wilbur smiled too, getting off of the desk in the process. 

“Now, go pack and I’ll get Fundy ready for the trip!” 

+ + +

Tubbo sat quietly in the weapons room, sharpening his axe with dull eyes as he thought. Tommy was gone once again, his father was now dead, and everyone else in this castle seemed to be avoiding him other than Tommy’s biological family and Ranboo. Even Quackity, someone Tubbo would train with regularly, would approach the other hesitantly. It stung, made him feel like an outsider of some sort. Maybe it was because he was so young, himself being the youngest soldier they have. He took his axe off of the grinder, looking it over to see how sharp it was now. He sighed, setting it aside seeing it no longer dull. 

The hybrid grabbed his sword next. He was lost in his own world, he didn’t notice the being behind him, making himself jump when he felt lanky arms hug him from behind. Tubbo jumped, green eyes looking over his shoulder to see Ranboo, his mismatched eyes closed as he hugged the other close. Tubbo smiled, reaching back and ruffling some of the other hybrid's hair, watching the neglected half and half smile. “What’s up?” The goat hybrid asked calmly, turning back around to start sharpening his sword once again. 

“Did you hear the news?” The brownette paused, looking back over his shoulder in a confused manner. Ranboo’s red and green eyes met his own, the hybrid understanding that was a no. “They figured out where the crystals are!” tubbo’s grip on the sword tightened. 

“Did they? When do we leave Ranboo?” The other shrugged, looking as if he was trying to remember. 

“Um, I think when Wilbur and Punz get back!” Tubbo was utterly confused. 

“Did I miss a meeting or something?” He asked, turning back to his sword. 

“No, I heard it from Technoblade! Wilbur and Punz left to get a few more people before we set off to get the crystals! I don’t know all the details though, so you may want to ask Philza about this when he gets back with Quackity from flying lessons.” He explains, letting Tubbo learn some of the things that had happened while he was off in his own world. The goat hybrid nodded, a smile forming on his lips. 

“Thank’s Ran.” He didn't even know Wilbur had left, wonder why no one told him. It grew quiet between the two after that, both comfortable in the scene the two were in at the moment. It was quiet, peaceful even. Something the both of them needed. 

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