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One Day Later. . .

Kristian stared into the orb happily, a huge smile on her face. XD sat next to her, green eyes darkened as he watched. “It’s all coming together! XD! I told you this universe wasn’t a lost cause!” The other god huffed. 
“Don’t speak too soon, Kristian.” He growled, looking over towards Foolish and Egg who two stared into the orb. “Egg, go down to give Quackity his ability.” He grumbled. Egg whipped their head up, eye wide at the order. 
“What? It’s too early to do something like that! He still needs to practice with his avian ability!” They spoke. 

“We don’t have time for this! They need all the help they can get at the moment! Don’t argue and follow my orders!” XD was getting impatient. Foolish stayed quiet, looking from one god to another as they argued. Kristian eventually intervened after a few more back and forths. 

“Please, let's try and stay civil. We have almost made it to the end.” She pleaded. “I’m sure Quackity can handle having his other ability by now, Egg.” Egg crossed their arms, looking pissed. 

“He still needs to learn how to control his avian ability, his royal ability will be given to him when I see fit!” Kristia frowned, looking over towards XD who was fuming. Foolish shrunk into himself, knowing the three gods were about to have a fight. Why can’t the three of them get along? The new god was getting sick of this. 

“Please! Can we just talk this out like normal beings?!” Foolish yelled over their voices. All three looked over towards him, who shrunk in more. “It’s always yelling, yelling isn’t going to get us anywhere! We have a world on the brink of destruction, and a crazy demon on the loose! Please, we don’t have time for shenanigans like these!” He pleaded. Kristian’s face softened, understanding what the other god meant. She curled around, embracing the other into a reassuring hug. Xd himself felt bad, it was rare for Foolish to speak up like this. Egg, too, looked away guilty. 

“It’s ok dear, we’re done yelling.” The goddess glared towards the other two, who quickly nodded at the others words. “Now, let's figure out what to do.” 

+ + +

Tommy walked onto the huge boat cautiously, he never did like boats since he was little. Dream used to try and take Tommy onto boats all the time when he was younger. He would just cry, begging to be let off. Eventually, Dream just gave up and let the young prince stay on land. But now that he was older, the avian should be able to handle something like this. But, the avian was still scared. His blue eyes were in slits, the blue hues watching the water below with a terrified expression. Dream came over, gently placing his hand onto Tommy’s shoulder. “I know the boat, let alone the ocean, is scary. But we need to cross it to get to the other side.” The blond slowly nodded, moving away from the outskirts of the boat. 
“Yeah, I know. I just hate this.” Tommy admits. Dream smiles, squeezing the younger shoulder in a reassuring way before letting go. 
“Well, maybe being below deck may help?” Dream suggested, grabbing a few of their bags as they started walking towards the lower decks. Tommy slowlynodded, a smile forming on his lips. 
“C’mon then, Toms.” Tommy slowly stops, smile leaving his face as a fuzzy memory formed in his brain. 
“...I wish I had been there to save you that night. But I can’t go back and change it. As much as I wish I could, I can’t. But I won't let anything else happen to you, I won’t let Dream use you again, ok?” A blond male sat before him, blue eyes caring and sincere. It was a sweet memory, Tommy feeling safe as he heard the males words. But one thing stuck out, ‘I won't let Dream use you again’. He looked over towards his brother, who was sitting holding the below deck door open waiting for the other. Tommy smiled, the memory in the back of his head as he walked. He wasn’t sure if he should tell Dream or not yet. 
“To Hermitcraft we go.” Dream chuckles, letting Tommy walk in first before closing the door behind them. 
“Hermitcraft we come.” Tommy repeated, himself excited to go to another continent. A continent they had no information on too, new discoveries were sure to pop up on this continent. 

+ + +

Quackity hummed, happily smiling as he messed with his voice. Phil sat before the other, listening and helping him where he needed it. Technoblade sat somewhere close by, watching as he sharpened his axe for the trip. “I like this ability!” Quackity chirped, wings fluttering as he messed with the pitch of his voice. 
“Definitely better than yesterday.” Philza chuckled. “If you keep practicing, maybe you won't have to think about the pitch you want too much.” The king said. Quackity’s eye sparkled at the idea. 
“I can do better.” Techno chuckled, obviously poking at his rival. Quackity frowned, looking at the other with an angry expression. 
‘I can do better’ shut the fuck up Techno.”  Both Technoblade and Philza looked at the other, shock flooding their faces. Quackity was confused, looking at both of them. “What?” 
“Repeat that?” Philza asked. Quackity paused, blinking before slowly repeating what he said. 
‘I can do bet-' ” He stopped, himself shocked. His voice sounded like Techno’s. “Whoa, wait…” 
“How’d you do that?” Technobalde asked, setting his axe down to get up and walk over to the other two. 
“I-I don’t know! I was just mocking you, and I guess it changed?” The blackette said, trying to make sense of what happened. He knew he could change the pitch of his voice, along with the volume, but also change his voice to others' own? That seemed too powerful of a skill. 
“Try copying my own, Quackity.” Philza said. Quackity paused again, looking at the blond as he thought. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak. 
Hi, I am king Philza.” Quackity blinked, looking awestruck. Phil smiled, looking over to his son who looked impressed. 
“Quackity, you just got a whole lot more interesting.” The pinkette laughed. 
“Seems we have a bit more to practice now.” Philza smiled. Quackity returned the expression, himself feeling proud. 

“I can’t believe you didn’t think about traveling on horses.” Eret sighed. They were on their way to the Antarctic kingdom. They had to find a baby carrier for Fundy, who was now sleeping against his fathers chest. 
“To be fair, we were in a hurry.” The group went silent after this. It seemed awkward to talk at a time like this. All Wilbur knew is that he was successful in his mission and was on his way home. Hopefully, his son Fundy wouldn’t need to be raised in the world he was raised  in. Wilbur just hopes that after this, that peace will be brought into the lands, that healing may start, and that he can finally bond with his little brother. 
“Let’s hope we can end this madness.” Wil mutters, but still gets the attention of Niki and Purpled who rode next to him. It wasn’t just him hoping that this nightmare ends, they all did. 

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