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One Day Later. . .

Grian sat on the end of their bank, watching the ever-growing closer ship on the horizon. Pearl sat at his other side, sword in hand and a determined look, and Mumbo at his other, looking nervous but also determined. The others had left to prepare some of the other villagers, hoping some will be willing to fight for their safety. They were lucky to get a few of them to agree. Now, they all sat in wait for the ship, all nervous for the outcome. “Do you think this will go ok?” Pearl asked, her nervousness making her voice quiver. 

“We’ll be fine. I’m sure of it.” Mumbo answered for him. “Just remember the plan, ok? We can take this king down.” Grian was hoping his friend was right. The others in their group had to stay out of this, it was bad enough that Gemini, Scar, Mumbo, Impulse, and Pearl were involved now. Grian isn’t sure if he could live with himself if he let more of his friends get hurt because of this. 

“Just remember, ambush them. Aim for the one with the mask. Don’t stop until he’s dead.” Grian reminded them, voice serious as he spoke. “It’ll keep them on guard, and I’m sure that the king won't want to lose his last life before he can get to the crystals. He’ll stay where it’s safe. And this is a good distance from our village, so we too will be safe until this other ship comes.” The other two nodded. 

A Few Hours Later. . .

The small group they had for this attack was read, hiding in the forests as they watched the unloading below. The foreign ship had no idea they were being watched, though Grian had a feeling the young avian knew something was going on, his blue eyes turning to slits every time he turned to the woods before them. “That teen, he seems very alert.” Scar examines, looking at the blond that at the moment had his back turned to them. 
“Yeah, I know.” Grian responded. “But we still need to do this. You heard Egg, if we can kill him even once survival is almost guaranteed.” Mumbo walked over to Grian’s side, looking down to where his two other friends were looking. 
“If we attack now, we might be able to get him. We’d have to air right at him though, and that's the tricky part. He brought a lot of soldiers, and seems they are all skilled ones too.” The others hummed in agreement. This king definitely came prepared. 
“Ok, we need to attack now, while they are distracted with unloading the ship.” Impulse suggested, grabbing the bow he had tightly. “We can send the sword users out first, and get them thinking it’s only a minor attack. And then rain arrows on them, and aim for the king.” It seemed like a logical plan, a plan the rest of the friends liked. 
“I agree, it sounds like it could work!” Pearl said, her own bow being held tightly to her chest. Gemini, who was holding a sword nodded, green eyes clouded, she was probably nervous. 
“Ok, so everyone agrees with this plan?” The group nodded, all looking determined. “Ok, then let’s get into position.” 

+ + +

Tommy sat another crate down, Callahan helping me. Connor, another soldier on this mission, walked over towards them. He was a hedge hog hybrid, with spiky blue quills mixed in with his brown hair. He was a very fun person to talk to. “I think there is a few left in the lower deck, we can grab those and start setting up a camp.” George yelled from where he stood next to Dream. His brother was making his way to him, and like usual a nervous feeling filled him. 
“Tommy, Let’s go and start unpacking.” The blond nodded, following the older slowly. Why did he feel so nervous around his brother? It still didn’t make sense to him. Tommy was about to open his mouth to ask a question, when suddenly one of the soldiers started yelling. It got both of the brothers attention, their heads turning over to see their camp being attacked. Dream’s eyes widened, pulling his sword out hurriedly. Tommy followed suit pulling his own sword out, but the king stopped him, placing his hand on top of his own forcing the avian to sheath his sword. Tommy’s confused blue eyes met Dreams' scared green ones. 
“I want you to go and hide-” Tommy was quick to jerk out of his brother's hold, eyes once confused now hurt and angry. 
“No! I’m joining the fight at your side whether I have permission or not!” His wings flared open in an angry manner. “I hate being useless! You’ve been training me for years for something like this, yet you never let me fight!” Dream stood for a moment, eyes looking into the younger's own before he finally gave in. 
“Don’t leave my side.” Dream smiled, as much as you could in a situation like this, and ruffled his brother's hair. Tommy, as usual, ducked away from the hand and smiled in relief that his brother would let him help. Finally, Tommy’s sword was unsheathed, being shown in all it’s netherite glory. Both Dream and the young avain rushed into the battle, clashing swords with the enemies, and slicing at the ones they could get. It was adrenaline filling, being able to fight in a real battle other than fighting Dream or a dummy. He could feel the swords clash with him, he could meet eyes with an enemy and not have to worry about hurting them, because the whole point was to do just that. 

Dream was at his side, fighting off as many as they could as well. In the chaos though, Tommy could have sworn he saw a winged male, slashing at their own soldiers. Tommy was almost fascinated by it, wanting to see another avian driving him to look for the other again. But his focus was broken by the shouts of ‘incoming’ from some of the soldiers. Arrows were falling onto them from the forest, freaking the blond prince out. He flung his wings open, covering his front from the arrow attacks. Some were lit on fire, and some were not. But it all started havoc within the Dreamer kingdom's souls. It made sense why he was wary of the forest now, they were being atched.  

His eyes turned into slits, letting him get a better look at the forest, finally seeing the people above with bows shooting down at them. Fire surrounded the teen, himself looking at the chaos in fear. Why did it seem familiar? It didn’t make sense. “Tommy! We need to get out of here!” It was Connor, the male grabbing onto his stiff arm in desperation. “Dream thinks it's getting too dangerous out here for you, we need to go!”  That’s when it hit him. 

“The Antarctic kingdom is attacking, king Dream instructed me to get you out of here while he tries to fight them off!” Tommy felt shocked, shaking himself out of Tubbo’s grip and ready to track his brother down. “Hey! What do you think you're doing?” Tommy looked back at him with fiery eyes. 

“I’m going to help my brother!” 

“Yes, he’s my brother, brute.” The man before him seemed to not like the nickname, pressing the sword even closer to the goats neck, now drawing blood. 

“You're coming with me.” Tommy laughed at that, his blue eyes turning into slits. 

“Like hell I am, bitch.” The other growled. 

“You are if you value your friend, brother of Dream.” Tommy looked at Tubbo, who now was shaking, tears climbing down his pale face. Tommy’s heart shattered. Tubbo only had two lives left, sacrificing one for Dream during a battle. Tommy’s fists tightened, wings shaking in anger. 


“He did not kidnap me! He told me he grew up with me! Had to raise me once our parents died! He’s been there for me and he is my brother! He’d never lie to me!” A man with fluffy brown hair rolled his eyes at the teen, The pinkette giving an obvious not convinced look. This angered the avian further. 

“You.” The avian looked back to the blond, seeing his eyes watering. “Your Theseus, that's what I named you.” Tommy was utterly confused, staring at the blond man like he was crazy. 

“KING DREAM!” Tommy snapped out of whatever he was in, head snapping over towards the yelling to see the enemy avian above his dead brother. His blue eyes widened, and he screamed. 

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