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Ranboo shot an arrow at another target, smiling at the bullseye in success. Eret, who stood next to him, gave a proud smile themselves. “You’re really good with that bow.” The king says, looking towards the other. 
“Thank you.” He says. Karl, who was on the enderman’s other side, smiled brightly as he aimed his own bow at the target next to Ranboo’s own. 
“The bow is fun, I’ll admit.” Karl says, letting the arrow go as he talked. It too was a bullseye. 
“The bow is a very old weapon, one that was around before tridents, and even swords at a time.” Eret says, pulling their own arrow back as they aimed. “It was mandatory. I learned it when I was still a prince.” He let it go, watching as they too got a bullseye. “I never complained though, ax’s were impractical in my opinion, and swords were fun, but the bow always called my name.” 
“Ranboo!” Said male looked behind himself, seeing Tubbo making his way across the field to them. “Ranboo! Come hang out with me!” He says, finally skidding to a stop in front of the other hybrid. 

“Tubbo? Weren’t you training with Technoblade at the ax field?” The goat hybrid frowned, grabbing the tallers free hand to drag him away. Eret and Karl were surprised, smiling fondly as the ender hybrid stumbled to keep balance. 

“This reminds me of when I was young, still just dating Sapnap and Quackity.” Eret chuckled, setting his bow down. 

+ + +

Tubbo dragged the other away, a smile taking over his face. Technoblade had let him leave so the other could train by himself. He hurried all the way to Ranboo once he took his armor off. Now, Tubbo was dragging the tall ender hybrid into the woods to explore. It was one of his favorite things to do, explore new things.

Every time he could, he’d explore around the castle, sometimes Tommy coming along if he didn’t have homework or it was one of his free days. Tubbo missed Tommy, he couldn’t wait to get the other back. Then all three of them could explore, but knowing Tommy he’ll start his royal rule over the Dreamer kingdom, even if it was his evil brother’s home. Tubbo would serve under Tommy anyways, and he knew Ranboo would too. 

Walking through the forest was relaxing, letting both forget about the pending war that would occur soon. “Ranboo?” Tubbo asked, his grip on the other’s hand tightening. 

“Yes, Tubbo?” His voice was soft, as if the other could pick up on his distress. 

“I- What if we don’t get Tommy back?” His voice was small as he spoke. But even if he wanted to deny it, it was always a possibility that they would never get the blond back. “What if he hates us after we kill Dream?” Ranboo was quiet as he climbed onto a log, the goat hybrid following suit. 

“I don’t think he’ll hate us when we do. He was helping with the plan when we first wanted to kill him.” He says, sadly smiling. Tubbo sighs, looking at the army of trees before them, his grip on the other’s hand slightly loosening, but Ranboo squeezed his hand, pulling the other closer to him as he smiled. “And, if he does hate us, then we still have each other. We can’t blame him fully, dream raised him, taught him everything he knows. No matter who kills him, it’ll hurt. We’ll just have to be there for him.” Tubbo nodded, letting himself lean into Ranboo, who wrapped his arm around him. 

“Thank you, Ranboo.” The ender hybrid looked down, smiling brighter. 

“Anything for you, Tubbo.” 

+ + +

Philza sat at Quackity’s bed, blue eyes looking out the window in the room as he waited for the other avian to waken. “You know, your youngest son might hate you after this battle.” Grian said as he walked into the room, setting down two plates for the unconscious avain, and Phil. 

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