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In The Morning. . .

Tommy laid on the deck floor staring up at the blue sky, mind clouded as he tried to figure out who the mysterious man was. His gray wings were spread out too, many of the soldiers having to step around them to avoid hurting the young prince. Dream watched in amusement from the quarterdeck, a less enthusiastic George next to him. Tommy sighed, finally closing his eyes. He wondered if these were memories from his kidnap, Dream had mentioned he had hit his head on their escape, making him forget mostly everything from his time there. Though he could remember himself telling Dream he hated him, and the pained look that had brought his older brother. Now, very blurry memories were coming to him. He didn’t understand what was happening in a few of them, but some were less blurry than others. But some of their voices were familiar, like Tubbo’s. 

If Tubbo was still a prisoner, how come he was in so many of these memories? They didn’t seem like they were sharing a cell and seemed to have a full range of the Antarctic castle. It didn’t add up for the blond. Or how voices that he swore he never heard before, seem so comforting. “Um… Prince Tommy?” The blond opened his eyes slowly at the new voice, seeing a young adult standing next to him with a concerned look. He had antlers, but also looked as if he was a hedgehog hybrid as well. Tommy tilted his head at the sight, the man's hair was blue, brown eyes soft as he looked down at him. 

“You’re strange-looking.” The prince blurted out, eyes widening once he realized he said that out loud. Though, the soldier only smiled. 

“I get that alot.” He says. Tommy let out a relieved sigh that this man didn’t take it too seriously. “Now, why do you look so… worried?” Tommy didn’t say anything for a long time before just shrugging. Finally, the prince lifted himself off of the ground, wings folding onto his back. 

“I’m not sure.” Tommy mumbles, facing the soldier and crossing his arms. “What’s your name?” The hybrid smiled. 

“Callahan.” Tommy smiled at the name. 

“Nice to meet you, Callahan. Are you new?” The older shook his head now, smiling even more. 

“No, I’ve been in service for a few years now.” Tommy’s never seen this knight around, but he would have to take his word for it. In Callahan’s defense, Tommy never paid much attention to guards other than Quackity, Sam, George, and Tubbo. 

“Well, it was nice to meet you.” Tommy says, making his way to the quarterdeck where Dream and George were with a few of the other soldiers. 

+ + +

Gemi tapped her foot against the ground in an impatient way, staring out Pearl’s window with a worried look. The Boatem village was very small, most of the area open where children ran around and played. But now, the air seemed tense in the small village, most people staying inside due to it. Gemi had her arms crossed, green eyes watching with worry and curiosity. It’s been weeks since Grian’s strange behavior, and the deer hybrid had a feeling this tense feeling had something to do with the avian. Pearl stood next to her, holding a more saddened expression. “What is it, Gemini?”The brownette next to her asked, looking over with scared brown eyes. Gemi looked over too, frowning softly. 

“Well, I have a feeling something big is going to happen. We should probably confront Grian about it, it’s about time he tells us what’s going on with him.” She said, looking over towards her friend who looked less convinced. 

“He’s just stressed, maybe the business isn’t going to good?” Gemini hummed, eyes cascading down but still fixed on her original thought. 

“No, there is more to it than just that.” The other hummed quietly to themselves, walking further into her friend’s house. Pearl followed silently, watching the gears turn in the other's head. “He’s been acting weird, and now the weird tension that's surrounding the village? It doesn’t make sense to me.” 

“Ok, putting it like that sounds suspicious.” Pearl said, running in front of the slightly smaller female. “Don’t accuse Grian of having something to do with all of this without some proof!” Gem’s eyes narrowed. 

“Fine, then I will get you proof.” Gemini declared, making her way to her friend’s front door. Pearl paled at this, quickly running after the other. 
“No Gemi, that's not what I meant!” The deer hybrid didn’t listen to the other female’s reasoning, charging towards the avian’s house. Gem knocked on the male’s door, Pearl finally giving up and standing behind the deer hybrid. Gemini crossed her arms, waiting for the other to answer. There was a bit of quiet yelling on the other side, making the other two raise their brows. Gem turned to the other, giving a very obvious ‘I knew it’ look. Finally the door creaked open, but opened just enough for the avian to stick his  head out. He looked nervous, as if he was hiding something. 

“Oh! Gemini and Pearl! Hello, what brings you here?” His laugh seemed strained making both girls look at one another again. 

“Grian… What are you hiding?” The male paled, attempting to shut the door but Gem stopped him, pushing it open slowly after. Pearl slipped into the house first, then Gemini. “Grian. We arn’t stupid. What’s going on?” The avian fidgeted in his spot, wings fluttering and himself trying to avoid looking at the two. 

“Nothings going on, what makes you think something is going on?” His voice was high pitched, himself going into defensive mode. Pearl finally crossed her arms, finally understanding that they needed to get this man to talk. 

“We heard another person in here, Grian. Where are they and why are you hiding them?” Pearl asked. Grian was cornered, and he knew he wasn’t going to get out of it by the very defeated sigh that left his lungs. 

“Fine, please can we get some of the others here before I explain anything though?” The other two nodded, making their way out to get more of their friends. Grian had a lot to explain to the group, and he knew it. 

+ + +

Technoblade had noticed how distant his brother seemed. If he was somewhere, Wilbur was quick to leave. If Techno tried to talk to him, Wilbur would only give vague answers and leave. If Technoblade asked to spar, Wilbur would hurriedly say no and leave. Wilbur loved sparing with him, the thrill of maybe beating him always drove the younger to do it. So now the pig hybrid knew something was up. So, While Wilbur was taking care of Fundy he decided to ambush him, because he wasn't going to leave his son there and try to leave. So, now here the older brother sat in front of a very quiet Wilbur who was changing Fundy’s clothes for his afternoon nap. “Wilbur.” His blue eyes hardened when he noticed the flinch the younger prince provided. His fists tightened. 

“Yes, Techo?” His voice was quiet but bland at the same time. 

“Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?” Wilbur’s brows narrowed at Technoblade’s words. 

“I thought you would be happy I was avoiding you.” Techno slowly lost his anger, now confused. “I’m just a screw up right? You can’t believe you're related to someone like me.” finally it hit him, the day he lashed out during training. He knew he had said some hurtful words, ones he wanted to take back as soon as they left his mouth. And now he was getting payback for what he did. 

“Wil-” He noticed Wilbur’s glassy eyes when they finally met each other's gaze. 

“It’s not like I wanted this to happen, Technoblade. It’s not like I knew it would happen. I know I need to take responsibility, and I have. It’s been eating me alive since that night.” The prince sounded choked up as he spoke. It didn’t take too long for the other to start talking again though. “I can’t take much more grief, Techno.” Wilbur finally let his tears fly. “I can’t take losing another person I love again, Technoblade. I might break, I might just crumble to nothing.” The pinkette looked down towards his hands. “It’s been hard, Technoblade. I have to act like I’m fine for my son and my country after losing my wife, and now I have to act strong while knowing it’s my fault my little brother is with some psycho, probably so confused and scared! I know I’m a screw up, Techo. I didn’t need you to remind me.” 

Before the other could say anything, Wilbur stood up holding a babbling fundy who was reaching up towards the crying Wilbur. Wil smiled softly, holding the other close before making his way towards his and Fundy’s hammock. Technoblade sat, blue eyes clouded as he thought of the others words. Yeah, He definitely knew he screwed up this time. 

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